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Location & Change

1. Essay structure
Introduction – 1 sentence: Paraphrase the question
The map/ diagram/ picture/ illustration
+ illustrates/ describes/ depicts/ exhibits/ presents/ portrays/ displays/ showcases
+ the developments/ expansions/ changes/ alterations/ modifications/ transformations/ shifts/ variations/
adjustments/ transitions
+ that happened/occurred/ took place in a city/ town named/ called/ known as …
+ over the period/ course of … years starting in …

Overview – 2 sentences: Outstanding features/ differences

• Có lớn hơn theo thời gian? (expanded? increased in size?)
• Có phát triển/ hiện đại hơn? (developed? modernised? (de)industrialised?
What to note? • Những loại facilities nào thêm mới? => cái nào thay đổi nhiều nhất? (categorised
into transportation infrastructure, industrial/ residential features…)
• Sự thay đổi được phân bổ như thế nào? (distributed evenly/ concentrated in…)
Đưa ra cái nhìn tổng quan: chỉ ra cái nhìn toàn cảnh, tổng quan của sự thay đổi hoặc biến đổi.
• Overall, .../ In general, .../ To summarize, .../ Taking a broad view, ...

Tóm tắt các yếu tố chính: Nhắc lại những yếu tố quan trọng, đặc điểm cốt lõi đã được đề cập trong bài
viết, nhưng không cần đưa ra chi tiết về từng yếu tố.
• The main features are .../ Key elements include .../ Noteworthy aspects are .../ Important factors
are .../ The primary characteristics are ...

Diễn đạt sự thay đổi hoặc sự phát triển: Sử dụng các từ ngữ, cấu trúc câu để diễn đạt những thay đổi, sự
phát triển trong bối cảnh được mô tả. Đặc biệt, nhấn mạnh những điểm đột phá, sự thay đổi đáng chú ý.
• The existing space will be altered ... • One significant alteration is ...
• Changes will be made to ... • A key difference is ...
• The layout will be modified ... • A major improvement is …
• There will be significant adaptations ... • Significant adaptations include...
• The new center will be expanded … • Substantial alterations have been made to...
• A notable change is ... • Notable changes are evident in...
• An important development is ... • A remarkable transformation is seen in...

Chỉ ra những yếu tố không thay đổi: Nhắc lại những yếu tố không bị ảnh hưởng hoặc không thay đổi trong
quá trình phát triển. (Optional)
• Despite the changes, certain features/ elements have remained constant/ unaffected/
consistent, such as/ including...

Taking a broad view, (the noteworthy aspect is that) Ryemouth has undergone a number of dramatic
changes to become more residential, with/accompanied by additional housing and recreational facilities.
Overall, although new developments are generally distributed throughout the village, the northeastern part
has been completely transformed with fewer open spaces.

Body paragraphs – 3-4 sentences

• Divided by Timeline (Year 1 vs Year 2) => áp dụng được cho tất cả các dạng bài có timeline
• Divided by Geographical areas (North/Centre … areas vs South/Surrounding … areas) => áp dụng
cho các dạng bài có thay đổi rải rác/ trên phạm vi lớn.
• Divided by Degree of change (Areas that changed significantly vs Areas that changed
slightly/stayed the same) => áp dụng cho các dạng bài có thay đổi tập trung tại 1 khu vực.

2. How to use tenses in Map

In order to decide which tenses can be used for a Map Writing Task, you can look at the year indicated in
the question or the illustrations in the Map:
• If the year is before the present year (i.e. current year is 2022; year in the Map is 1999), use the
simple past tense.
• If the year is after the present year (i.e current year is 2022; year in the Map is 2030), use the simple
present and simple future tenses.
• If the years span both before and after the present year (i.e current year is 2022; years in the Map are
1999 and 2030), use both simple past tense and simple future tense.
• If there is no year, use the simple present tense. However, if there are vocabularies in the question
that indicate possible changes in the future such as: “plan”; “propose”, “project”, then future tense
can be flexibly used.

