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L i n k y Z a k y a E m i r a

To present eASY as an eminent semi-

organization which main purpose is to
spread influence and develop English
skills of all eASY members and
SMANSA students.
To create an environment To maximize the existing
and a safe space for the work programs and
members to speak English innovate to keep them
then learn and improve relevant and up-to-date.
together as a unity.
To preserve the connection To build cooperation and
and carry on the strong teamwork with other
bond with both eASY’s organizations, semi-
members and alumni by organizations, and
maintaining good extracurriculars in
communication. SMANSA.
Mobilize, mobilize
This is eASY’s devoted member here!
She’s on her way now, over!

If you need someone creative who’ll climb up to the top

With me we all can achieve more together reach the clouds
Hard-working, good listener
Not to mention she is brave and punctual too
Linky, Linky, Linky, hey, Linky hey, Linky hey
Linky, Linky, Linky hey, Linky main-comm

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