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 Feedback in communication
 Two different situations
 Positive feedback on Pizza
 Negative feedback on Trip

Haris chand
Miss Fatima Nagrah
Feedback in communication

In communication studies, feedback is the response of an audience to a message or

activity. Feedback can be conveyed both verbally and nonverbally.
In the communication process, feedback refers to a response from the receiver which
gives the communicator an idea of how the message is being received and whether it
needs to be modified.
Receivers are not just passive absorbers of messages; they receive the message and
respond to them. This response of a receiver to sender's message is
called Feedback. Feedback is your audience's response; it enables you to evaluate the
effectiveness of your message.
Feedback on pizza

I was with a friend in office doing work. After sometime we felt hungry,
and we want to eat something. My friend gave idea to eat some spicy
food. Then we decided to eat pizza. My friend liked paprika(Brand)
Pizza but I liked domino,s(Brand).
And we both had a debate. Then we decided
To ask google advise for help,according to my
Friend,s opnion about the paprika pizza.
Then we searched out feedback (positive)on
google of paprika pizza.
Positive feedback on pizza

So first of all, on the arrival its scent made me more hungry, and its delicious looking looks so
Also they provided a very good taste
with the sprinkle of cheese on it.
Chillies and everything else was in equal amount.
And their packaging ensure that it was really
good quality product. So the review,s of paprika
was maximum in average amount as compare to
Then we ordered the paprika pizza and we have eaten.
After eaten the pizza of paprika we discussed positive feedback on paprika pizza. Then I
achieved a result that the review,s and feedback I mentioned above it,s true.
Rating of Paprika Pizza

Rating of Domino,s Pizza

Feedback on Trip
Our university gave us holiday for 2 weeks. So I and my friends decided to go a trip. Now,
we have to decide where to go, and which place relax our mind and we enjoyed the beauty
of nature. We all friends are from lahore, which is very hottest place. Now we decide to go
to cold place, that changes our atmosphere. My friend relative advise
us to go to Murree. Because it is very cold place
and it is very popular. The Mall road in the Murree
Is so famous and number of people comes there.
And the main thing which makes Murree more
famous is snow falling.
So, on the advise of our friend relative, we decide to go Murree.
When we were on the way,
we are very excited for the
Adventure in Murree,
and for watching snowfall.
Because actually,
we lived in hotter city and
We didn,t see the snowfall.
Nagetive feedback on Trip

So, we were very excited but when we reached there.
There was no snowfall, for which we were very excited.
Our friend,s relative tell us about
Snowfall. But he didn’t tell us when
Snowfall happens, and which season it
Happens. We all were so unhappy.
Because we didn’t have any adventure
there. Our all money which we invest
for the trip of murree was wasted, and our
time were also wasted on this trip.
Thank you

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