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Lie detection

a large part of criminal work is

nothing more than a battle against
 Polygraphy - the scientific method of detecting deception with the aid or use of a
polygraph instrument.

 Polygraph- a delicately engineered instrument that simultaneously records the

changes in respiration, electrodermal activity and cardiovascular activity. It is a
scientific instrument capable of recording simultaneously changes in blood
pressure, pulse rate, respiration and skin resistance as indicative of emotional
disturbance especially of a lying subject when being questioned.
 Polygraph Machine = It is a sensitive machine which is likened or compared to
an X-ray which requires proper interpretation for validation and its accuracy is
said to be directly proportional to the knowledge, skills, education, desire,
competency, and integrity of the operator. Hence, the attitude of “let`s put them on
the lie box” should be firmly discouraged.
 Polygraph Examiner = is one who is capable of detecting
deception and verifying the truthfulness of statement 
through the use of a polygraph instrument. 
 Subject= is any person who undergoes polygraph
Terms to ponder

 Normal response- is the tracing on the charts

wherein the subject answered in the irrelevant
 Specific response- is one that is exhibited by a
subject to particular questions, which constitute a
deviation from the subject individual norm. 
 Response- is any activity or inhibition of previous
activity of an organism resulting from stimulation.
 Reaction- it is an action or mental attitude evoked
by an external influence. 
 Deception- is an act of deceiving or misleading
which is usually accompanied by lying
 Lying – is uttering of conveying falsehood 
 Detection-it is the act of discovering the existence
or presence of something hidden or obscured.
 Fear- is an emotional response to specific danger
that appears to beyond a person's defensive power
 Stimulus- is the force or motion reaching the
organism from the environment and excites
the receptors
 1. Ordeal of Heat and Fire = in this test the suspect walked a certain distance,
usually nine feet, over red-hot  plowshares or holding a red-hot iron. 
 2. Ordeal of Hot Water = this test requires that the water had to be boiled, and
the depth from which the stone had  to be retrieved was up to the wrist for one
accusation and up to the elbow for three or more accusations.  
 3. Ordeal of Boiling Oil = this ordeal was practiced in villages of India and
certain parts of West Africa.
 4. Red Hot Iron Ordeal = the accused will be required to touch his tongue to an
extremely hot metal nine (9) times  (unless burned sooner). Once his tongue is
burned, he will be adjudged guilty. In some country instead of hot iron,  they used
a hot needle to tease the lips and once the lips bleed it is an indication of guilt.
 5. Ordeal of Cold Water = this ordeal has a precedent in the Code of Ur-Nammu
and the Code of Hammurabi under  which a man accused of sorcery was to be
submerged in a stream and acquitted if he survived. 
 6. Ordeal of Rice Chewing = a method of detecting deception whereby an
accused will be required to take rice (to  clergy bread or cheese). If the accused
failed to swallow even a single grain of concentrated rice, he/she will be 
adjudged guilty. 
 7. Ordeal of Red Water (Food and Drink Ordeal) = in this method the accused
will be required to run fast for  twelve (12 hours), take a cap of rice and drink a
dark colored water (as much as one gallon).  
 8. Ordeal of the Cross = the accused and the accuser stood on either side of a
cross and stretched out their hands  horizontally. The one to first lower his arms
 9. The Test of the Axe = In Greece, a suspended axe was spine in the center of a
group of suspects, when the axe  stopped, whosoever was in line with the blade
was supposed to be the guilty as pointed by divine providence.
  10. The Test of the Candle = this ordeal was used in Burma, the accuser and
accused were each given identical  candles and were lighted at the same time. The
candle that burns the longest determines which the truth
 11. Donkey’s tail (Ash tail) Ordeal = a method of ordeal where all accused
persons will be instructed to select a  cage with a donkey, using a donkey’s tail
they will strike the donkey and whichever cries first will be adjudged guilty.
Other means of identification

