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Final Exam - Wise Up - Presentation
Ana Beatriz Torres
How To Build Confidence In Public Speaking

◦ - Focus and connect with your audience

◦ -Video yourself
◦ -Practice in front of the mirror
◦ -Breath
◦ -Act confidente
◦ -Believe in yourself
Truths and Techniques for Public Speaking
◦ 1 - Have a central theme.
◦ Keep in mind the main message you want to get across.
◦ 2 - Learn to give rhythm to the presentation.
◦ Controlling the speed and tone of the voice gives the audience a sense of self-confidence.
◦ 3 – Always smile.
◦ The power of a smile should not be underestimated: it is able to make your speech more welcoming..
◦ 4 - Remember that the audience forgives mistakes.
◦ Wrong? Go straight on.
◦ 5 - Be vulnerable.
◦ If your speech includes a question and answer session, it is important to establish that you do not know everything and
everything is fine.
That is all. Thank you!!!


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