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Húsvét itthon és

A húsvét keresztény ünnep.
Központjában Jézus áll.
Jézus az újszövetség szerint 3. napon
• Also, because of global warming, it is
harder for them to catch seals and they
may starve to death.
• Az ünnep napjainkban sokak számára a tavasz
beköszöntének ünnepe, amely vallástalan tartalommal,
a szabadban töltött szórakozást jelenti, a húsvéti nyúl és
húsvéti tojás szimbólumaival.
Why are tigers endangered?
• Tigers are endangered because people
hunt them for their body parts ( skin,
bone, meat) to make medicine.
• They lost their habitats because people
cut down tree.
• People also hunt them because they want
their skins to make clothes and rugs.
If people just weren’t throwing
garbage on the ground, the world
would be a better place.

Now you can change

the world.
Answer the questions
1) What animals are endangered?
2) Why are animals endangered?
3) How and why do people hurt
4) Why do people hunt tigers?
5) How can we protect animals?

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