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Discuss the two To learn the

types of Human Human
Reproductive Reproduction in a
Sytem brief way
• Every human being posesses a
reproductive system. It helps
him/her to reproduce another
human being. We are a product
of reproduction. The
reproductive system starts the
life of every human being.
Female Reproductive Organ

Male Reproductive Organ
Male Reproductive What is the purpose of Reproductive
Organs of the Male?
System • To produce, maintain, and transport
sperm and protective fluid (semen).
• To discharge sperm within female
reproductive tract during sex.
• To produce and secrete male sex
hormones responsible for maintaining
the reproductive system.
• Scrotum– A small muscular sac-like
Male Reproductive organ located below and behind the
penis. It consists of the testes and is
System mainly involved in maintaining the
temperature required for the of sperm
•Testes – also called as testicles. They
are a pair of oval-shaped organs which
are mainly responsible for the sperm
production and synthesis of testosterone.
• Penis– It is the primary sexual
organ which serves as both
Male Reproductive reproductive organ as well as
excretory organ and used for the
System purpose of sexual intercourse. It is a
cylindrical tube-like organ with a
small opening at the top and is
extremely sensitive as it becomes
vertical when a person is sexually
aroused. Semen, containing sperm,
is ejaculated from the opening at
the top when the person reaches
sexual climax.
Male Reproductive
System • Urethra– A narrow tube-like structure
that conducts urine and semen from the
urinary bladder to the penis.
• Vas Deferens– It is a muscular tube
that carries mature sperm produced in
the testes to the urethra.
Male Reproductive
Female Reproductive What is the purpose of the Female
System Reproductive Organ?
• It produces the female egg cells
necessary for reproduction, called the
ova or oocytes.
• The system is designed to transport
the ova to the site of fertilization.
• Conception
• Menstruation
• Production of female hormones
Female Reproductive
System •Ovaries- pair of organs mainly
responsible for ovum, or egg, which are
the sex gametes in a female.
•Uterus- it is commonly known as the
womb. It is a pear-shaped muscular bag-
like organ with strong muscular lining
that holds the baby after fertilization. It is
also the site for embryo development.
Female Reproductive
•Cervix- a cylinder ring-shaped tissue
which is composed mainly of
fibromuscular tissue. Located on the
lowermost portion of the uterus. It also
connects the uterus to the vagina.
Female Reproductive
•Vagina- primary sexual organ which
serves as both excretory organ as and as
reproductive organ. It is a muscular and
tubular part of the female genital tract that
opens outside the body.
Female Reproductive
•Average menstrual cycle lasts for 28 days.
•During the first 14 days of the cycle, an egg
matures in woman’s ovaries.
•Maturation process of the egg cell is stimulated by
“follicle stimulating hormone.
•The maturing egg produces another hormone, the
estrogen which makes the lining of the uterus
prepare for pregnancy.
•Around day 14 of the cycle, the egg is ready to be
released and emerges in the ovary
•The release of the egg cells around day 14 is
triggered by an increase of hormone called
“luteinizing hormone.”
•After the release, the egg has about 12-24 hour
window period where it can be fertilized by sperm.
•Sperm can survive in woman’s genital tract for up
to 3 days after the intercourse.
•Fertilization happens in the fallopian tube
•If the sperm penetrated the egg, an embryo will
start to form.
•After 7 days, the embryo reaches the uterus.
•Cells surrounding the embryo makes the hormone
“human chorionic gonadotropin” (HCG)
•HCG signals pregnancy has occurred and
menstrual cycle will stop temporarily until after
Health Habits in Taking Care of your Human
Reproductive Organ as Part of the Sexual Self

• Thourougly wash your external sex organs

using soap and water everyday.
• Be sure your underwear is clean before
wearing them.
• Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday or as
often as needed.
• Change your underwear as often as needed.
• Try to stay away from sugar and too many
Health Habits in Taking Care of
your Human Reproductive Organ
as Part of the Sexual Self

• Changes in your diet can also change your

reproductive health.
• Avoid smoking and drinking if you can as well.
• Drinking sufficient water will also help the body
and reproductive system to function effectively.
• Be Proactive About Your Health.

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