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Atoms, Ions, and Molecules

Grade 8
By :
Cipta Tri Asmoro
Look at the figure below!

The Atomium building in Belgium has an extraordinary design – it

was built to look like the ball and stick model of crystal of iron that
has been magnified 165 billion times. Each of the steel balls in the
model represents an iron atom.
You will learn to:
- explain what an atoms is.

What is an atom?
• You’ve learnt that Matter is made up of basic building
blocks called Elements.
• An Element is a substance that cannot be broken down
into simpler subtances by chemical methods.
• All Matter is made up of tiny particles. These particles
called Atom.

An Atom is the smallest particle of an Element which still has

its initial properties
You will learn to:
- compare the relative size of an atom to other

• Atoms cannot be seen with the naked eye.

• An atom has an average size of about 0,0000000001 m
or 1 x 10-10 m

1 x 10-2 1 x 10-3 1 x 10-5 1 x 10-6 1 x 10-7 1 x 10-10

(in m)

Thickness of A plant A red A A dust An

a pencil cell Blood bacterium particle atom
You will learn to:
- appreciate how models and symbols are used to
represent atoms.

Using circles

Smaller atom is sometimes represented with a

smaller circle than a bigger atom.

Hydrogen Oxygen Carbon Iron Gold

Using models

To show how atoms are arranged in substaces,

scientists use ball and stick model.
Using chemical symbols

• There are more than 100 different atoms, using

circles or models are not the most convenient ways
to represent them.
• Scientist usually use the chemical symbol of each
element to represent its atom.
☺ Quick Check ☺

1. What is an atom?
An atom is the smallest particle of an element

2. Write the chemical symbols for the following atoms:

Iron, silver, nitrogen, chlorine, phosphorus, oxygen, sulphur,
sodium, hydrogen, and magnesium?

Iron = Oxygen =
Silver = Sulphur =
Nitrogen= Sodium =
Chlorine = Hydrogen =
Phosphorus = Magnesium =
You will learn to:
Describe the part of atoms.
• Scientists have discovered that each atom is made up of even
smaller particles (sub-atomic particle).
• Three types of sub-atomic particles are proton, electrons, and

An atom has a positively charged nucleus,

densely concentrated in the centre.
The nucleus contains proton and neutrons,
which are tightly packed

Negatively charged electrons move

around the nucleus in fixed orbits or

An atom consist mostly of empty space.

Properties of sub-atomic particles

Sub-atomic particle Symbol Relative mass Relative charge

Proton p 1 +1
Neutron n 1 0
Electron e 1/1980 -1
History of Atom’s Invention
Proton [Atomic] Number and Atomic Mass

Keterangan :
X : symbol of element
A : atomic mass
Z : atomic number = the amount of protons = the amount of electrons
A – Z : the amount of neutron

Example :
Determine the atomic mass, atomic number, the amount of
proton, electron, and neutron from atomic Kalium?
39 Atomic mass = 39 Proton = 19

Ca Atomic number = 19 Electron = 19
Neutron = 39 – 19
= 20

1. Determine the atomic mass, atomic number, the amount of

proton, electron, and neutron from the elements below!
a. 7 b. 23 c. 59
Li Na Co
3 11 27

2. Complete the table below!

Amount Amount Amount

Atomic Atomic
No. Number Name of of of Mass Symbol
Protons electrons neutrons

1. 1 Hydrogen --- --- --- 1 ---

2. --- Nitrogen 7 --- 7 --- ---

3. 20 Calcium --- --- --- --- 40

4. --- Iron 26 --- --- 56 ---
Electron’s configuration (the arrangement of electrons in an atom)
According to the Bohr’s atom model, every atomic shell has a maximum capacity.
The maximum capacity in each shell shown by formula:
O (5) 2n2
M (3)
K (1) From the formula we can get that the maximum capacity :

Shell K = 2 Shell N = 32

Shell L = 8 Shell O = 50

L (2) Shell M = 18
N (4)

Example : Determine the electron configuration from Oxygen and Iron ?

26 Shell: K L M N 35 K L M N

O Oxygen : 2 6 - -
Cl Calcium : 2 8 7
An atom which have a positively or negatively charged.
Negatively charged called anion
Happened if : e- > p+
Example :
35 Chlor have 17 electrons. So that the electrons configurations of

Cl Chlor is 2 8 7.
Chlor will gained one electrons, and become negatively charged
because its electron became 18.

Positively charged called cation

Happened if : e- < p+
Example :

23 + Natrium have 11 electrons. So that the electrons configurations

of Natrium is 2 8 1.

Na Natrium will loses one electrons, and become positively charged
because its electron became 10.
Determine the atomic number, atomic mass, amount of protons,
neutrons and the amount of electrons from the atoms below!

9 2- 20 + 23 3+
5 15 18

Atomic number = 5 Atomic number = 15 Atomic number = 18

Atomic mass = 9 Atomic mass = 20 Atomic mass = 23

Amount of protons = 5 Amount of protons = 15 Amount of protons = 18
Amount of neutron = 9-5 = 4 Amount of neutron = 20 – 15 = 5 Amount of neutron = 23 – 18
= 5
Amount of electron= 5 – ( - 2) Amount of electron= 15 – (+1)
= 7 = 14 Amount of electron= 18 – (+3)
= 15
Union of two or more atom with chemical bond.
Divided into 2 :
Element Molecule = Consist one type of an atom
Example : H2 , O2 , Na2 Diatomic
P4, O3 , S8 Polyatomic

Compound Molecule = Consist more than one type of an atom

Example : H2O, CO2 , NaCl
Atoms, Ions, and Molecules in Daily Life

Atoms Ions Molecules

Lamp (Ne) Isotonic drinks Graphite (C3)
Milk (Ca) (Ca+, CU2+, Zn2-) Diamond (C4)
Pembersih gigi (F) Antacid ( Mg(OH)2 )
Kosmetik (S) Salt ( NaCl )
Soap ( NaOH )
Vinegar (CH3COOH)

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