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Lecturer: Zeenatullah “ Sail “

What is Writing ?
• Writing is the productive skill of a
language in which we put our ideas and
thoughts as a written portion on the

• Writing is the productive skill of a

language that enhances the written
portion of a particular language.
Kinds of Writing
 Generally, writing has five kinds.

1. Creative Writing ( Poems, plays, Stories)

2. Expressive Writing ( Descriptions like picture)

3. Expository Writing ( Comparison, Argument with Exp )
4. Journalism Writing ( News stories )
5. Technical/Business Writing ( Memos, letters,
Reports, resumes etc…. )
What are the factors of effective

Writing Factors

Sufficient Ample concept

Specific logic
vocabulary and over grammar Enough general
about the central
the usage of and structures Knowledge
vocabulary usage
The Organization of writing
 For the organization of writing we should learn the
following terms.

1. Letter
2. Word
3. Sentence
4. Paragraph
Letter is taken from Latin word Litera which means
1. The smallest unit of a language is called letter.

2. The minimal sign or symbol of a language is

called letter.
3. A written or printed sign which produces sound is
called letter

Exp. A, B, C, D etc…..
The group of letters which has special
meaning is called word.
Exp. Nice, Learn, study etc………

We use Letters to form words.

B + o + o + k = Book
S + t + a + r = Star
 The group of words which gives complete
meaning is called sentence.

Exp. He goes to school.

 We use words to form sentences.

She + plays + football. = She plays football.

Components of a sentence
 A sentence has three important components.
1. Subject
2. Verb
3. Object/Complement
Exp. I clean the board.

I = Subject
Clean = Verb
The board = Object/Complement
The doer of an action is called subject.
Exp. Ahmad washes the dishes.

Subject is something, some person,

someplace and an idea about which we talk.

Exp. Afghanistan has thirty four provinces.

Exp. Education is good for every one.
Verb is a word which shows an action, state
and sometimes existence.
Exp. He will study English Tonight. ( Action )
Exp. He is a boy. ( State )
Exp. He is in the class. ( Existence )
The receiver of an action is called object.
Exp. I read the newspaper. ( Newspaper )
Complement is the rest part of the sentence
which completes the sentence.
Exp. I go to Peshawar every month.

What is the difference between object

and complement?
Every object can be a complement, but every
complement can not be an object.
Exp. Ali cleans the board. ( Object = Complement )
Exp. We are at home. ( Complement, but not object )
 Paragraph is composed of two words.
1. ( Para ) Which means writing.
2. ( Graph ) Which means skeleton, design, or
Paragraph is a group of related sentences which
develop one main idea.

Model of Paragraph
Strawberries are a delicious kind of fruit. They are small and red.
They are sweet and juicy. I have strawberries in my garden every
summer. I love to eat them.
What does a paragraph look like?
There are three points about writing a paragraph.
1. The first sentence of a paragraph should be
2. The second sentence should follow the first
sentence on the same line. It does not go on a
new line.
3. Skip lines you should skip one line after each line.

Model of Paragraph
Strawberries are a delicious kind of fruit. They are small and
red. They are sweet and juicy. I have strawberries in my garden
every summer. I love to eat them.
Parts or Sentences of a paragraph
Paragraph has three kinds of sentences.

1. Topic sentences.
2. Supporting sentences or body sentences.
3. Concluding sentences.
Topic Sentences
 A topic sentence comes at the beginning of
a paragraph.
 The topic sentence gives the writer’s main

 A good topic sentence helps the reader

understand the paragraph.

 Topic sentence is the first sentence of a

Parts of Topic Sentence
 A topic sentence has two parts.
1. Topic ( What the paragraph is about ).
2. Controlling idea ( what the writer is going to
focus on in the paragraph ).

Exp. Mahmood is a kind father.

This is a topic sentence. ( Mahmood ) is the topic and (

Kind father ) is the controlling idea in this topic
Supporting Sentences
 The sentences that follow a topic sentence is
called supporting sentences.
 Supporting sentences support the topic sentence
such like the legs of table support the tabletop.
 Supporting sentences are also called body of the
paragraph because they form the body of a
 Supporting sentences show why the controlling
idea in topic sentence is true because they prove
the controlling idea.
Concluding Sentences
 Concluding means finishing or completing.
 A concluding sentence marks the end of the

writer’s comments on the topic.

 Sometimes a concluding sentence repeat

words from the topic sentence, to bring the

reader back to the main idea.
 Sometimes the writer ends the paragraph

with a personal comment about the topic.

A Model of a paragraph
When I take a trip, I prefer to go by train. The Seats on the
train are very comfortable. I like the big windows on the train. I
enjoy looking out at the views, especially in the suburbs. I also can
stand up and walk around on a train when I want to. These are just
a few of the reasons why I like traveling by train

The above paragraph has all the three kinds of

sentences in a paragraph. The blue sentence is
the topic sentence, the black sentences are the
supporting sentences and the green sentence is
the concluding sentence.
Kinds of Paragraph
 Paragraph has four kinds.

1. Descriptive Paragraph
2. Narrative Paragraph
3. Expository Paragraph
4. Persuasive Paragraph
Descriptive Paragraph
 Descriptive paragraph is the paragraph in
which we describe some person, some place
and something as a picture in reader’s mind.
 The purpose of descriptive paragraph is to

paint a picture with the help of words in the

reader’s mind. The reader should be able to
see the person, place or thing that you are
describing in his or her mind.
Narrative Paragraph
 Narrate means to tell a story.
 Narrative paragraph tells a story about

something that happened in the past.

 Time order words are used in narrative

 Time order words are First, At first, Second,

Third, Next, Then, After that, and Finally.

Expository Paragraph
 Expose means to introduce or to explain.
 Expository paragraph is the paragraph in

which we introduce or explain something by

giving examples to the reader.
 In expository paragraph we use the words

such as ( For example, for instance etc….)

Persuasive Paragraph
 Persuasive means to persuade someone to do
 Persuasive paragraph is the paragraph in

which we persuade the reader to do

something or in which we persuade the
reader to read the remain parts of paragraph.
 In persuasive paragraph supporting

sentences are persuading the reader to the

topic and controlling idea of the topic.

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