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Test Drills

The medical record of a client reveals a conditio

n in which the fetus cannot pass through
the maternal pelvis. The nurse interprets this as:
A. Contracted pelvis
B. Maternal disproportion
C. Cervical insufficiency
D. Fetopelvic disproportion
• After a vaginal examination, the nurse determi
nes that the client’s fetus is in an occiput poste
rior position. The nurse would anticipate that t
he client will have:
• A. A precipitous birth
• B. Intense back pain
• C. Frequent leg cramps
• D. Nausea and vomiting
• The rationales for using a prostaglandin gel for
a client prior to the induction of labor is
• A. Soften and efface the cervix
• B. Numb cervical pain receptors
• C. Prevent cervical lacerations
• D. Stimulate uterine contractions
• The Dators are a couple undergoing testing for
infertility. Infertility is said to exist
• A. a woman has no uterus
• B. a woman has no children
• C. a couple has been trying to conceive for 1 y
• D. a couple has wanted a child for 6 months
• Lilia is scheduled to have a hysterosalphingogram.
Which of the following instructions
• would you give her regarding this procedure?
• A. She will not be able to conceive for 3 months a
fter the procedure
• B. The sonogram of the uterus will reveal any tum
ors present
• C. Many women experience mild bleeding as an a
fter effect
• D. She may feel some cramping when the dye is in
• Lilia’s cousin on the other hand, knowing nurse Lor
ena’s specialization asks what artificial inseminatio
n by donor entails. Which would be your best answ
er if you were Nurse Lorena?
• A. Donor sperm are introduced vaginally into the u
terus or cervix
• B. Donor sperm are injected intra-abdominally into
each ovary
• C. Artificial sperm are injected vaginally to test tub
al patency
• D. The husband’s sperm is administered intravenou
sly weekly
• A public health nurse would instruct a pregnan
t woman to notify the physician immediately if
which of the following symptoms occur during
• A. Presence of dark color in the neck
• B. Increased vaginal discharge
• C. Swelling of the face
• D. Breast tenderness
• In a big government hospital, Nurse Pura is tak
ing care of a woman with diagnosis of abrupti
on placenta. What complication of this conditi
on is most concerned to Nurse Pura?
• A. Urinary tract infection
• B. Pulmonary embolism
• C. Hypocalcemia
• D. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
• Which of the following findings on a newly deli
vered woman’s chart would indicate she is at r
isk for developing postpartum hemorrhage?
• A. Post-term delivery
• B. Epidural anesthesia
• C. Grand multiparity
• D. Premature rupture of membrane
• Bernadette is a 22-year old woman. Which co
ndition would make her more prone than
• others to developing a Candida infection durin
g pregnancy?
• A. Her husband plays golf 6 days a week
• B. She was over 35 when she became pregnan
• C. She usually drinks tomato juice for breakfas
• D. She has developed gestational diabetes
• Nina develops a deep vein thrombosis following
an auto accident and is prescribed heparin sub-Q
. What should Joanna educate her about in regar
d to this?
• A. Some infants will be born with allergic sympto
ms to heparin
• B. Her infant will be born with scattered petechia
e on his trunk
• C. Heparin can cause darkened skin in newborns
• D. Heparin does not cross placenta and so does n
ot affect a fetus
• Which of the following assessment indicates t
hat the NB is delivered full-term?
a. Lanugo in woolly patches
b. Skin is dry and cracked
c. Fingernails extend beyond fingertips
d. Profuse scalp hair
• Find the OB history in GTPAL format of a wom
an who has been pregnant five times, two of
which to a pair of twins, had an abortion, and
a child delivered at 36 weeks AOG.
• Bonnie, 3 months pregnant, has reported for her fir
st prenatal visit. The nurse should instruct her to do
which of the following?
• A. eat more dairy products and green leafy vegetabl
es to provide an additional 300 calories each day
• B. increase her intake of carbohydrates-breads and
sweets to prevent protein metabolism
• C. eat whenever she feels hungry because her body
will let her know when she needs nutrients and extr
a calories
• D. limit intake of amino acids to prevent developme
nt of diabetic ketoacidosis
• Which of the following TB drugs can be safely
given to a neonate of a TB infected mother?
a. Streptomycin
b. Ethambutol
c. Rifampicin
d. Isoniazid
• The presenting part of the fetus is 2 cm below
the ischial spines. The nurse correctly docume
nts this as:
a. Station 0
b. Station -2
c. Station +2
d. Station (+-) 2
Which of the following problems should th
e nurse be alert for in a client with PIH?
a. Abruptio placenta
b. Post term delivery
c. Uterine inversion
d. Placenta previa
• Which of the following assessment findings in
dicates that the woman is experiencing false la

a. contractions decrease in duration and inten

b. back pain is not relieved by walking

c. dilatation and effacement of the cervix is no

d. bloody show occurs
• The nurse is performing Leopold’s maneuver.
During the first maneuver, the fetal part palpat
ed is hard, round and movable. The nurse conc
ludes that the fetal presentation is:
a. Cephalic
b. Breech
c. Shoulder
d. Footling
• The client is diagnosed to have placenta previa
. What warning sign should be placed by the n
urse in the client’s room?
a. “no abdominal palpation”
b. “no vaginal exam”
c. “ no BP taking”
d. “ no cigarette smoking”
• Baby G, an infant of a diabetic mother is at gre
at risk to develop:
a. Hyperglycemia
b. Hypoglycemia
c. Shrill cry
d. Neural tube defects
• Which of the following drugs is the antidote fo
r Magnesium sulfate toxicity?
a. Protamine sulfate
b. Vit. K
c. Calciaid
d. Calcium Gluconate
• Which cervical mucus assessment findings sug
gests that a woman is ovulating?
a. thick cervical mucus
b. absence of ferning
c. highly stretchable
d. highly viscous mucus
• Noemi comes to the clinic for a pre natal chec
k. Record reveals her LMP was last June 1, 201
0. When is her EDD?
• The fundus is at the level of the xiphoid proces
s during the 36th week AOG of a concerned mo
ther. As a nurse, you see that the mother is:

a. experiencing abnormal underdeveloped fet


b. not in good condition and MD must be noti

fied right away
c. just fine
d. getting a lot of unwanted calories

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