3. Describing structures
• According to/In the plan/map/drawing/schematic/illustration from (year), (specific feature) was
located/placed/situated/positioned (location).
• According to/In the plan/map from (time period), (description of the specific location).
• Moving from (specific direction/entrance), one could see/spot/observe (objects/furniture) in
successive order.
• There + to be + a/an Noun in (location).

4. Cardinal Directions
Noun/ Adjective: Adjective: Adjective: Adverb/Adjective:
thường dùng cho địa thuần Adj, dùng cho các towards that direction towards that direction
điểm nhỏ, đã xác định, địa điểm vùng rộng lớn,
có thể đc dùng như Adj không xác định
• North • Northern • Northerly • Northward
• South • Eastern • Easterly • Southward
• East • Southern • Southerly • Eastward
• West • Western • Westerly • Westward
• Northeast • Northeastern • Northeasterly • Northeastward
• Northwest • Southeastern • Southeastern • Northwestward
• Southeast • Northwestern • Northwestern • Southeastward
• Southwest • Southwestern • Southwestern • Southwestward

• to the north of Noun (defined subject): relative to another location
• in the northeast …: relative to the area which contains it
• northernmost point/ farthest point to the north…: the farthest point in that direction
• A + to be + located/ positioned/ situated/ found/ placed in + the northern/ northward region/ part/
portion/ section/ upper part/ towards the north/ the northernmost area of the map/ northerly
direction on the map.

5. Position/ Distance
Vocabulary Definition Example
Central part/ area/ Core/ Phần trung tâm At the core of the building situated a reception
Middle section/ Centre desk.
Surround Bao quanh một điểm There are a range of trees surrounding the building.
In (close) proximity to/ Gần In 1950, the playground, dining tables, and pavilion
in the vicinity of/ Next are situated in proximity to one another
to/ Neighboring
Along Dọc theo Along the roadside we can see a new retail area
and more office developments.
Long distance away Cách xa A is situated a long distance away from B
Fence sth in Rào quanh một điểm A is located close to the field, which is fenced in.
Adjacent to/ Adjoining Tiếp giáp, chạm The bus station is adjacent to the railway station.
Accompany/ Go with Đi cùng Frequently accompanying such courtyard
farmsteads are ranges of laborer’s dwellings.

Clockwise >< Cùng >< ngược chiều Moving in a clockwise direction from the hospital,
Anticlockwise đồng hồ we can see the new car park.
Parallel Song song It can be noticed that they are all parallel to a
pathway leading to the parking lot.
Perpendicular Vuông góc The main road is perpendicular to the train station.

6. Objects in Maps

Vocabulary Definition
Business convention/ Conference centre Trung tâm hội nghị
Floor plan/ Layout/ Blueprint/ Diagram/ Layout/ Bản vẽ sơ đồ tầng
Arrangement/ Design/ Plan
Refreshment area/ Snack area/ Beverage zone Khu vực phục vụ thức uống nhẹ
Registration area/ Check-in area/ Registration zone Khu vực đăng ký
Music hall/ Concert hall/ Performance venue Nhạc viện
Conference/ Meeting/ Event room/ space/area Không gian hội nghị
Exhibit/ Display/ Exhibition/ Showcase Trưng bày
Lounge space/ Relaxation area/ Lounge area Không gian nghỉ ngơi
Concert hall/ Auditorium/ Music venue Hội trường biểu diễn
Balcony/ Terrace/ Veranda Ban công
Auditorium Theater/ Performance hall Rạp hát, hội trường
Stage /Platform/ Podium Sân khấu
Access Entrance/ Entry/ Admission Lối vào, quyền truy cập
Cafe/ Coffee shop/ Bistro Quán cà phê
Ticket office/ Box office/ Ticket booth Quầy bán vé
Administration office/ Management office/ Văn phòng quản lý
Administrative department
Restaurant area/ Dining area/ Food court Khu vực nhà hàng
Open plan/ layout/ space (adj) Mở, không chia thành phòng riêng
Open/ Unobstructed area/ space
Furniture/ Furnishings/ Fixtures Đồ nội thất
Equipment/ Apparatus/ Machinery/ Tools Thiết bị
Appliance/ Device/ Gadget/ Utensil Thiết bị điện gia dụng
Noticeboard/ Bulletin board/ Information board Bảng thông báo
Water cooler/ dispenser/ Drinking fountain Máy làm lạnh nước uống
Coffee machine/ Espresso machine/ Coffee maker Máy pha cà phê
Corner office/ Office suite/ Workspace Văn phòng ở góc
Sofa/ Couch Ghế sofa
Table/ Desk/ Board Bàn

