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Ngôn ngữ chỉ phương hướng – Directional Languages

Lưu ý: Một lưu ý quan trọng trong quá trình miêu tả IELTS Writing Task 1 Maps đó là
việc sử dụng các giới từ chính xác. Như các cấu trúc và mình hoạ phía trên, người viết có
thể thấy rằng mỗi một cách diễn tả phương hướng đều đi kèm với một giới từ cố định. Vì
vậy, để giúp bài viết chính xác về mặt ngữ pháp và từ vựng thì người viết cần phân biệt
khi nào dùng “to, in, on, at”.
The difference between ‘to’ and ‘in/on/at’: 
 “B is to the west/left of A”: B is not a part of A. (Vietnam is to the west of Laos)
 “B is in the south-west/on the bottom right-hand corner of A”: B is a part
of A. (Vietnam is in the south-east of Asia) 
Một số cách diễn tả phương hướng khác 
Cách viết bài Map
Bố cục 4 đoạn
Mở bài – Introduction
Bạn viết câu này bằng cách paraphrase lại đề bài, có chức năng giới thiệu thông tin cơ bản
về Map.

Các bạn có thể sử dụng các cấu trúc:

Dạng 1: Chỉ ra sự phát triển của một thành phố/ tòa nhà

information/ data about + the changes/ growth/ refurbishment  in/ of a town

called …. over a period from … to …over a …-year period from. .. to…..
The map
shows/compares/ the developments that occurred/happened in a town called …. over a  period
illustrates/ from … to … over a …-year period from. .. to…..
how a town called …. had changed/ transformed/ developed from … to.. over a
…-year period from. .. to…..

Ví dụ:
The maps below show the changes that have taken place at the waterfront area of a town
called Darwin between 2009 and 2014.

==> Introduction: The given maps indicate how the waterfront area of a town called
Darwin was transformed from 2009 to 2014.

Tổng quan – Overview:

Để viết được phần này hiệu quả, bạn tự mình trả lời các câu hỏi:

 Nhìn chung thì thành phố/ tòa nhà này phát triển theo hướng nào?
 Có thể gom các sự thay đổi được không?
Thường thi chúng ta sẽ viết 1-2 câu trong phần Tổng quan – Overall

Câu 1: Nhận định chung về bản đồ

 The town of….. had become a much more modern city over the 50-year
 The town of ….. had been industrialized/ modernized/ urbanized to become a far
more modern city over the 50-year timescale.
Câu 2 (Nếu có): Nhận định về hướng thay đổi của bản đồ qua khoảng thời gian nêu trong

Ví dụ:

 The town became more developed by cutting down some of the natural beauty
and providing more options for shopping and leisure activities
 The village grew as the transport infrastructure was improved.
 Four periods of development are shown on the map, and each of the populated
areas is near the main roads, the railway, or the motorway.
 There will be a completely new entrance and more space for exhibitions.
Các câu Overview – Tổng quan nên được bắt đầu bởi các cụm từ dẫn vào bài như
“Overall, it is clear that….”,

“Another notable feature is…….”

Ví dụ:

Overall, the area had been greatly developed with the conversion of the industrial area into
residential, recreational and academic facilities. Another notable feature is the appearance
of a brand-new harbor which improved the transportation of the area.
Thân bài – Body
Có 3 cách để phân chia thân bài:

 Chia theo hướng (Phía Bắc 1 thân bài – Phía Nam 1 thân bài, Phía Đông một
thân bài – Phía Tây một thân bài)
 Chia theo ranh giới tự nhiên (Bên phải sông một thân bài – bên trái sông một
thân bài)
 Chia theo thời gian (Mỗi năm một thân bài riêng)
Từ vựng và cấu trúc thường gặp trong dạng bài Map
Từ vựng chỉ vị trí

In front of The railway line is in front of three apartment blocks

Opposite One apartment building is opposite the lake

Next to, Adjacent to, near,

The car park is next to a house

To/in the left/right of The car park is to the right of a house

Between … and A skyscraper had been built between the golf course and a wareh

The middle of The river runs through the middle of the town

alongside The railway runs alongside the coast

A river runs through the middle of the town

Run/pass through
A river passes through the city center

Along There had been a lot of houses constructed along the main road

Across Across from the post office, a travel agency was built.