 Hypnotism- is a means of bringing on an artificial

state of sleep to the participant. This is more
accurately described as a state of reduce
consciousness while one is awake.
 Word association test- principle of WAT is that when
a guilty examinee is confronted with relevant word, he will
suffer from an inner conflict while trying to utter an
associated word denying his guilt.
 Truth serum test- this method based on the theory that
intervention through interrogation is made possible after
dosage of drugs has been appropriately administered,
which depresses the cerebral activity to a point of
 Narco-analysis or narco-synthesis- this method
of detecting was practically the same as that of
administration of truth serum. The only difference
is the drug used.
 Intoxication- this is practiced by means of
drinking alcoholic beverages as stimuli to obtain
truth on the part of the subject. The subject for
interrogation will be allowed to take alcoholic
beverages up to the point of intoxication 
The observation method 
 Blushing and paling
 Squinting of the eyes
 Excessive activity of the Adams apple
 A force laugh
 Roling of eyeball from one direction to another 
 Fidgeting, tapping, or drumming of fingers on the chair or other surfaces
 Swing of legs, or of one leg over the other
 Unnecessary movement of hands and feet
Historical development of polygraph
Development of pneumograph

 Victtorio benussi- he detected deception with a

pneumograph an instrument that graphically
measures the inhalation, he demonstrated the
changes in respiration-expiration ratio during
 Harold burt- he determined that respiratory
changes were indication of deception. He found
out that changes in systolic blood pressure were
greater value in determining deception than in
changes in respiration  
Development of galvanograph

 Luigi galvani- he is an italian physiologist who

was accorded the distinction for developing the
galvanic skin reflex(GSR) or galvanometer, which
records electrical bodily resistance in terms ohms 
 Sticker-he made the first suggestion for using
galvanograph for detecting deception .
= He made the earliest application of
psychogalvanometer to forensic problems. 
= Study the influence of the sweat glands to skin
 Veraguth- he was the first one to use the term
psychogalvanic reflex. He believed that the electrical
phenomenon is due to the activity of sweat glands. =
  In1907, he described his observation on galvanic
phenomena and emotions that there was an ascending 
galvanometer curve during the presentation of relevant
stimuli versus the rest curve on non-crucial stimuli. 
Development of cardio-sphymograph

Angelo mosso- In 1878, science came to the aid of the truth

seeker through the research of an Italian psychologist 
Angelo Mosso. He made use of an instrument called
plethysmograph in his research on emotion and fear and its 
influence on the heart and respiration. 
 Cesare lombroso- he employed the first scientific
instrument to detect deception, which is known as
hydrosphygmograph, this instrument measures changes in
pulse and blood pressure when suspects were asked about
their involvement or knowledge of specific crime. 
 William moulton marston- he dealt with the
sphygmomanometer and made researchers on the
usefulness of sphymomanometer in detecting lies, which
was used to obtain periodic discontinuous blood pressure
reading during the course of a test
 John larson- he developed an instrument that
continually and simultaneously measure blood
pressure pulse and respiration. He designed the
first two recording channel polygraph in the
 Leonarde Keeler = in 1926, he made a modification of
Larson’s instrument. He developed that metal bellows and 
kymograph that pulled a chart paper at a constant speed
under recording pens from a roll of chart located inside
the  instrument.  
 Ruckmick = in 1936, the term Psychogalvanic Reflex
used by Veraguth was repudiated by Ruckmick and
proposed  the term Electrodermal Response.  
 John E. Reid = in 1950, he developed the Control Question Test
which consists of a known lie and incorporated it  into the
relevant/irrelevant technique. 
 = he developed a movement or activity sensor a means of
recording arm and leg movements = Reid also developed the silent
answer test and guilt-complex test to be administered to overly 
responsive examinee.
 Cleve Backster = developed the psychological set theory
and the anticlimax dampening concept.  = he also
developed and introduced the Quantification System of
Chart Analysis (Numerical Scoring) which permits the
examiner to score the charts numerically according to
standard rules. 
 Richard O. Arther = introduced the Arther II polygraph
instrument which contains a stimulus marker capable of 
recording the beginning and ending of question and the
moment the examinee answered. = credited as the creator
of Stimulus Marker 
 Sir James Mackenzie = an English clinician and
cardiologist, constructed the Clinical Polygraph in 1892,
an  instrument to be used for medical examinations with
the capability to simultaneously record undulated line
tracings of  the vascular pulses (radial, venous and arterial)
by way of a stylus onto a revolving drum of smoked paper.
 Ayur vida- a hindu book of healt and science the earliest known
reference of the methods for detecting deception.
 Comes before lie detection
 Basis of the invention of polygraph machine
 Traditional way no scientific
 Dharmasastra of gautama-
 Noguilty is incurred in giving false evidence in
case the life of a man depends thereon 
 Vassistra of dharmasastra 
 Man may speak on untruth when their live are in danger or
the loss of their property is imminent 
Types of lying

