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Conditional Statements

•Recognize a conditional statement
•Write the converse, inverse, and
conditional statement
Recognizing Conditional Statements

Conditional Statements
If-Then Statements
If a number is divisible by both 2 and 3 then it is divisible by 6.


If a polygon has four sides then it is a quadrilateral.

If a number greater than two is even, then it is not prime.

Recognizing Conditional Statements

Example 1 State the hypothesis and

conclusion for each statement.
IF two angles are supplementary, THEN the
sum of their angles is 180 degrees.

IF you are 5 feet tall, THEN are also 60 inches

Recognizing Conditional Statements

Example 2 State the hypothesis and

conclusion for each statement.
IF two angles are adjacent, THEN they have
a common vertex.
Recognizing Conditional Statements
The CONVERSE of a conditional statement
is formed by interchanging the hypothesis
and conclusion. 

conditional statement
If x – y is positive then x > y .

If x > y then x – y is positive.
Recognizing Conditional Statements

1. IF two angles are adjacent, THEN they have a

common vertex.
CONVERSE - IF two angles have a common vertex,
THEN they are adjacent.
2. IF two angles are supplementary, THEN the sum
of their angles is 180 degrees.
CONVERSE - IF two angles have a sum of 180
degrees, THEN they are supplementary.
3. IF you are 5 feet tall, THEN are also 60 inches tall.
CONVERSE - IF you are 60 inches tall, THEN are
also 5 feet tall.

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