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Lathifa Putri Afisna, S.Pd.,M.Eng

•Understand laminar and turbulent flow in pipes and the analysis of fully developed flow
•Understand the use of Bernoulli Equation and able to calculate the major and minor losses
associated with pipe flow in piping
•Liquid or gas flow through pipes or ducts is usually forced to flow by a fan or pump through a
flow section.
•Friction related to the pressure drop and head loss during flow through pipes and ducts.
•The pressure drop is then used to determine the pump load
Energy to Bernoulli Equation

(incompressible flow r=constant (is not a

function of P))
(unsteady, compressible)
Bernoulli Equation
Navier Stokes Eq. – Euler Eq. – Bernoulli Eq.
An approximate relation between pressure,
velocity, and elevation, and is valid in regions
of steady, incompressible flow where net
frictional (viscous) forces are negligible
compared to inertial, gravitational, or pressure
There is no dissipation of mechanical energy • Such regions occur outside of
during such flows since there is no friction boundary layers and wakes where
that converts mechanical energy to sensible the fluid motion is governed by
thermal (internal) energy. the combined effects of pressure
and gravity forces.
Limitations on the Use of the Bernoulli Equation

1. Steady flow
2. Frictionless flow
3. No shaft work.
4. Incompressible flow
5. No heat transfer
6. Flow along a streamline

Static, Dynamic, and Stagnation Pressures
P+ + zρg=constant (along the streamline)
P is the static pressure: It does not incorporate any dynamic effects; it represents
the actual thermodynamic pressure of the fluid.
V2/2 is the dynamic pressure: It represents the pressure rise when the fluid in
motion is brought to a stop isentropically.
gz is the hydrostatic pressure: It is not pressure in a real sense since its value
depends on the reference level selected; it accounts for the elevation effects, i.e.,
fluid weight on pressure.
Total pressure: The sum of the static, dynamic, and hydrostatic
pressures. Therefore, the Bernoulli equation states that the total
pressure along a streamline is constant.
Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) and Energy Grade Line (EGL)
  P v2
+ + z=constant (along the streamline)
ρg 2 g
P/g is the pressure head; it represents the height of a fluid
column that produces the static pressure P.
V2/2g is the velocity head; it represents the elevation needed for a
fluid to reach the velocity V during frictionless free fall.
z is the elevation head; it represents the potential energy of the
Total heads as: The sum of the pressure, velocity, and elevation
heads is constant along a streamline.
Hydraulic grade line (HGL), P/g + z The line that represents the sum of the static
pressure and the elevation heads.
Energy grade line (EGL), P/g + V2/2g + z The line that represents the total head of
the fluid.
Dynamic head, V2/2g The difference between the heights of EGL and HGL.

The hydraulic grade

line (HGL) and the
energy grade line
(EGL) for free
discharge from a
reservoir through a
horizontal pipe with
a diffuser.
Aliran Fluida Riil (dengan Hambatan)
Kerugian Mayor & Minor

Kerugian Energi, dinyatakan dalam tekanan atau head,

biasa dikelompokkan menjadi:

1. Kerugian Tekanan/Head Mayor

- Major Pressure/Head Losses -
akibat faktor gesekan.

2. Kerugian Tekanan/Head Minor

- Minor Pressure/Head Losses -
akibat faktor2 lain.
Kerugian mayor adalah kehilangan tekanan akibat gesekan aliran fluida
pada sistem aliran penampang tetap atau konstan. Kerugian mayor ini terjadi
pada sebagian besar penampang sistem aliran makanya dipergunakan istilah
“mayor”. Sedangkan kerugian minor adalah kehilangan tekanan akibat gesekan
yang terjadi pada katup-katup, sambungan T, sambungan L dan pada
penampang yang tidak konstan. Kerugian minor meliputi sebagian kecil
penampang sistem aliran, sehingga dipergunakan istilah ‘minor’. Kerugian ini
untuk selanjutnya akan disebutkan sebagai head loss.
Kerugian Energi dalam Aliran Fluida
Kerugian Head Mayor (Major/Friction Head Losses)

Kerugian head mayor disebabkan oleh

gesekan yang dialami oleh aliran di sepanjang saluran.