 White lie- this kind of lie, the most common of all, which
is intended to protect or maintain harmony or friendship, at
home, in the office of elsewhere.
 Pathological lie- lie made by persons who cannot
distinguish right from wrong
 Red lie- this involves political interest and motives
because this part of communist propaganda strategy.
 Black lie- a lie which accompanies pretension and
hypocrisies, intriguing can cause dishonor or discredit
good image. 
 Malicious or judicious lie- this is intended to mislead
justice. The probable result would be perjury and pure
dishonesty to obstruct justice.
 Jocose lie- lie is told in order to make fun.
 Direct denial – act in question that creates an emotional sense of
disturbance. This disturbance refers to the conflict between what us
true and the attempted deception that creates an internal battle in the
 Lie of omission- this type of lie that people usually used because it
is simple to tell. Individuals who will make use of this type of lie
will tell the truth while omitting details that could create possible
 Lie of fabrication- is something made up or a misrepresentation of
a truth. It is often used by the subject  in an interview.
 1.Panic Liar = a person who lies to avoid the
consequences of certain actions 
 2.Occupational Liar = is a practical liar and usually lies
when there is a higher pay off than telling the truth
  3. Tournament Liar = a person who loves to lie and is
excited by the challenge of not being detected 
 4. Ethnological Liar = person who is trained not to be
squealer. This person loves to be interrogated and has
taken  the creed that he will never reveal the truth, usually
the creed of the underworld gang 
 5. Psychopathic Liar = a liar that shows no regret for his
dishonest actions and no manifestations of guilt. Most 
difficult type of liar to deal with because such is a
good actor  
 6.Pathological Liar = a person who cannot distinguish
between right and wrong. 
 7. Black Liar = a person who always pretend
 1. Psychological Leg Premise = states that specific nervous
system component whose stimulation can thus be  diagnosed
are so stimulated by the involuntary and emotional processes of
the individual who is continuously  attempting concealment of
deception especially if that individual has something at stake
and the prevailing  circumstances lead him to believe that
exposure to deception is quite possible although undesirable. 
 2. Physiological Leg Premise = that among the
physiological responses that may be recorded are
those that  automatically occur only following the
stimulation of specific nervous component system 
 3. Mechanical Leg Premise = polygraph is
capable of making graphic record containing
reliable information  regarding physiological
responses of the subject. 
the psychological aspect of lying

 psychology- the study of behavior and the mind

 emotion- the word emotion came from french word emouvoir, which means to stir
 = it is a conscious experience or feeling characterized by sudden drift of
physiological reactions from the calm state of the organism.
fear theory

