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- Desi Rizky Aulia
- Maria Oktafiani
- Nadiroh Rahmawati
- Safitri Andini
- Tria Halisa
- Wahyu Lestari
Conditional Sentence
Conditional sentence is a form of English
sentence to express presuppositions.
(Bentuk kalimat bahasa Inggris untuk
menyatakan pengandaian).

The goal is to assume something that has

happened or will happen.
(Tujuannya untuk mengandaikan sesuatu hal
yang telah terjadi)
 Type I : Future Hypothetical
Is a predictions about what will happen in the
future using simple present.
(Adalah prediksi tentang apa yang akan terjadi
dimasa depan memakai simple present)

Rumus ; If + S + be/verb1+O , S + will/be

going to + base form + O
Example (Type I)
1. If we study hard, we will be successfull to
get into our dream universitas.

2. If tomorrow does not rain, I am not going to

use my car.
 Type II : Hypothetical
Is a supposition where the situation is only
imagination and not real, using simple past.
(Pengandaian yang mana situasinya hanya
imajinasi dan bukan nyata, menggunakan simple

Rumus : If + S + Were/V2 + O, S + Would +

base verb + O
Example (Type II)
1. If you were to the doctor, you would
get well

2. If Rena smarted, she would have

 Type III : Past Hypothetical
Is a supposition in the past and it is impossible to
happen because it has passed, using past perfect.
(Pengandaian di masa lalu dan tidak mungkin
bisa terjadi karena sudah berlalu, menggunakan
past perfect)

Rumus : If + S + had + past participle + O, S

+ would + have + past participle + O
Example (Type III)
1. If I had met you earliner, I would have
chosen you as my lover.

2. If we had known that the product was fake,

we would not have bought it.

Any Question?

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