Media room/ Press room/ Media center Phòng truyền thông
Storage room/ Warehouse/ Stockroom/ Pantry Phòng lưu trữ
Shower room/ Bathing area Khu vực phòng tắm
Cluster/ Group/ Collection/ Complex Tổ hợp
Facility/ Amenity - Infrastructure Cơ sở vật chất - hạ tầng
Communal/ Shared/ Common (adj) Chung
Community Greens phất đất xanh ở khu dân cư
Zone of transition khu vực chuyển tiếp giữa 2 địa hình
Greenfield site địa điểm mới, chưa được xây dựng
Brownfield land địa điểm đã từng được xây dựng nhà máy
Peninsula phần đất bao quanh bởi biển và nối với đất liền
Archipelago quần đảo
Stretch (n/v) Dải đất/ nước

7. How to describe change in Map
7.1. Buildings
Vocabulary Definition Example
Build/ Put up/ Construct/ Erect Xây dựng A new factory was constructed north of the
residential area.
Emerge/ Appear (active voice) Xuất hiện A new buiding has emerged in place of the forrmer
Develop/ Add Phát triển The industrial estate was developed into a sports
ground by the local community.
Demolish/ Destroy/ Annihilate/ Knock-down Phá huỷ The industrial estate was demolished/ annihilated.
Flatten San bằng The factory was flattened and relocated to the
north of the city.
To make/ create room/ space for/ to pave way for Để tạo chỗ cho Trees in the area have been gradually chopped
down to make room for urban development.
Replace with or by/ take the place of sth/ supplant/supersede Thay thế The old warehouses were replaced with new
Demolish/ Knock down/ Remove to pave way for/ to make way for/to construct/ build/ hotels.
Replace the previous location of …
Occupy the former position of …
Substitute by … in its original location
Occupy the space/ location that was previously held by …
The previously location occupied by … is now taken up by …
Assume the position where … was once situated
Has taken over the site that was formerly occupied by …
Has been placed/ installed/ added/ installed/ put in near what once was …
By (year)/In (year), … has been removed/replaced by/with …

… has taken the place of …
… has been taken away/ removed to make room/ space for …
… has been introduced/ placed/ established in the former place of …
To (specific direction/location), there is/are new addition/ replacement of …
Convert into/ Repurpose/ Transform into/ Alter/ Change/ Modify/ Revise/ Turn into/ Chuyển đổi The factory was converted into apartments.
Repurpose as
Undergo a (Adj) transformation, assuming the form of/ a significant conversion,
culminating in the emergence of
Experience a remarkable change, culminating in the emergence of
Undergo a shift, resulting in …
Reconstruct/ Revitalize/ Redevelop/ Reshape/ Reform/ Remodel/ Rearrange/ Tái xây dựng, The school was completely reconstructed after
Reorganize/ Reconfigure/ Reshuffle định hình lại, the passing of the hurricane.
thay đổi hình
Merge/ Combine/ Unite Hợp nhất, gộp After a while the narrow trail merges with a wider
lại path.
Incorporate/ Integrate/ Include Kết hợp, tích The new design incorporates several new safety
hợp features
Renovate/ Refurbish/ Revamp/ Remodel Cải tạo, làm The old buildings were completely renovated.
Modernize Hiện đại hoá The infrastructure was modernized by converting
the dirt roads into concrete streets.
Fit sth out with/ Equip/ Furnish Trang bị với All the toilets were furnished with marble walls
and floorings
Expand/ Enlarge/ Extend/ Broaden/ Upsize/ Make bigger Mở rộng The residential area expanded south-east by
Increase/ Enhance/ Grow in size constructing 3 more homes.

