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An Illness of Overthinking

Batch: BBA 1A
Lecturer: Aisha Ansari (SZABIST)
Punctuality, Discipline, Sensible Attitude and Alertness are the Pre Requisites
of this Course
How Often Your Brain Feels Paralyzed
It’s like tying yourself to a rope that is connected to a pole and going
in circles again and again.

This is a kind of thinking that wastes your time and energy and
prevents you from acting.

There's a big difference between Ruminating And Problem-

Overthinking comes in two forms; ruminating about the past and
worrying about the future.

Overthinking is not PROBLEM SOLVING

Overthinking is not something SELF
It's different than problem-solving. Problem-solving involves thinking about a solution.
Overthinking involves dwelling on the problem.

Overthinking is also different than self-reflection. Healthy self-reflection is about learning

something about yourself or gaining a new perspective about a situation. It's purposeful.
Signs You're an Over thinker
• I relive embarrassing moments in my head repeatedly.
• I have trouble sleeping because it feels like my brain won't shut off.
• I ask myself a lot of "what if..." questions.
• I spend a lot of time thinking about the hidden meaning in things people say or events
that happen.
• I repeat conversations I had with people in my mind and think about all the things I
wished I had or hadn't said.
• I constantly relive my mistakes.
• When someone says or acts in a way I don't like, I keep replaying it in my mind.
• Sometimes I'm not aware of what's going on around me because I'm dwelling on things
that happened in the past or worrying about things that might happen in the future.
• I spend a lot of time worrying about things I have no control over.
• I can't get my mind off my worries.
Here are simple ideas to help over thinkers stop spinning their wheels.
1. Awareness is the beginning of change.
Before you can begin to address or cope with your habit of
overthinking, you need to learn to be aware of it when it's
happening. That moment of awareness is the seed of the
change you want to make.

2. Don't think of what can go wrong, but what can go right.

In many cases, overthinking is caused by a single emotion:
fear. When you focus on all the negative things
that might happen, it's easy to become paralyzed.
Visualize all the things that can go right and keep those
thoughts present and up front.

3. Distract yourself into happiness.

Sometimes it's helpful to have a way to distract yourself with happy, positive, healthy alternatives. Things like mediation,
exercise, learning an instrument, knitting, drawing, and painting can distance you from the issues enough to shut down the
over analysis.
Here are simple ideas to help over thinkers stop spinning their wheels.
4. Stop waiting for perfection.
This is a big one. For all of us who are waiting for perfection,
we can stop waiting right now. Being ambitious is great but
aiming for perfection is unrealistic and impractical.

5. Change your view of fear.

Whether you're afraid because you've failed in the past, or
you're fearful of trying or overgeneralizing some other failure,
remember that just because things did not work out before does
not mean that has to be the outcome every time. Remember,
every opportunity is a new beginning, a place to start again.

6. Realize you can't predict the future.

No one can predict the future; all we have is now. If you spend the present moment worrying about the future, you are a
rober of your time now. Spending time on the future is simply not productive. Spend that time instead on things that give
you joy.
Confidence Building
Batch: BBA 1A
Lecturer: Aisha Ansari (SZABIST)
Punctuality, Discipline, Sensible Attitude and Alertness are the Pre Requisites
of this Course
Self confidence is the state of self-assuredness and trust in oneself and one’s
abilities and strengths. It’s the state of hopefulness that one can succeed, even
after experiencing a failure. Furthermore, it’s all about feeling comfortable in
different situations, even if their outcome is unknown.

A confident person that has a high self-esteem:

- takes responsibility for himself and others

- trusts in himself and his abilities
- faces his fears and expands his own boundaries
- scrutinizes criticism
- doesn’t blame others for his own mistakes
List down the reasons
1. .
2. .
3. .
4. .
5. .


Why People Lack Confidence
The factors that contribute to low self-confidence combine and interact differently for each person. Your 

• Genes,
• Cultural background,
• Childhood experiences, and other life circumstances all play a role.

But don’t lose heart 

(Approval Addiction) “A PROBLEM”

• Get away from this problem as soon as possible..