10 miles from
S1 is 5 kilometers from a golf course along the main road
10 miles to the right of

Từ vựng chỉ địa điểm

 N + Is situated/located/sited/positioned + around/above/below/inside/next to/
to the right of/ to the north of
Ví dụ:

The current airport is located in the North of the town

Từ vựng chỉ hướng

Luôn đi cùng giới từ THE

 West, East, South, North (Noun)

 Western, Eastern, Southern, Northern (Adj)
 Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, Southeast
Ví dụ

·        In the northwest corner

·        The school was located/ situated in the northwest
·        In the right/left-hand corner corner of the city
·        In the northwest corner of/ area ·        There is a ferry in the southeast cast Templeton
of the city
·        In the north of the town, there is now an airport
·        In the heart of the city

·        To the south of the lake ·        There was an airport to the south of the lake
·        To the south of the river ·        It was located to the south of the main road

·        The northwest of the town used to be an area with

·        The north-west of

·        There is a ferry port on the west side of the town

·        On the right/left side
·        A completely new covered market has also been built
·        on the other side of the town
on the other side of town

·        From west to east ·        A railway runs from the west to the east of the town

·        Had to move a little to the east, still remained close to

·        Others
the main road

Các thành phần thường gặp trong dạng bài Map

·        Residential areas/blocks/ Residential ·        Woodland/ trees/ forests
housing/ Housing areas/ Housing estate/ ·        Intersection (between the main road a
residential houses the railway)/ Roundabout/ T intersection / Y
·        Industrial area/ Industrial estate
·        Coast/ the bank of the river
·        Commercial area/ commercial complex
·        Traffic-free zone/ pedestrian zone (….
·        Skyscraper/ high-rise building been pedestrianized)
·        Parking lot/ car park ·        Golf course and park

9 loại động từ chỉ sự thay đổi trong Map


about ·Has been industrialized/ modernized/ ·     the urbanization/
changes urbanized/ transformed industrialization/ the
transformation + has taken
Use with
1 place, occurred, happened,
PREFECT The village of Stoke has
become, changed (active voice)
TENSE been industrialized to become a
(past/ modern tourist attraction with far The industrialization has taken
present/ more facilities. place in the village of Stoke.

·        was enlarged/ expanded/ ·     the enlargement/

extended/ lengthened expansion/extension of + Noun
2 ·        became bigger (active voice) There was an expansion of the
parking lot in the South of the
The car park was expanded village

·        was narrowed/ shortened

Make ·        became smaller (active voice)
The school was narrowed

4 Disappear ·        was removed/ demolished / ·     the disappearance/

eliminated, was knocked down removal/ elimination/
(applied for houses) demolition of + N
·        was cut down/ chopped down/
pulled down (applied for trees)
·     the disappearance of +
·        disappear (active voice)
All the trees to the north of the
There was the removal of trees
river were cut down/ chopped down
to the north of the river

·        was built/ constructed/ erected/ ·     The emergence/ appearance/

introduced presence/ the mushroom/
construction / erection of +
5 something ·     The existence/ the
·        appear (active voice) appearance of + Noun
There was an emergence of
Skyscrapers were built/constructed/ skyscrapers to the south of the
erected to the south of the river river

·     The conversion of ….

·        convert into/make into/ make
into…/ the
way for (active voice)
replacement/redevelopment of
Change into ·        was redeveloped/ replaced by + Noun
6 something ·        changed into/ turned into (active
else voice)
The airport was demolished to make
There was a conversion of the
way for a new hospital
airport into a new hospital

·        still remained/ existed

·        no changes will be made to the
7 Remain main entrance and original car park.
The airport still remained/
existed close to the river

Four offices in its north have

been merged into an art-class room
8 The borrowing and returning
rooms have been separated into 2
rooms/ divided into 2 separated rooms

9 Others Furthermore, the plan is to join the

two original buildings together,
creating a shorter path that links the
buildings only.

5 cấu trúc miêu tả MAP 

Cấu trúc 1 – Dân số

Nếu chúng ta muốn nói 1 thành phố có số dân là 1000 người, ta có những cách nói như

 This city has a population of 1,000 people.

 This city has 1,000 inhabitants.
 The population of this city is 1,000.

Từ đó ta rút ra được công thức nói về dân số như sau:

 Nơi nào đó + has a population of + số dân + people

 Nơi nào đó + has + số dân + inhabitants.
 The population of + nơi nào đó + is + số dân

Cấu trúc 2 – Các tuyến đường

Giả sử chúng ta muốn nói tuyến đường bộ chạy xuyên thành phố từ Bắc vào Nam, ta sẽ có
những cách nói sau:

 The main road runs through the entire city from North to South.
 run through = pass through// go through// cross
 (Lưu ý: “cross” không đi với “through”).

