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Week 8 (19-05-2022)
Geological Disaster
A natural disaster due to geological
disturbances, often caused by shifts
in tectonic plates and seismic

 Landslide
 Earth Quake
 Tsunami
 Volcanic Eruption
Geophysics for Disaster Monitoring and

 Microzonation mapping with seismic SASW (Spectral Analysis of Surface

Wave) and MASW (Multichannel  Analysis of Surface Wave). 
 observed the conditions and depth of the subduction zone using the Seismic
3D tomography imaging method.
 Gravity method for sinkhole and fault zone mapping that has been buried in
sediment layer.
 geomagnet method tomonitoring volcanoes.
 Geoelectric for sliding surface investigation.
Type of Landslide

the movement downslope of a
mass of rock, debris, earth,
or soil (soil being a mixture of
earth and debris). 
Type of Landslide

(falls) (topples) (spreads)


Causal Factors for Landslides
Causal Factors for Landslides

1. Ground Conditions 2. Geomorphological Processes

• • Tectonic uplift
Plastic weak material
• Volcanic uplift
• Sensitive material
• Vegetation removal
• Collapsible material • Subsidence
• Weathered material
3. Physical Processes
• Sheared material
• Intense rainfall over a short period
• Adversely oriented structural • Earthquake
discontinuities including faults,
• Volcanic eruption
unconformities, flexural
• shears, sedimentary contacts 4. Man-Made Processes
• Excavation of the slope or its toe
• Contrasts in permeability and its
• Water leakage from services like water
effects on ground water
supplies, sewage, storm water drains
• Mining and quarrying in open pits or
underground galleries
• Vegetation removal
Factors responsible for Landslides
Inherent or basic conditions Geology

 Lithology
 Structure

Hydrologic conditions


Geoelectric for Landslide Investigation
Geoelectric for Landslide Investigation
Geolistrik method, especially
resistivity (resistivitas) is widely
used to estimate the depth and
thickness of aquifer because of the
highly unresistive aquifer physical
properties. If we look back at the
benefits of this geoelectricity,
there are many applications of
geoelectric methods both in the
field of geotechnical, archeology,
environment and disaster.
Geoelectric for Sliding Surface Investigation
the principle in the
geoelectrical method of type
resistance is the electric
current injected into the earth
through two current
electrodes, while the potential
difference occurring is
measured through two
potential electrodes.
From measurement of current
and electric potential difference
can be obtained variation of
electric resistivity at layer below
the measuring point.

From the variation of this

resistivity, we can observe the
the layer of rocks, saturated
layer, weak rock, etc.

If we know the layers of rock,

then we can estimate the
location of the sliding surface

This sliding surface is often characterized by contrasting resistivity values

between the top and bottom layers.
Flow Chart of Geoelectric Survey Work
Hatur Nuhuuuuun
1. Buatlah kelompok dengan anggota
kelopmpok 4 orang!
2. Masing-masing kelompok harus mencari
Catatan : judul presentasi dengan tema “ Geofisika
Setiap tugas harus Terapan”
mencantumkan referensi 3. Carilah beberapa jurnal, buku, tulisan,
yang anda gunakan (daftar dan lain-lain yang akan anda jadikan
pustaka). sumber!
4. Tulislah anggota kelompok anda, judul
presentasi, dan lampirkan semua
Plagiator = 0
literatur yang akan anda gunakan dalam
presentasi anda.

Presentasi akan diadakan di

minggu ke 12

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