Gesekan (pertukaran momentum) terjadi:

1. Antarpartikel fluida, dan

2. Antara partikel fluida dan permukaan dinding saluran.

Kerugian mayor muncul akibat efek viskositas fluida dan

biasa disebut Kerugian Head Gesekan
(Friction Head Losses)
Diagram Moody
Major Losses: Turbulent Flow
Colebrook – To avoid having to use a graphical method for obtaining f for
Valid for the entire nonlaminar range of
turbulent flows. the Moody chart.
1  / D 2.51 
 2.0 log  
f  3 . 7 Re f  Colebrook formula

Miler suggests that a single iteration will produce a result within 1

percent if the initial estimate is calculated from
  / D 5.74 
f 0  0.25 log  
 3.7 Re 
0. 9

Example 8.5 Comparison of Laminar or Turbulent
pressure Drop
 Air under standard conditions flows through a 4.0-mm-diameter drawn
tubing with an average velocity of V = 50 m/s. For such conditions the flow
would normally be turbulent. However, if precautions are taken to eliminate
disturbances to the flow (the entrance to the tube is very smooth, the air is
dust free, the tube does not vibrate, etc.), it may be possible to maintain
laminar flow. (a) Determine the pressure drop in a 0.1-m section of the tube if
the flow is laminar. (b) Repeat the calculations if the flow is turbulent.

Example 8.5 Solution1/2
Under standard temperature and pressure conditions
Ρ=1.23kg/m3, μ=1.7910-5Ns/m
The Reynolds number

R e  VD /   ...  13,700  Turbulent flow

If the flow were laminar

p  f V 2  ...  0.179 kPa

Example 8.5 Solution2/2
If the flow were turbulent

From Moody chart f=Φ(Re,ε/D) =…0.028

p  f V 2  ...  1.076kPa

Kerugian Energi dalam Aliran Fluida
Kerugian Head Minor (Minor Head Losses)

Kerugian head minor disebabkan oleh

kenaikan turbulensi dan hambatan aliran
akibat perubahan arah aliran / keberadaan penghambat.

Penyebab yang paling sering dijumpai:

1. Pembelokan atau percabangan aliran.
2. Pembesaran penampang aliran.
3. Penyempitan penampang aliran.
4. Penghambatan aliran (katup, alat ukur, dll.)
Minor Losses

Valves Bends T joints Expansions Contractions

hlm K
Fenomena aliran yang terjadi pada fitting sangat rumit, dan
semua kerumitan ini diwakili dengan sederhana oleh koefisien
rugi K.
Entrance flow condition and loss

(a) Reentrant, KL = 0.8

(b) sharp-edged, KL = 0.5
(c) slightly rounded, KL = 0.2
(d) well-rounded, KL = 0.04

KL = function of rounding of the inlet


Exit flow condition and loss

(a) Reentrant, KL = 1.0

(b) sharp-edged, KL = 1.0
(c) slightly rounded, KL = 1.0
(d) well-rounded, KL = 1.0

Internal Structure of Valves

(a) globe valve

(b) gate valve
(c) swing check valve
(d) stop check valve

Coefficients for

No. 8.18
Suatu fluida viskos mengalir dalam pipa berdiameter 0,1 m
sedemikan hingga kecepatannya yang diukur pada jarak 0,012
m dari dinding pipa adalah 0,8 m/s. Jika alirannya laminar,
LATIHAN tentukan kecepatan sumbu tengah dan laju aliran.
SOAL 8.31
Water flows in a cast-iron pipe of 200 mm diameter at a rate of
0.10 m3/s. Determine the friction factor for this flow
Air flow through a rectangular galvanized iron duct of size 0.3
m by 0.15 m at a rate of 0.068 m3/s. Determine the head loss
in 12 m of this duct

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