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 Tip:
 hãy thuộc làu những cách nói bằng tiếng Việt vì với bài
Maps, tiếng Việt và tiếng Anh khá giống nhau. Khi đầu óc
sử dụng ngôn ngữ quen thuộc là tiếng Việt thì người viết
sẽ thấy thoải mái hơn, theo đó, việc viết và bố cục bài
mạch lạc cũng dễ dàng hơn.
Dạng bài thường gặp
1. Miêu tả sự thay đổi qua thời gian của một khu
vực; sự dịch chuyển về thời gian có thể từ quá khứ
qua hiện tại đến tương lai
Tense: simple past, simple present, future
2. Miêu tả những địa điểm được quy hoạch để xây dựng
một công trình gì đó
 Tense:
Simple present và “be to do”
Key words

1. Xây dựng: to build sth | to develop sth | to rebuild sth

2. Nằm tại vị trí:
Passive: be located at/in/on somewhere | be situated at/in/on
somewhere | be based at/in/on somewhere
Active: to lie at/in/on somewhere
3. Công trình: a building | an establishment | a development
4. Địa điểm: an area | a site | a location
the planned / proposed location/ site
(địa điểm/công trình được quy hoạch)
5. Di dời cái gì: to move sth to somewhere | to relocate sth to somewhere
6. Bị phá bỏ: be demolished | be knocked down | be removed
7. Thay thế cái gì với/ bằng cái gì: to replace sth with sth | to convert sth
into sth| to turn sth into sth
8. Nhường chỗ cho cái gì: to make way for | to give space to
9. Mở rộng cái gì: expand sth | extend sth | the expansion of sth | the
extention of sth
10. Thu hẹp cái gì: to shrink sth | sth shrink | the contraction of sth
11.(con đường, con sông) chạy ngang qua: to run across sth| to cross sth
12. (con đường, con sông) chạy dọc: to run along sth | the run along the
length of sth | to run through sth
Giới từ chỉ vị trí

1. on the left | on the right | on that side: nằm bên trái,…..

2. along sth | along with sth: song song với cái gì
3. across sth | crossing sth: cắt ngang cái gì
4. in/to the North: về phía Bắc [sử dụng tương tự với phía Nam,
Đông, Tây]
5. near somewhere | close to somewhere: gần với cái gì
6. far from somewhere: xa cái gì
7. 5km off/from/away from somewhere: cách…5km
Các mẫu câu (sentence patterns)
Mẫu câu Overview
Overview: những cách nói phổ biến:“khu vực này đã chứng kiến những thay đổi lớn
trong thời gian đó…”, “cả khu vực đã thực sự thay đổi hoàn toàn”, “những công trình
cũ đã được xây dựng lại”, “cả khu vực đã được hiện đại hóa”
Dưới đây là một số mẫu câu hữu ích:
“chứng kiến sự thay đổi toàn diện”: Over the period, the area witnessed dramatic
changes. |
From 1995 to 2005, the city centre saw spectacular developments. | The village
changed considerably over the given period.
“sth thay da đổi thịt”: During the 10 year period, the industrial area was totally
Over the past 20 years, the residential area was totally reconstructed. | Over the time
period, the old docks were totally redeveloped.
“được xây dựng lại”: Between 1995 and 2005, the old houses were rebuilt. | The
central business district was completely modernised during the time period.
 Miêu tả địa điểm
1. The forest to the south of the river was cut down.
2. A golf course (sân golf) was constructed to the north of
the airport.
3. The houses in the south-west of the town were
4. The green fields to the north-west of the city were
redeveloped as a park.
5. The airport in the centre of the city was relocated to the
north-east of the river.
6. The school to the southeast was knocked down and a
new one built to the east of the forest.
 Miêu tả thay đổi với công trình
1.The government demolished the industrial estate
and developed a sports ground.
2.They removed the shops and replaced it with a
3. A port was constructed at the edge of the river.
4. The factory in the city centre was demolished and
relocated to the north of the city.
5. The old warehouses were replaced with new hotels
 Miêu tả thay đổi với các yếu tố khác về cảnh quan
1. The forest was cut down and replaced with a
shopping centre.
2. The trees were cleared to make way for houses.
3. The main road was extended and a new bridge built
over the river.
4. A skate park was set up next to the swimming
5. A park was developed beside the forest.
(Preface XI) Among my five teammates who reached the top, four,
including Hall, perished in a rough storm that blew in without warning
while we were still high on the peak. By the time I’d descended to
Base Camp nine climbers from four expeditions were dead, and three
more lives would be lost before the month was out. The expedition left
me badly shaken, and the article was difficult to write. Nevertheless,
five weeks after I returned from Nepal I delivered a manuscript to
Outside, and it was published in the September issue of the magazine.
Upon its completion I attempted to put Everest out of my mind and get
on with my wife, but that turned out to be impossible. Through a fog of
messy emotions, I continued trying to make sense of what had
happened up there, and I obsessively mulled the circumstances of my
companions’ deaths.

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