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What is Simpson's 3/8 rule formula?

The Approximate Int(f(x), x = a.. b, method = simpson’s [3/8],

opts) command approximates the integral of f(x) from a to b by
using Simpson's 3/8 rule. This rule is also known as Newton's 3/8
rule. The first two arguments (function expression and range) can
be replaced by a definite integral.
Simpson's 1/3 Rule

Simpson's 1/3rd rule is an extension of the

trapezoidal rule in which the integrand is approximated
by a second-order polynomial. e derived from the various
way using Newton's divided difference polynomial,
Lagrange polynomial and the method of coefficients.
Is Simpson's rule the most accurate?

Simpson's rule is a method of numerical integration which

is a good deal more accurate than the Trapezoidal rule,
and should always be used before you try anything fancier.
What is H in Simpson's rule?

Simpson's Rule is a numerical method for approximating the

integral of a function between two limits, a and b. It's based on
knowing the area under a parabola, or a plane curve. In this rule, N is
an even number and h = (b - a) / N. The y values are the function
evaluated at equally spaced x values between a and b.
Why does Simpson's rule work?

Its strength is that, although rectangles and

trapezoids work better for linear functions, Simpson's
Rule works quite well on curves. Simpson's Rule is
based on the fact that given any three points, you can
find the equation of a quadratic through those points.
Is Simpson's rule more accurate than midpoint?

Why midpoint rule turns out more accurate than

Simpson's rule when doing riemann sum approximation
on Fortran. ... And I find it out that with the same number of
subintervals midpoint rule approximation seems more
accurate than Simpson's rule approximation, which is
really weird
Why is midpoint sum more accurate?

The midpoint Riemann sums is an attempt to balance

these two extremes, so generally it is more accurate. The
Mean Value Theorem for Integrals guarantees (for
appropriate functions f) that a point c exists in [a,b] such
that the area under the curve is equal to the area
In mathematics, a Riemann sum is a certain kind of
approximation of an integral by a finite sum. It is named
after nineteenth century German mathematician Bernhard
Riemann. One very common application is approximating
the area of functions or lines on a graph, but also the length
of curves and other approximations.
How do you find a midpoint?

When given the end points of a line segment, you

can find out its midpoint by using the midpoint formula. As
the name might have already suggested, midpoint is
basically the halfway between two end points. All you need
to do is dividing the sum of x-values and the sum of y-values
by 2.
How do you find a point if you have the midpoint and
another point?

The shortest distance between two points is the length of a so-

called geodesic between the points. ... In the case of the sphere, the
geodesic is a segment of a great circle containing the two points.
What is the distance between two points called?

The shortest distance between two points is the length of a so-

called geodesic between the points. ... In the case of the sphere,
the geodesic is a segment of a great circle containing the two
What is the difference between Simpson rule and trapezoidal

The midpoint rule approximates the definite integral using

rectangular regions whereas the trapezoidal rule approximates the
definite integral using trapezoidal approximations. Simpson's
rule approximates the definite integral by first approximating the
original function using piecewise quadratic functions.
Why Simpsons is better than trapezoidal
In the case of quadratic functions, the Simpsons method gave
the best approximation and the Trapezoidal provided the worst.
Next, for the trigonometric functions, the Simpsons gave the most
accurate approximation while the Trapezoidal gave the least
accurate approximation.
Whereas the main advantage of the Trapezoid rule is its rather easy
conceptualization and derivation, Simpson's rule 2 Page 3
approximations usually achieve a given level of accuracy faster.
Moreover, the derivation of Simpson's rule is only marginally
more difficult.
Water-Plane Area Calcuations using Simpson's First Rule

Finding the area of a water plane is one of the important topics that
you will learn in the ship stability course. You will be using
Simpson's Rules for finding areas under a curve for this purpose.
There are three different variations of this rule. We will review them
one by one.
Simpson's Rules use ordinates to calculate the waterplane area. The
rules also require that one side of the area we are trying to calculate
must be a straight line.
First of all let us recall that an ordinate is the y-coordinate of a point
which defines the vertical distance from a horizontal axis.
When calculating water plane areas, an ordinate is the vertical
distance between two points on the water plane, as shown in the
diagram below.
The midline will divide the ordinates in two equal parts. Hence the
ordinates on either side of the midline are refered to as half ordinates
or semi-ordinates.
The shape of the water plane is symmetrical about the midline,
therefore it will be sufficient to calculate the area of one half of
the shape and then double the answer to find the total area. The
midline satisfies the straight line boundary requirement of
Simpson's Rules.
The following steps are common for all three versions of Simpson's

1. Divide the water plane into two halves using the midline.
2. Choose one half to work with.
3. Sub-divide the chosen half into area strips or sections of equal
width, 'h'.
4. Based on the number of area sections and hence the number of half
ordinates, choose which version of Simpson's rules to apply.
5. In some cases you may have to combine two rules to calculate an
Simpson's rules are a set of rules used in ship stability and naval
architecture, to calculate the areas and volumes of irregular
figures. ... This is an application of Simpson's rule for finding
the values of an integral, here interpreted as the area under a
Simpson's rules are used to calculate the volume of lifeboats, and
by surveyors to calculate the volume of sludge in a ship's oil tanks.
For instance, in the latter, Simpson's 3rd rule is used to find the
volume between two co-ordinates. To calculate the entire area /
volume, Simpson's first rule is used.
Simpson's rules are used by a ship's officers to check that the area
under the ship's GZ curve complies with IMO stability criteria.
Simpson's 1st rule

Also known as the 1–4–1 rule (after the multipliers used ).


