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16 September 2021
• Behaviors are sometimes defined broadly, such as “healthy eating and active
• The term actions is most often used synonymously with behaviors, although the
former term can also refer to specific actions or sub-behaviors that constitute
Example :
Behavior of eating more fruits and vegetables may involve the specific actions of
shopping for fruits and vegetables, adding orange juice at breakfast, including a
vegetable at lunch, and so forth.
• The word practices is also used interchangeably with behaviors and actions,
although the term practices tends to refer to more general and continuing
behaviors, such as food-related parenting practices, eating balanced meals,
being physically active, or buying foods at farmers’ markets.
Food Choice and
Gizi Dalam
Pangan Dan
Environmental Support
• Environmental supports refer to the food, physical, social structure,
informational, and policy environments external to a person that are
relevant to the behavior or practices at issue.
• Taking action and maintaining a behavioral change is much more likely
if the relevant environment is supportive.
• Promoting supportive environments usually requires nutrition
educators to educate a different audience.
• In this approach the role of the nutrition educator moves from that of
an “information dispatcher” to a “facilitator of change” of individuals
and communities.
Knowledge Is Not Enough

● Alicia, she knows a lot about nutrition, and, in

particular, she knows that she should eat more fruits
and vegetables. She just can’t seem to do it.
● Ray, who wants to lose weight and knows what he is
supposed to do, but just can’t seem to get to it.
● Yourself, maybe there is some eating habit you want
to change but don’t.
Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku

Faktor predisposisi Faktor penguat

01 Faktor yang 03 Faktor yang memperkuat
mempermudah perilaku seseorang.
terjadinya perilaku
seseorang. Contoh: Contoh: tokoh
pengetahuan dan sikap masyarakat, peraturan,
undang-undang dan surat
keputusan dari pejabat
Faktor pemungkin pemerintahan
02 Faktor pendukung
perilaku seseorang.
Contoh: fasilitas, sarana
dan prasarana
Hubungan Pendidikan Gizi Dengan
Determinan Perilaku

Predisposing factors

Nutrition Enabling Behaviour

education factors

Strategi Pendidikan

Ditujukan kepada faktor predisposisi

01 adalah dalam bentuk pemberian
informasi dan penyuluhan

Ditujukan kepada faktor pemungkin ialah

memberdayakan masyarakat melalui
pengorganisasian atau pengembangan 02

Ditujukan kepada faktor penguat

03 yaitu pelatihan kepada tokoh
Educational Intervention
● Contento et al (2005) mereview 217 studi intervensi
pendididkan gizi yang didisain dengan baik pada kelompok
masyarakat antara tahun 1980 dan 1995 menemukan bahwa :
Intervention tidak selalu berhasil dan sering juga dampaknya
tidak besar. Disamping itu jika banyak komponen terlibat,
pendidikan gizi sering memperoleh hasil positif. Paling tidak
pendidikan gizi berkontribusi nyata pada perubahan terkait
perilaku variasi makan dan gizi. Review fokus pada studi-studi
di sekolah juga menemukan pengaruh pendidikan gizi (Lytle &
Achterberg 1995; McArthur 1998).
terima kasih

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