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Distance Estimation in Multi-hop Broadcasting using RSS-Based Strategy

• The main goal of multi-hop broadcasting • 多跳广播协议的主要目标是减少中继节

protocols is to reduce the number of relaying 点的数量、低广播开销和低交付延迟。
nodes, low broadcast overhead and low • 选择下一个中继节点对于实现上述目标
delivery delays. 至关重要。
• Selecting the next relay node is of • 许多提议的解决方案使用距离作为中继
paramount importance to achieve the above 选择过程的主要参数
mentioned objectives.
• Many proposed solutions used distance as a
main parameter for relay selection process
第 2 页
• While working in VANETs, the distance between sender • 在 VANET 中工作时,发送方和接收方节点之间
and receiver nodes is one of the most important 的距离是需要考虑的最重要参数之一。
parameters that need to be considered. • 大多数协议使用由 GPS 或 RSU 信息确定的发
• Most protocols use the distance between sender and 送方和接收方之间的距离。
receiver determined with GPS or RSU information. • 但是,使用消息中的空间信息确定距离会导致
• However, determining the distance using spatial • 延迟增加,
information in the message results in
• 消耗带宽 : 额外的沟通
• Increased delay,
• 较低的可靠性
• Consumed bandwidth: extra communication and
• Lower reliability.

第 3 页
• The RSS-based distance estimation • 基于 RSS 的距离估计方法是一种
method is a beaconless and infrastructure 无信标和无基础设施的策略,其中
less strategy, where the distance between 任何一对节点之间的距离是使用接
any pair of nodes is estimated using the 收信号功率 (RSSI) 来估计的。
received signal power (RSSI). • 可以在接收器节点通过测量接收功
• The distance from a sender can be 率而不交换任何信标来估计与发送
estimated at the receiver nodes by 器的距离。
measuring the received power without
exchanging any beacon.

第 4 页
Power received in Friis model

• In the Free space propagation model, the power • 在自由空间传播模型中,与发射发射天线相

received by a receiver antenna which is 隔距离 d 的接收天线接收到的功率由 Friis
separated from a radiating transmitter antenna by 自由空间方程给出,
a distance d, is given by the Friis free space

where pt is the transmitted power, pr(d) is the received power which is a func­tion of the distance

between sender and receiver, Gt is the transmitter antenna gain, Gr, is the receiver antenna gain,
d is the T-R separation distance in meters, and λ, is the wavelength in meters.
第 5 页
log-normal model

• The path loss model formulated by using the simplified log-normal

shadowing model as:

where Pr(d)(mW) is the received signal power at distance d in mW, Pr(d0)(mW)

is the mean received signal power at a reference distance d0 in mW, and η is path
loss exponent.

第 6 页
Unit conversion (Watt to dBm)

To compute for the estimated distance the power received must be converted to the unit dBm

第 7 页
Estimated Distance

• From the above equations d is defined to be the distance estimate between

two nodes via an associated RSS measurement, and can be formulated as

• With properly modeled path loss in a given environment, it is be possible to formulate

a relation between distance and RSSI value

• However, there are still uncertainty caused by the signal propagation environment, like reflection,
diffraction, scattering or penetration of the radio signal through the objects.

第 8 页
Distance and received Power Relationship

Received power [dBm] vs distance [m] 10

-8 distance(dij) vs Pr
0 9


Received power [dBm]

-30 5



-60 1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
T-R distance d [m]
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Distance (dij) [m]

第 9 页
Power unit conversion

第 10 页
Highlights of some Ethiopian Tourist attractions


Waliya- Ibex

Tis-Esat Fall

The Gondar Castle

Semien Mountain

Geralta Mountain

Danakil Depression

Rock-hewn Churches
第 11 页

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