Vậy chúng ta có công thức:

Tuyến đường + run through// pass through// go through// cross + địa điểm + hướng

Cấu trúc 3 – Vị trí

Từ vựng chỉ vị trí, địa điểm:

 east/ west/ south/ north: đông/ tây/ nam/ bắc

 left/ right/ top/ bottom/ middle/ centre: trái/ phải/ trên/ dưới/ giữa/ trung
 to be situated/ located/ positioned: nằm ở …
Ví dụ:

 The primary school is located to the north of the river.

 The shop is situated in the centre of the city.

Cấu trúc 4 – Chiều dài

Ví dụ, khi chúng ta muốn nói hòn đảo nào đó dài khoảng 250 km, ta sẽ có những cách nói

 The island has a length of about 250 km.

 The island‘s total length is about 250 km.
 The island is about 250 km long.

Vậy chúng ta sẽ có công thức:

 Nơi nào đó + has a length of + chiều dài

 Nơi nào đó’s total length is + chiều dài
 Nơi nào đó + is + chiều dài + long

Cấu trúc 5 – sự thay đổi

a – Giữ nguyên

Nếu qua thời gian, một nơi nào đó không có sự thay đổi gì, nó giữ nguyên trạng như ban
đầu, ta sẽ có công thức:

Nơi nào đó + remain unchanged// still exist

Ví dụ: From 1980 to 2000, the school remained unchanged.

Lưu ý: “remained” thêm “ed” vì ta đang nói về quá khứ.

b – Mở rộng/ Kéo dài

Mở rộng:

 Nơi nào đó + to be + expanded/ extented/ widened

 Nơi nào đó + become + bigger

Ví dụ: Between 2000 and 2005, the car park was slightly extended.

Kéo dài:
 Nơi nào đó + to be + lengthened

Ví dụ: During the following 2 years, the industrial complex was significantly lengthened.

c – Thu hẹp/ Rút ngắn

Thu hẹp

 Nơi nào đó + to be + narrowed

 Nơi nào đó + become smaller

Ví dụ: The shopping mall was dramatically narrowed over the period of 5 years.

Rút ngắn

 Nơi nào đó + to be + shortened

Ví dụ: The railway line was slightly shortened from 1990 to 2000.

d – Di chuyển 

Nơi nào đó + to be + moved/ relocated to + nơi mới

Ví dụ: The school was relocated to the north of the village.

e – Biến mất hoặc xuất hiện

Biến mất:

 Nơi nào đó + disappear

 Nơi nào đó + to be + demolished// destroyed// knocked down

Ví dụ: The hospital was demolised.

*** Nếu là rừng cây thì:

 Rừng cây + to be+ cleared// chopped down// cut down

Ví dụ: The woodland was cut down.

Xuất hiện/ xây mới:

 Nơi nào đó + appear

 Nơi nào đó + to be + built/ constructed// erected
Ví dụ: A new school was built next to the car park.

♦♦♦ Lưu ý: Nếu dùng “appear” hay “disappear” thì không có “to be” ở trước nhé.

f – Bị thay thế

Nếu 1 địa điểm nào đó bị phá bỏ và nó bị thay thế bởi 1 cái khác, ta sẽ kết hợp công thức
tại mục “e” bên trên và công thức thay thế.

 Nơi nào đó + to be + demolished// destroyed// knocked down + to make way

for + nơi mới.
 Nơi nào đó + to be + demolished// destroyed// knocked down + and replaced
by + nơi mới.
 Nơi mới + to be + built/ constructed// erected + to replace + nơi cũ
 Nơi mới + to be + built/ constructed// erected + on the original site of + nơi

Ví dụ:

 The school was demolished to make way for a new science block.

 The school was demolished and replaced by a new science block.
 A new science block was built to replace the school.
 A new science block was built on the original site of the school.

(Ngôi trường bị phá bỏ để nhường chỗ cho tòa nhà nghiên cứu khoa học)


BÀI SỐ 1. Đề IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 23-01-2021
Task 1: The plans show the change of a small theater in 2010 and 2012.
Bài viết đã được chấm bởi 1 examiner tại Anh để đảm bảo chất lượng.

Bài mẫu tham khảo

The plans illustrate the transformation in a particular theater between 2010 and 2012

Overall, a number of changes took place all over the layout of the building, with some
existing features being converted and relocated in the process. It seems that the theater
was expanded sideways to incorporate more facilities.

