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Sources Transparent Light passes through

Form of energy
Some light passes
Burning candle Translucent
Travels in straight lines

Very fast Does not allow light to

Opaque pass through
Approx. 186,000 miles
per second
Through materials

s ha d Light cannot bend = only

ows travels in straight lines
g ht
Light hits surface of an object it
reflects away at same angle it A shadow is formed when
hits surface = angle of reflection light oases around opaque
Reflects well
Re into eyes Shadows formed = same shape as
fle object e.g. shadow puppets
c tio
n ces Scatters light into
rfa rough
Reflects into eye Su different directions
through pupil
ht Uses of r
Lig ef lection
in g
Travels to back
of eye Periscope

Converted to Signal sent to Can see

nerve signal the brain over walls
2 mirrors inside at
same angle

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