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Below is a fun puzzle called an alphametic.

Each letter stands for a

Below is a fun puzzle called an alphametic. Each letter stands for a
different digit. Zero (0) is sometimes used for alphametics, but it
different digit. Zero (0) is sometimes used for alphametics, but it W=2
can never start a word. You may use any of the digits 0–9. O = ....
can never start a word. You may use any of the digits 0–9.
T = ....
TWO F = ....
+T W O U = ....
+T W O
This puzzle has only one solution if we let the letter W = 2 and
This puzzle has only one solution if we let the letter W = 2 and
R = 6. Can you find the other numbers that fit the addition problem?
R = 6. Can you find the other numbers that fit the addition problem?
d le asi
Rid ga w

It’s as light as a feather, but

the strongest person can’t hold it
for more than
five minutes.
What is it?
A. I am a number less than ten, if you add me to myself
you will find a number greater than sixteen. Who am
B. If you substract me from fourteen, you will find a
number greater than eleven. I am an odd number. I
am less than tweny nine. Who am I?
C. If you add me to one you will find an odd number. I
am less than two. Who am I?

Aku adalah sebuah kata benda yang ada dirumah
terdiri dari 5 huruf.
* Jika huruf ke 3 diganti p, aku adalah alat tulis
* Jika huruf ke 4 diganti i, aku adalah sebuah profesi.
* Jika huruf ke 5 diganti s, aku adalah sebuah perkara.
* Jika semua huruf konsonan dihilangkan, aku adalah
seorang tentara.
* Jika kataku dibalik, aku menjadi barang yang tidak
Apakah aku?
1. Apa ke alihin sukeh, mara bakat
2. Apa lipi gadang maroko?
3. Apa ke jenengne gilik muncukne
barak, demenine teken anak luh?
A C C B 15

B A A A 17

C A B C 15

B B B B 20

17 16 17 17  

A = ....
B = ....
C = ....
Place the numbers 1– 12
12 in the twelve
A = .....?
circles below so the
sum of B = .....?
B 7 C = .....?
each side of the
triangle is 36. I will D = .....?
give you a head start
by placing 5 3
some of the numbers
for you. (The numbers
may be used once 2 A

C D 6 1 10
Ape ke ane songne gede sing
nyidayang, nanging ane
songne cenik nyidayang
Apa ke anak majalan,
nanging sing
neked-neked ane aliha?

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