In 2010, the theater could be accessed from the main entrance to the South, through which
a cafe could be spotted in the right corner. Opposite the cafe lay a ticket office and
administration office to the other side. In the next 2 years, however, the ticket office was
relocated to the bottom right corner where the cafe had been, while the administration
office was moved to the back to make way for a new restaurant area in the left. 

The auditorium in the middle saw no difference whatsoever, although the stage in
front nearly doubled in size, with the addition of a side hall behind it. The old media room
and storage room was moved to the top left and right side respectively. Finally, a new
showers area was built next to the media room. 

The two maps below show a small village in the west of Ireland in the year 2000 and at
the present time. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The maps illustrate how an Irish village has developed since 2000.

Overall, the village has changed considerably to become a more crowded residential area.
Some new amenities, such as a park and a car park, have also been added.

In the north-west of the village, the farmland has been flattened in order to make way for a
new park. The small road west of the main road, which runs in the north-south direction,
has been extended further westward and more residential houses have been built along
both its sides. In addition, another new small road has been built east of this main road in
the north-east of the village, and some residential houses have also been constructed along

In the south of the village, the dock on the water has been demolished, and the markets
next to the road running in east-west direction have  been knocked down, and some
restaurants have been erected in their place. In the opposite side of this road, the shops and
the hotel remain unchanged. However, a carpark has been added next to the hotel.


(Official Cambridge guide to IELTS)


Bài mẫu của mình cho đề bài trên:

The maps show the developments that occurred at West Park Secondary School during a
60-year period from 1950 to 2010.

It is clear from the maps that the biggest change that happened at the school was the
construction of a car park. Additionally, houses and farmland had completely disappeared
by 2010.

In 1950, the school was quite small and it was located to the south of the main road. There
were residential houses in the northwest corner, but those houses were demolished in 1980
to make way for a car park and a science block. Farmland was also destroyed and replaced
by a sports field, while the playground in the southeast area still existed.

From 1980 to 2010, the car park was dramatically extended, and the sports field had to
move a little to the east, forcing the playground to become smaller. Meanwhile, the
science block and the main building of the school still remained close to the main road.

(160 words, band 8.0)

(Cambridge 13)
The two maps below show road access to a city hospital in 2007 and in 2010.

The two maps illustrate some changes in the way people accessed a city hospital in two
different years, 2007 and 2010.

It is clear that the main differences in road access to this hospital involve intersection
upgrades and the development of parking spaces and bus facilities.

From 2007 to 2010, the most striking change is the appearance of two new roundabouts.
The first one was constructed at the three-way junction of the hospital road and the ring
road surrounding the hospital, while the second one was located at the four-way
intersection of the hospital road and the city road.

Looking at the other features, we can see that the six bus stops, situated along the hospital
road, were removed to make way for a new bus station to the western side of this
road. In terms of parking spaces, a new public car park was constructed to the eastern
side of the hospital and people could access this car park via the ring road, while the old
parking lot became a staff-only area.

 intersection upgrades: sự nâng cấp giao lộ

 the most striking change: sự thay đổi nổi bật nhất
 at the three-way junction of A and B: tại đường giao nhau ba chiều giữa
đường A và đường B
 at the four-way intersection of A and B: tại ngã tư giữa đường A và đường
 to be moved to make way for …: bị gỡ bỏ để nhường chỗ cho
 in terms of …: khi nói về …
 in 2007 and in 2010 = in two different years, 2007 and 2010
 the way people accessed a city hospital = road access to a city hospital
 located = situated: nằm ở vị trí nào


Đề thi IELTS Writing task 1 ngày 04-03-2021
Task 1: The diagrams give information about changes in a student accommodation.

The maps depict modifications to a student accommodation building from 2010 to the

present day. Overall, the building has been renovated extensively, seeing fundamental
changes to the student-bedrooms and the gardens. In addition, more entrances are added
as a result of the remodelling.

In 2010, the building was a relatively green area with three gardens to the northwest, the
north and the south of the map. However, in the present day, only the northern one
remains; the other two were replaced by a new student bedroom and a car park. The
number of student bedrooms was greatly expanded from the original three to five,
replacing the former living room.

The current building is also more accessible with more doors added, connecting the rooms
to each other and to the exterior. Other major changes include the introduction of an en-
suite room and the addition of a new social area in the kitchen. The big bathroom sited at
the heart of the map, however, remained unchanged over the given period.

