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The world tourism council estimates that travel and tourism provides
employment for more than 100 million world wide, and is responsible for over
7% of the world wide capital investment

• Tourism is often seen as a savior industry for many countries

•More often than not, tourism is recognized as the tool that can alleviate the economy of a

•The effects of tourism in the society are often seen only from the economic point of view

•When the negative effects of tourism are discussed, the most common response would be
likely inclined to the environment or social effects

•It is important for tourism players and stakeholders to understand and learn the
effects of tourism in order to avoid unnecessary measures that are detrimental
tot he whole community
Approaches to Tourism Development

Tourist arrivals as an indicator of success
Toursim income is dependent on three
The number of visitors
The amount of money they spend
The length of stay
Host-Tourist Interactions

• The quality and frequency of interaction between tourist and resident

contributes to tourists’ experience, perception of the visited destination, local
socio-cultural and environmental status, and acceptance and tolerance of tourists
by residents.
Impacts of Tourism
Key Perspective on Tourism Impacts

Impacts are multi-faceted

Tourism impacts can be categorized into three : economic, socio-cultural and


It can be positive (beneficial) or negative (detrimental)

The impacts also depends on the value and judgment of the observer

Economic Impacts

Socio-cultural Impacts

Environmental Impacts
Tourism and its Economic Impacts
Economic Impacts of Tourism

1. Inflation

1. Foreign exchange earnings 2. Opportunity costs

3. Dependency
2. Contribution to government revenues
4. Seasonability
3. Generation of employment
5. Leakage
4. Stimulation of infrastructure investment 6. Enclave tourism
5. Contribution to local economies 7. Seasonal character of jobs
8. Prostitution and the underground economy
Foreign exchange earning

Tourism expenditures, the export and import of related goods and services
generate income to the host economy.

Tourism is a main source of foreign exchange earnings for at least 38% of all
Contribution to government revenues

Government revenues from the tourist sector can be categorized as direct and
indirect contributions.

Direct contributions are generated by taxes on incomes from tourism

employment, tourism businesses and by direct charges on tourists such as ecotax
or departure taxes.

Indirect contributions deprive from taxes and duties on goods and services
supplied to tourists. Example - taxes on souvenirs, alcohol, restaurants, etc.
Employment generation

The rapid expansion of international tourism has led to significant employment


Tourism can generate jobs directly through hotels, restaurants, taxes, souvenir
sales and indirectly through the supply of goods and services needed by
tourism-related businesses.

According to the World Tourism Organization tourism supports some 7% of the

world’s employees
Simulation of Infrastructure Investment

Tourism can induce the local government to improve the infrastructure by

creating better water and sewage systems, roads, electricity, telephone, and
public transport networks.

All of this can improve the quality of life for residents as well as facilitate
Contribution to local economies

Money form tourism is earned through informal employment, such as street

vendors and informal guides.

The positive side of informal or unreported employment is that the money is

returned to the local economy and has a great multiplier effect as it is spent over
and over again
Tourism and its Socio-Cultural Impacts
Elements of Culture
Handicrafts Gastronomy

Language Art and Music

Tradition History

Local work Educational systems

Architecture Dress

Religion Leisure activities

Socio-cultural Impacts of Tourism

1. Preservation and restoration of culture 1. Loss of cultural character

2. Loss of authenticity and meaning of
2. Revival of traditional arts and crafts traditional arts and crafts
3. Cultivation of cultural pride and sense of 3. Commercialization of human relationship
4. Potential misunderstandings and conflicts
4. Cross-cultural exchange between residents and tourists
Preservation and restoration cultural
heritage tourism

Cultural preservation include documenting and studying languages; preserving

and restoring historic relics significant to a culture or heritage; and encouraging
the preservation and use of indigenous or tribal languages and rituals.
Revival of Traditional arts and Crafts

Art and craft is considered to be an integral part of the tourism business, since it
plays an important role as souvenirs and mementos, thereby spatially and
temporarily expanding the visitor experience. The findings confirm that art and
craft holds significant potential for bolstering the regional tourism economy
Cultivation of cultural pride and sense
of identity

Culture and heritage have been increasingly recognised as means of sustainable

social and economic development and an important element of tourist
Due to factors such as globalisation and the importance of cultural diversity and
identity creation in postmodern society, it is essential to place the recognizable
and unique cultural heritage and identity of destination in the centre of
contemporary touristic strategies.
Cross cultural exchange

Cross - cultural exchange was a fundamental part of the development of

societies. Through this form of exchange, societies were able to acquire
knowledge from one and other, ad upon doing so enrich their own cultures
through studying abroad
Tourism and its Environmental Impacts
Environmental Impacts of Tourism

1. Environmental awareness 1. Inappropriate development

2. Loss of natural habitat and effects on wildlife
2. Enhancement of local environment
3. Trampling causes disturbance to vegetation and soil
3. Protection and conservation of wildlife
4. Pollution
5. Overcrowding and traffic congestion
6. Activities affecting the natural environment

Tourism has the potential to increase

public appreciation of the environment
and to spread awareness of
environmental problems when it
brings people into closer contact with
nature and the environment
Enhancement of local environemts

Retain and increase visitor numbers by

improving the general amenity value of the
local environment

Example: El Nido Palawan

Enhancement of local environemts

Tourism acts as a force of

conservation as it offers an
alternative economic use

Example: In the Galapagos Islands,

Ecuador, for example, tourists cannot
set foot on the islands without being
accompanied by a trained guide and
must stay on established paths.
Environmental Impacts of Tourism

1. Environmental awareness 1. Inappropriate development

2. Loss of natural habitat and effects on wildlife
2. Enhancement of local environment
3. Trampling causes disturbance to vegetation and soil
3. Protection and conservation of wildlife
4. Pollution
5. Overcrowding and traffic congestion
6. Activities affecting the natural environment
Inappropriate development

Tourism development may be classed as inappropriate if it fails to be sensitive to the natural



1. COSTA DEL SOL - had undergone a powerful colonization of modern kind, it had robbed the
shore of its natural features, displaced headlands and harbors with badly made infrastructure

2. RESORTS IN PATTAYA - considered overdeveloped

3. RESORTS IN MACTAN - uses dolomite as artificial white sands

Loss of natural habitat and effects on
Development of facilities and subsequent tourist use may result in rapid or more
gradual effects on habitats


Mob of tourists blocks sea turtles from their nesting ground in Costa Rica. nstead of
allowing the turtles to complete their migration, the Green Prophet reports, the tourists
poured onto the beach, more interested in getting bikini selfies than watching nature at
its most magnificent.
Tourism-related companies realized that turning green
makes good business sense.

Installing water saving devices

Abolishing individually wrapped food items at the breakfast buffet

Using recycled papers and reusable bottles

Tourism-related companies realized that turning green
makes good business sense.

Decreasing automobile traffic in resorts, clinic and recreational zones by
constructing parking areas outside of the central areas and using electric

Example: Club Noah Isabelle, El Nido, Palawan, Boracay)

Tourism-related companies realized that turning green
makes good business sense.

Publication of brochure offering tips and information on species protection
and environmentally proper behavior to vacationers
Tourism-related companies realized that turning green
makes good business sense.

Use high capacity to reduce noise and emissions of pollutants and fuel
Tourism-related companies realized that turning green
makes good business sense.


Use of solar energy

Replacing regular light bulb for energy-saving bulbs

Promoting bicycles for inner city transport

Use of water rain

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