Simpson’s Rules are very popular among mariners and naval

architects because of their simplicity.
They may be used to calculate the area, volume and geometric
centre of the space enclosed by a
straight line and a curve.
Calculation of Areas

Equidistant points are chosen along the straight line, also called the
axis, and the distance between
them is called the common interval or 'hi. From each of these points,
the perpendicular distance to the
curve is measured off and called the ordinate or 'y'. Each ordinate is
multiplied by a different number
chosen from a series of numbers called Simpson's Multipliers and
the product is obtained. The area
contained between the axis, the curve and the end ordinates is
calculated by the formula:
Area = K x h (Sum of products )

Where K is a constant

There are three Simpson's Rules & for each, there are different

The value of the constant ‘K’ also is different for different rules.
If y and h are in meters, the area
obtained would be in square meters.
Simpson's First Rule

Area = h / 3 x ( Sum of products )

Here, k = 1 / 3 and Simpson's Multipliers are

and Simpson's Multipliers are

 1 4 1 if there are three ordinates,
 1 4 2 4 1 if there are five ordinates,
 1 4 2 4 2 4 1 if the ordinates are seven
 1 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 1 for nine ordinates,
 1 4 2 4 ………………… 2 4 1 for any further odd number
of ordinates.
This rule is usable wherever the number of ordinates chosen
is an odd number and
it gives accurate results if the curve is a parabola of the
second order (i.e., where the equation of the curve is y = ax²
+ bx + c, in which a, b and c are constants). This rule gives
good results for shipshapes and is hence used extensively by
shipyards. Illustration of this rule is as follows:
Ordinate (y) x Simpsons Multipluier = Product for Area

Sum of Products = 1a + 4b + 2c + 4d + 1e

Area = h / 3 x (1a + 4b + 2c + 4d + 1e
Let's try an example to better understand how to use this

Example 1: The length of a ship's water-plane area is 70 m.

The lengths of the equidistantly spaced half ordinates
commencing from forward are as follows: 0, 5.2, 6.4, 7.0,
6.0, 4.9, 0.3
Find the area of the water-plane.

First of all, we need to check if we can apply Simpson's First Rule

to calculate the area:
Number of ordinates = 7 and since 7 is an odd number, we can
use Simpson's First Rule to find the area of this water-plane.
Next, let us find the value of the common interval 'h' which can
be calculated by dividing the length of the water-plane (70m) by
the number of area sections (6):h= 70 m 6 =11.7 m
The following figure will help us visually represent the
0.m 5.2m 6.4m 7.0 m 6.0 4.9 m 0.3 m

Half-ordinates Simpson's Multiplier Area Function

(1) (2) (3)=(1)x(2)
0 1 0
5.2 4 20.8
6.4 2 12.8
7.0 4 28.0
6.0 2 12.0
4.9 4 19.6
0.3 1 0.3
(Total)  Σ 1

Table 5.1
As noted above, the Simpson's First Rule formula requires that we
multiply the half-ordinates by a series of constants called Simpson's
For 3 ordinates, the Simpson's Multipliers are 1, 4, 1.
For 5 ordinates, the Simpson's Multipliers are 1, 4, 2, 4, 1.
For 7 ordinates, the Simpson's Multipliers are 1, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 1.
For 9 ordinates, the Simpson's Multipliers are 1, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 1.
For 11 or more ordinates, the same pattern of multiplier values is
Table 5.1 shows the half-ordinate values and their corresponding
multipliers for this example.
For each half-ordinate, an Area Function is calculated by
multiplying the half-ordinate by its corresponding Simpson's
Multiplier. Then, a Total Area Function is calcuated by
summing the individual area functions. The Total Area
Function for this example is 93.23, as shown on Table 5.1
Finally, we apply the First Rule formula to calculate the area of half
of the water-plane, as bounded by the curve and the midline. Note
that in the calculation below we then multiply the formula by 2 in
order to obtain the entire water-plane area, since the area
caluculated using Simpson's First Rule is for one half of the ship's
water-plane area.

Area of the water-plane = 2× h 3 × Σ 1 =2× 11.7 m 3 ×93.23 

m=727.2   m 2
Simpson's Second Rule

Also known as the 1–3–3–1 rule, Simpson's second rule is a

simplified version of Simpson's 3/8 rule.
Simpson's Second Rule

Area = 3h / 3 x ( Sum of products )

Here, k = 1 / 8 and Simpson's Multipliers are

and Simpson's Multipliers are
 1 3 3 1 if there are four ordinates,
 1 3 3 2 3 3 1 if there are seven ordinates,
 1 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 1 if the ordinates are ten
This rule is This rule is usable wherever the number of ordinates
chosen is 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25,
i.e. (3n + 1)(. This rule gives accurate results if the curve is a
parabola of the third order (i.e., where
the equation of the curve is y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d, in which a, b , c
and d are constants).

Illustration of this rule is as follows:

Ordinate (y) x Simpsons Multipluier = Product for Area

Sum of Products = 1a + 3b + 3c + 2d + 3e + 3f +1g

Area = 3h / 3 x (1a + 3b + 3c + 2d + 3e + 3f + 1e
Simpson's 3rd rule

Also known as the 5–8–1 rule, Simpson's third rule is used to find
the area between two consecutive ordinates when three consecutive
ordinates are known.
This estimates the area in the left half of the figure for Simpson's 1st
Rule while using all three pieces of data.
Simpson's Third Rule

This rule is also called the five-eight-minus-one rule. If three

consecutive ordinates are known, the area between any two of
them can be calculated by this rule. Here k / 12 and SMs are 5,
8 and -1. The use of this rule may be illustrated as follows:

Area X = h / 12 x ( 5a + 8b - 1c )

Area y = h / 12 x ( 5c + 8b - 1a )

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