Signs That You Worry Too Much About What Others Think

• You’re afraid to say what you really think or believe.

• Constantly thinking that people are upset with you when they really
• You do things that you don’t really want to do and then regret it
• You find it hard to do something different and may be too scared to do so.
• The active avoidance of certain people,
• You do what others tell you to do and find it hard to make decisions.
Ways To Stop Worrying About What Other people Think.
Focus On Being In The Moment
The feeling we always feel
‘I really like this dress, I think I look lovely but what if
when I get there, people judge me for wearing this?’

Now what you can do

You should not be focusing on what could happen because
it is something you can’t control.

Try to focus on the moment and accept yourself for who

Know That People Don’t Normally Care (it is a fact)

• Throughout in our lives, we remain focused on ourselves. This is normally the

same for everyone, including those who you may be thinking are judging you.

• Try and realize that everyone has their own lives and things that they have to
deal with. They will normally be thinking about themselves and not you.

• Once you start to realize that most people have their own insecurities and
worries it can become easier to stop worrying so much about what people
Practice Self Love And Acceptance

• Try and practice self-care for yourself to show self-love, this can be through 

meditation, eating healthy, spending time with nature, learning new skills,
follow the trends you love, thinking positively etc. Whatever brings you joy can
work, just try and show self-love to yourself every day.
Find Your Group Of People
• When you are around people who lift you up and help you to feel positive it
can really help you when trying to stop worrying about others. People that
care for you will be able to tell you your strengths and positive things about
you that you may not see right now.
• Having a close group of friends who are positive and honest can really help.
Understand That You Can’t Please Everyone

• ‘Better to be loved by few people, then liked by everyone’. You need to know
that you can’t please everyone, it’s just not possible.

• There will be people who are always going to judge you, no matter what you
do, it’s just how they are.

• As mentioned before, those people who matter to you will probably not judge
you. And those who do judge you don’t really matter. Once you accept the fact
that you can’t please everyone and people will still judge you, you will be safe
from Approval addiction.
Strategies to Build Self
Present yourself with Confidence
Give genuine Compliments to others
Accept compliments gracefully
Don't roll your eyes and say, "Yeah, right," or shrug it off. Take it to
heart and respond positively ("Thank you" and a smile works well).
Recognize Your Insecurities
Whatever is making you feel unworthy, ashamed, or inferior, identify it, give it a name, and
write it down. You can also tear these written pieces to start feeling positive on those points.

Can be The quality and pitch of your voice,

Can be The Fear of speaking incorrect,
Can be Unmanageable hair
Can be nerdy & bore at heart
Can be flat and fat nose
Can be not athletic
Can be fat
Can be the incorrect way to delivering the knowledge
Bounce back from your mistakes
Be thankful For what you have
Say your pride lines (You have to be Out
•Things you‟ve done for your parent(s)
•Things you‟ve done for a friend
•About your religious beliefs
•How you‟ve earned some money
•How you usually spend your money FROMHERE
•Habits you have
•What you are proudest of in your life
•Something you have shared
•Something you own
•Thoughts about people who are different from you
•Something you‟ve done to help someone else

“I am proud that I _______________??”

Confidence Activity
• The quiz will give you some insight into your current
level of confidence. Listen each statement and
• write A if it is true for you most of the time,
• B if it is true for you some of the time,
• and C if it is not usually true.

At the end, I'll tell you what your answers indicate. 

• Here’s how to interpret your score:

• Mostly A’s: Your confidence is on solid ground. You’re doing a great job of

not allowing obstacles to get in your way of meeting valued goals. 
• Mostly B’s: You’re right in the middle, sometimes recognizing your
accomplishments and other times, focusing on where you’re falling short.
Your answers indicate you may fall victim to common pitfalls that
undermine self-confidence.  
• Mostly C’s: Your self-confidence is a little shaky, but that’s OK.  Remember,
there is no one with “total” self-confidence all of the time. You may need
to ease up on yourself, notice your accomplishments, and find ways to
handle setbacks.  

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