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Modul 18 :
Stating animals around us
(Memberi informasi binatang disekitar kita)
Stating animals around us
(Memberi informasi binatang disekitar kita)

Tujuan mempelajari materi ini adalah :

- To learn how to state animals around us

- Untuk memberi informasi terkait nama dan jumlah binatang disekitar kita.
Hi! My name is Beni.
(Hai, nama saya Beni.)

I have one rabbit in my house.

(Saya punya seekor kelinci dirumah)

And I have two dogs.

(Dan saya punya dua ekor anjing)
This is my friend Edo.
(Ini teman saya Edo.)

He has three hamsters in his house.

(Dia punya tiga hamster dirumahnya)
This is my friend Siti.
(Ini teman saya Siti.)

She has some cats in her house.

(Dia punya beberapa kucing dirumahnya)
I have one rabbit

I have two rabbits

He / She has three cats

He / She has some cats

It is my house.
(Ini rumah saya)
There is a cow in front of my house.
(Ada seekor sapi didepan rumah saya)

There are some goats near my house.

(Ada beberapa kambing didekat rumah saya)
There is a goat

There are two goats

There are some goats

Have a good study…

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