Undergo/ experience a/an (Adj) increase in size/ enlargement/ expansion
To magnify in scale
To be subject to a (Adj) size enhancement
Augment Gia tăng diện The proposal of renewing and expanding this area
tích, số lượng has augmented the existing residential building.
bằng cách
thêm, gắn một
thứ nào đó vào
Extend/ Add/ Lengthen/ Stretch/ Supplement Mở rộng, kéo The school was extended by adding 2 more
dài buildings.
Elongate Kéo dài và thu The main road now has been elongated to the
hẹp lại south of the map.
Reduce/ Decrease/ Diminish/ Shrink in size/ magnitude Thu nhỏ The school was scaled down by removing 2
Scale down/ Downsize buildings.
Undergo a size reduction/ a reduction in size
Make more compact in size
Relocate/ Move/ Transfer/ Reposition/ Displace/ Shift/ Transport from…to…. Di dời The factory in the city center was flattened
To be subject to/ Undergo a transition/ transfer/ displacement, being relocated/ being and relocated to the north of the city.
moved/ shifting
House/ Accommodate/ Shelter Chứa, đặt trong The building houses the library
Compensate/ Offset/ Reimburse Đền bù, bồi The previous building has been compensated with
thường 1 cái gì a more modern and commodious one.
bằng 1 cái có
giá trị tương

Remained/ Stayed + unchanged/ constant/ consistent/ unaltered/ the same/ Không thay đổi The building remained unchanged without any
unaffected + without any variation (throughout/over the period/ duration/ designated variation over the period.
There + to be + no alteration/ modification/change (observed) in A (throughout/over
the timeframe/ over the specified duration)
Maintain a consistent state throughout the given period.
Remain (largely) the same/unchanged /unaltered/ unmodified/ untouched

7.2. Trees and Forests

Vocabulary Definition Example

Plant/ Cultivate/ Grow Trồng (cây) A new forest was planted west of the factory.
Clear/ Remove/ Flatten Loại bỏ The trees were cleared/ removed/ flattened to make way for a new residential area.
Cut down/ Chop down Chặt, đốn, hạ The forest was cut down/ chopped down and made space for a shopping center.
Agroforestry (n) kết hợp nông - lâm It is noticeable that the area previously designated for agricultural purposes has been converted into
agroforestry; now, it contains both trees and crops in a symbiotic relationship.
Afforestation (n) trồng cây gây rừng The map illustrates the afforestation efforts implemented in the northern region, as vast areas of previously
barren land have been transformed into lush forests and greenery.

7.3. Roads, Bridges and Railway Lines (transportation infrastructure) (Similar to verbs in the building section)
Vocabulary Definition Example
Divide into/ Split up into Chia, rẽ The main road splits up into two branches.
Branch off/ Divert onto/into Rẽ nhánh A new road branches off to the West.

7.4. Leisure facilities/ amenities

Vocabulary Definition Example

Open/ Establish/ Found/ Set up Thành lập A brand-new sports center has been opened just north of the school.
Develop Phát triển A playground was developed next to the school.
Close/Shut down/Cease Đóng cửa The sports center to the north of the school has just been shut down
operation/ (the) cessation (N)

7.5. Length/Width/Height/Depth
Sentence Meaning Example
S + has a length of + measurement Cái gì đó có độ dài là • The building has a length of 6 km.

S ’s total length is + measurement Tổng độ dài của cái gì là • The building’s total length is 6 km.

S + is + measurement + long/ wide/ high/ deep Cái gì đó dài/ rộng/ cao/ sâu bao nhiêu• The building is 60 meters high.

To lengthen/widen/heighten/deepen Làm cho dài/ rộng/ cao/sâu • The building is heightened.

7.6. Population/ inhabitant/ resident/ citizen/ dweller/ populace (N)

Sentence Meaning Example
Place + has a population of + number + people. Chỗ nào đó có dân số là (…) người. In 2020, San Francisco had a population of 873,965 people.
Place + has + number + inhabitants Chỗ nào đó có (…) người ở. In 2020, San Francisco had 873,965 inhabitants.
The population of + Place + is + number. Dân số của chỗ nào đó là (…) In 2020, the population of San Francisco was 873,965.


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