Vocab highlights

 Modification: sự điều chỉnh

 Renovate: đổi mới
 Extensively: một cách toàn diện
 Fundamental changes: những thay đổi cơ bản
 Remodelling: thay đổi, thiết kế lại (dùng cho nhà cửa)
 Expand: mơ rộng
 Accessible: dễ ra vào hơn
 Exterior: bên ngoài
 En-suite room: phòng ngủ có nhà tắm ở trong
 Site: nằm ở

Đề IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 24-04-2021

Task 1: The maps give information about a university sports court.


The maps depict modifications made to the layout of an unspecified university sports

court from 1990 to the present day. Overall, the sports court was renovated extensively
with the addition, replacement and relocation of various facilities.

In 1990, the western part of the court was a largely open area with a big park and a car
park. However, in the present day, the former was transformed into a basketball court,
and the latter was replaced by a tennis court.  

The northern side of the area, in the meantime, was enclosed with walls, which leads to
the outdoor pool being converted into an indoor one. The fitness center was added, taking
up the space where there once was a tennis court, and the changing
room formerly located adjacent to the reception in 1990 was now relocated next to the
centre. The cafe and the reception, however, remained at the same position over the given


 modifications: sự thay đổi

 transformed into: được biến đổi thành
 replaced by: được thay thế bởi
 in the meantime: trong khi đó
 enclosed with walls: được bao quanh là tường
 formerly: trước đây
 adjacent to: kế bên

Task 1: The maps give information about a university sports court.

The given maps portray the varion in the structure of the college sports court in 2
dissimilar time in 1990 and at present.
Evidently, it is noticeable that the modification witness in the facilities of the courtyard
while some facilities were relocated and converted for the others’s erection to apdapt the
needs of students, however that still remain the the same size during the period.
Regarding the estern part of the court, due to the errection of the walls the emergence of
the indoor pool replace for the outdoor one. Besides that, the changing room was
enlarged and relocated to be adjacent to the Fitness Centre,which was contructed in the
area of the tennis court in 1990. Nevertheless, the Cafe and reception have existed over
As for the western, while it was a expansive space with the park and a car parking place in
1990, that was demolished to make way for the tenis courts- which is two-fold in size with
1990- and the contruction of the new playground : basketball court in the meantime

The given maps portray the varion in the structure of the college sports court in 2 dissimilar time
in 1990 and at present.
Evidently, it is noticeable that the modification witness in the facilities of the courtyard while some
facilities were relocated and converted for the others’s erection to adapt the needs of students,
however that still remain the the same size during the period.
Regarding the estern part of the court, due to the errection of the walls the emergence of the
indoor pool replace for the outdoor one. Besides that, the changing room was enlarged and
relocated to be adjacent to the Fitness Centre,which was contructed in the area of the tennis
court in 1990. Nevertheless, the Cafe and reception have existed over time.
As for the western, while the space was expanded with the park and a car parking place in 1990;
however,it was demolished to make way for the tenis courts- which is two-fold in size with 1990-
and the contruction of the new playground : basketball court in the meantime

Đề IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 15-05-2021

Task 1: The maps below show the changes in the art gallery ground floor in 2015 and
present day.
The maps depict modifications to the ground floor of an unspecified art gallery from 2015
to the present day. Overall, the ground floor underwent a complete transformation with
various facilities being relocated, replaced or added.

Between 2015 and the present day, the reception desk was relocated to a position where it
is closer to the entrance. The hall was further expanded to the right-hand side of the
ground floor, taking up the space where there once was a gallery office. There is now a
lift adjacent to the former stairs, and the café on the top left corner of the ground floor
was converted into a gallery shop with a vending machine located just outside.

Another major change to the area was the rearrangement of the exhibition rooms. The
exhibition room #4 on the left-hand side of the room was divided into a temporary one
and an area for children, while the three exhibition rooms on the right-hand side remain
unchanged. The final change made to the layout of the ground floor is the additional ramp
for wheelchairs, which makes the gallery become more accessible to the disabled. 


 undergo (v): trải qua (thường là một quá trình gì đó)

 relocate (v): chuyển chỗ. Be relocated: được chuyển chỗ
 adjacent (adj): kế 
 convert (v): chuyển đổi. Be converted: được chuyển đổi (để phục vụ chức năng
 temporary (adj): tạm thời
 layout (thường là the layout, n): bố cục
 accessible (adj): dễ tiếp cận
 the disabled (adj): người khuyết tật.

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