- it is a theory being adapted in the

polygraph examinaesthat a lying person
fears detection which causes sudden
physiological reaction .
 The Central Nervous System (CNS) = is composed of
the brain and the spinal cord. All other nerve ways are
within  the peripheral nervous system which separates into
two: The Somatic Nervous System and the Autonomic
 Nervous System.  
 1.Somatic Nervous System = it concern with the
voluntary activities of the body and reactions that can be
 2. Autonomic Nervous System = involved those
involuntary physiological functions of the body and has 
considerable psychological impact as well.  
 1.Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) = the house
keeping or braking system. It is responsible for
conserving  energy and making sure necessary bodily
 2.Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) – is our
emergency, or action system.  
= a system which causes the sudden and dramatic
 Fight, flight, freeze = are the three stereotypic behavioral
responses to threat, sometimes simply called F3. The
physiological responses concomitant to these behaviors are
the same, namely mobilizing bodily resources for an 
expenditure of energy, and narrowing attention and focus
to the features of the threat. 
 1. Pneumograph = designed to detect and record changes in respiration of the
subject which consists of the ff: ◼ Rubber Convoluted Tube = about 10 inches
corrugated rubber attached to the body of the  subject. 
 ◼ Beaded Chain = used to lock the rubber convoluted tube. 
 ◼ Recording Pen Unit = consisting of two 5 inches recording pen  
 ◼ Centering Knob = used to center the pen 
 ◼ Sensitivity Knob = used to adjust the desired size of tracings 
 ◼ Vent = used to release excess pressure from the system 
 ◼ Pneumo Module = located inside the instrument that receives the reactions
detected by the  corrugated tube and moves the pen to record the reactions on
the chart 
 2. Cardiosphygmograph = Designed to detect changes in the cardiovascular
activity/ changes in blood pressure and  pulse beat of the subject. It consists of:  
 a. Blood Pressure Cuff = attached to the upper right arm of the subject, above the
brachial artery.
 b. Sphygmamonometer = used to indicate the amount of air pressure inflated to
the system. Usually about  60 mm of mercury for male subject. 
 c. Recording Pen Unit = five (5) inches length  
 d. Air Pump/Pump Bulb = designed to supply air to the system 
 e. Cardio Module = located inside the instrument that receives the reactions
detected by the cuff and moves  the pen to record the reactions on the chart 
 f. Sensitivity Control = used to adjust the desired size of tracings 
 g. Centering Control = designed to center the pen on the chart 
 h. Vent = Used to release excess pressure from the system
 Cardiosphygmograph provides a record of the following: 
 1. Relative Blood Volume/Pressure = is the changes in the average value of the
cardio tracing (waveform)  with respect to a baseline. 
 a. Diastolic Blood Pressure = refers to the downward blood pressure
representing the low  pressure to the closing of the valves and heart relaxed. 
 b. Systolic Blood Pressure = the upward blood pressure as the apex of the curve
caused by the  contraction of the heart, valves are open and blood is rushing into
the arteries. 
 2. Pulse Amplitude = changes in pulse amplitude (tracing height) independent of
baseline. 3. Pulse Rate = changes in heart rate or time between pulses. 
 4. Dicrotic Notch = changes in relative position of the dicrotic notch or pulse
waveform = short horizontal notch in a cardio-tracing located at the middle of the
diastolic stem 
 3. Galvanograph = designed to detect changes in skin resistance of the subject.
Consists of: a. Finger Electrode Assembly consists of: 
 a.1. Finger Electrode Plate and Retainer Bond = attached to the index and ring
finger of the subject. 
 a.2. Connecting Plug = attached the system to the instrument 
b. Recording Pen Unit = usually 7 inches  
 c. Amplifier Unit = designed to support the galvanometer in converting electrical
to mechanical current.
 d. Sensitivity Control = used to adjust the desired size of tracings 
 e. Centering Control = designed to center the pen on the chart 
 f. GSR Module = located inside the instrument that receives the
reactions detected by the finger electrodes  and moves the pen to
record the reactions on the chart 
 Kymograph = serves as the paper feed mechanism of the polygraph machine 
 = It is a motor that pulls or drives the chart paper under the recording pen
simultaneously at the rate of five  seconds per vertical chart division or twelve
divisions in one minute run. 
 a. Cutter Bar = used to cut the paper at the end of the test. 
 b. Rubber Roller = the one responsible for pulling the paper out of the machine. 
 c. Pen Table = flat portion where the pen writes on the chart. 
 d. Paper Rail Guide = serves as the security for the unnecessary movement of the
chart paper or to ensure  the paper’s forward movement without shaking. 
 e. Synchronous Motor = runs the chart paper at the uniform rate speed regardless
of the voltage change.
4 phases of polygraph examination

