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Comparative Study of Best Practices

in Juvenile Curfew Between

Barangay 177 and Barangay 185

Presented by:
Anunciado, Gweneth
Lopez, Jackylyn
Nolasco, Stephanie
Alejo, Jong
12 dewey
Background of the study

The barangay officials and police are involved at the

different approaches to any circumstances; barangay
officials and police, are called to deal with something that
ought not be happening and about when someone had
better do something, so most importantly that we do
something to prevent conflicts in the streets during the
curfew hours.
The officials and enforcer of barangay must to play a vital role in
regards to curfew ordinance and they need to do practices that needed
to enforce it effectively by the strategies of the team. The barangay
council for the protection of children is tasked to take charge of the
concerns about the minors, and also by continuing the program to their
advocacy in their barangay, Tacda (2015). There’s some program in
barangay that will inform the barangay officials and enforcer of what
procedure and proper ways, and the barangay official must to follow a
process in regards to curfew ordinance, therefore the enforcer must to
assure that they will obey the rules and regulation of enforcing curfew
ordinance, Johnson (2016). Many programs are establishing and some
of them are the programs for children, that will only focus on the issue
regarding the minor under the age of 18. According to the proposed
Ordnance Mandating strict implementation of new curfew in Caloocan
in Republic Act No. 9344, the Juvenile and Welfare Act of 2006 was
passed into law that covers different stages involving children at risk
and children in conflict with the law from prevention to rehabilitation
and reintegration.
Conceptual framework
strategies Ways of Good
enforcement practice

Barangay 177 Barangay 185

Barangay 177 Barangay 185

The best practices of curfew

Statement of the

1.What is the difference in level of good practices between

barangay 177 and 185?
2. what is the difference in level of strategies towards curfew
enforcement between barangay 177 and 185?
3. what is the difference in level of strategies towards curfew
enforcement between barangay 177 and 185?
Significance of the
The outmost purpose of the study is to know the level of their
strategies and good practices, among the barangay 177 and 185, to help
barangay official to distinguish the strength and their limitation, so that
they will know and aware of the things that they should improve in their
practices. Our role is to gather data using survey for the assessment,
evaluate and to analyze the difference among the two barangay, to
inform and suggest a much better practices in enforcing curfew
ordinance. The evidence that use in comparative study, will provide data
to the future researcher to extend the study, perhaps the future
researcher will study the effectiveness of best practices in reducing
juvenile crimes, and they can also study the impact of best practices
towards the barangay.Scope and limitation. Our study cannot show the
specific level of effectivity in their practices in connection to juvenile
crime, but rather, it only shows the result of comparative study between
barangay 177 and 185, in by means of data gathering, and our research
cannot explain a certain phenomenon.
Research design
The researcher used a comparative design in quantitative
research by means to compare the two barangay according to
the level of their ways, strategies and good practices, and
compare the total percentage of the overall performance of
the two barangay
Research variables
The dependent variable is the status of best practices of the
two barangays, while the independent variable is the good
practices of every barangay official between barangay 177 and
185 Research instrument; The researchers used a questionnaire
as an instrument to gather data, we also conduct an interview
to get some additional idea from them.
Data gathering procedure

There were 20 selected barangay official who participated in the survey. 10 selected barangay official for
each barangay. All respondents are coming from barangay 177 and 185. The barangay respondents also give

information to us aside answering the survey questionnaire that been give to them.

Data analysis
Respondents in both barangay, barangay 177 and 185, answered yes in the question "Did your barangay
conducted a seminar to those parents and guardians about curfew ordinance?". In the question "Is there any time
will be given to those parents of violators who will fail to attend the seminar about curfew" 8/10 answered yes to
that question and 4/10 answered yes in barangay 177. 6/10 respondents in barangay 185 answered yes in the
question “Did your barangay enforcing strictly the curfew ordinance?" respondents in barangay 177 answered yes.
In the question "Do you bring basic needs in surveillance, such as flashlight and radio?" 8/10 respondents in
barangay 185 answered by yes on that question while all the respondent in barangay 177 answered yes. And to the
"Did CCTV help you to track curfew violators?" 9/10 respondents in both barangays answered by yes.The question
"Have you recording child's personal information that violated the ordinance?" 4/10 respondents in barangay 185
answered by always and 8/10 respondents in barangay 177. The second question "Do you ask child's personal
reason of getting home late at night?" 2/10 respondents in barangay 185 answered by always and 1/10 respondent
in barangay 177. The third question "Do you release ordinance violators when they do not have parents to pick
them up?" 6/10 respondents answered by always and all respondents in barangay 177.
In the fourth question "Do you make an agreement with parents
of the minors that have been caught?" 8/10 respondents in barangay 185
answered by always and in 7/10 respondents in barangay 177. In the last
question "Are you transferring those curfew violators into DSWD when
there are no parents or guardian who will pick them up?" 9/10
respondents im barangay in 185 answered by always and all respondents
in barangay 177.In the first statement "Your surveillance is from 10 pm to
5 am everyday" 9/10 respondents and 8/10 respondents in barangay 177
answered it by very good. In the second statement "Monitoring CCTV at
10 pm to 5 am" 9/10 respondents in barangay 185 and 8/10 respondents
in barangay 177 answered it by very good. In the third statement "You
arrest who drink alcohol in streets" 2/10 respondents in barangay 185 and
5/10 respondents in barangay 177 answered it by very good. In the fourth
statement "You apprehend students at late night" all respondents in
barangay 185 answered it by poor and 7/10 respondents in barangay 177
Summary of findings
From the analysis of data, the findings were as follows:
Implementing the good practices of curfew ordinance in the two barangay of
Caloocan City. There are a lot of good practices that help the barangay in
implementing their curfew ordinance. Most of the barangay police do patrol
around the area to maintain the safety of the people particularly the
teenagers who mostly violate the curfew hours.

Assessment of the barangay officials in the barangay of 177 and 185 in

Caloocan City regarding the implementation of curfew ordinance;
The two groups of respondents indicated that the CCTV was a big help for
them and they also do have records and written reports related to the
implementing of curfew. Respondents from Barangay 177 said that they
always conduct seminar about the curfew ordinance.
Based on the total survey conducted by the researchers,
Barangay 177 got 70% in terms of good practices of curfew
ordinance while Barangay 185 only got 58%. It shows that
Barangay 177 had more good practices in implementing the
curfew ordinance.
Conclusions In the light of the findings, following conclusions were drawn:

Residents know the rules and regulations about the curfew;

barangay officials and workers help to promote curfew hours; curfew
ordinance had been strictly regulated every day and had been
implemented throughout all the areas of the Barangay;
Curfew helps to discipline the minors/teenager, maintain the safety
of the community, lessens crimes or criminality, legal penalties must be
implemented when curfew is violated and that 10pm until 5am is a
reasonable curfew time.
There are different practices and ways but not all barangay has the
capability in implementing the curfew ordinance because they are lack of
barangay police or officials that will roam around the area.When the level
of implementation increases, the level of acceptance also highly
increases.RecommendationsThe following are the formulated
recommendations of the study;For Barangay 177, they really implement
the curfew ordinance despite the large area.

The following are the formulated recommendations of

the study;For Barangay 177, they really implement the
curfew ordinance despite the large area. They got a high
score when we conduct the survey regarding the best
practices in implementing curfew hours.
2. For Barangay 185, they should improve their ways on
implementing the curfew ordinance. They can’t strictly
implement the curfew because they didn’t have efficient
number of barangay police.

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