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How are you feeling today?
Everyone Has Feelings Activity
Enhance vocabulary for naming feelings and practice
abstract thinking by making associations between colors,
shapes, lines, or images and feelings
When was the last time you feel:
Confident Jealous
Brave Embarrassed
Determined Shy
Cared for Confused
Lonely Curious
Disappointed Optimistic
Hurt Patient
How many feelings do you have today?
Do you usually notice one feeling at a time or many all together?
When you notice them, what goes on in your mind?
What feeling/s did you show in your picture?
What was it like to represent your feelings through colors and images?
What was it like to listen to your classmates’ feelings and see their drawings?
How did this exercise help you understand your feelings?
How did this exercise help you understand your classmates?
Key Message
All feelings are valid and how we express them is something we can
learn more about. Although it takes time to learn how to navigate
through our emotions, being curious about our difficult emotions and
trusting that they will pass is a healthy way to deal with difficult
emotions. When we learn about them, we grow our ability to self-
regulate and learn that there are many ways to do so. Self-regulation
is the ability to manage one’s emotions.

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