Initial interview
Pre-test with the subject
Actual test
Post interview
 Stages in the Conduct of the Polygraph Test 
◼ Initial Interview with the Investigator 
➢ Conducted by an investigator handling the case,
designed for the obtaining of pertinent information
necessary  for the conduct of the test. This is falling short
of the basic process of investigation. As a rule, no
polygraph  test can be conducted if there is insufficient
amount data gathered. 
 Pre-test Interview = An interview conducted by the polygraph
examiner designed to prepare or condition the  subject for the actual
 a. Determining the subject physical, mental and psychological
suitability to undergo the test  
 b. Informing the subject of his Constitutional Rights
 c. Taking of the subject consent  
 d. Taking of the subject personal data  
 e. Preparing the subject for the test – administration of stimulation
  ln-Test (Actual Test) = is the actual conduct of the test administered by a
polygraph examiner
 First is to attached the pneumograph, the cardiosphygmograph and the galvano
 Review all the questions with the subject before the actual examination is made.
 Post-test Interview or Interrogation = is an interview or an interrogation
administered by a polygraph examiner  after the test designed to obtain confession
or admission by the subject. = interview is conducted when the reactions  indicate
an innocent response and very cooperative to the examiner. = interrogation is
conducted when the  reactions show sign of deception and being uncooperative
to open an information. 
 Chart markings- through the proper use of test graph
marking will be able to evaluate the result of polygraph
chart and without marking it is impossible to evaluate the
chart or to arrive at any conclusion. 
symbol interpretation

X Beginning of test

\\ Stimulus mark

+ yes

- No

T Talk

C coughing

M movement

CT Clearing throat
S sigh
SZ sneeze
DB Deep breathing 
B burp
PJ Paper jump
XX End of test 
 General Rules in formulating Test Questions 
 ◼ Questions must be simple and direct 
 ◼ They must not involve legal terminologies 
 ◼ They must be as simple and as short as possible 
 ◼ Answerable by Yes or No. 
 ◼ They must not be in a form of accusatorial. 
 ◼ Their meaning must be clear and they must be phrased in a language that the
subject can easily understand. ◼ They must never contain inference which
presupposes knowledge on the part of the subject. ◼ They must refer to one
offense only 
 ◼ They must refer to one element of the offense. 
 ◼ They must not contain inference to one’s religion, race or belief. 
  Irrelevant Question = a question that has no connection
with the matter under investigation and deals with  known
facts that the subject cannot be denied. It is designed to be
emotionally neutral to examinees and usually  answerable
by “yes’.
 1. It has no connection to the matter under investigation. 
 2.No threat to subject (usually). 
 3. Neither innocent nor guilty suspects have reason to lie. 
 4. Usually about the suspect’s background. 
 5. Generally used at the beginning of polygraph technique to establish a ‘norm’
for examinee, or throughout the  examination as needed to reestablish norm
 Symptomatic Question = is designed to ensure that the
examiner will not ask un-reviewed questions or that the 
examinee is not afraid that the examiner will ask un-
reviewed questions. 
 Relevant Question = a question deals with the matter under
investigation. Color coded red in computerized  instruments. It is
designed to generate reactions from deceptive subject. 
 = the primary of key questions asked by the examiner in order to
resolve specific subject matter. = questions related to the issue
which may either be: 
  Primary Relevant (Strong Relevant) = addresses the
primary issue or direct involvement of the subject  on the
matter under question. It is used primarily with the single-
issue examination. 
 Ex. Did you take that missing money? 
  Secondary Relevant (Weak Relevant) = deals with the
physical acts that support the primary issue. This  is
usually use in multi-issue examination. Indirectly proving
the guilt of the subject. 
 Ex. Did you participate in the theft of that missing
  Guilty Knowledge = designed to probe whether
the subject possesses information regarding the
identity  of the offender or the facts of the case
under question. 
 Ex. Do you know who took that missing money?
  Evidence Connecting Question = test question in which
the examinee is asked about a particular piece of  physical
evidence that would incriminate the guilty person. It could
be items left at the crime scene by the  perpetrator or stolen
property. Designed to obtain link between the subject and
the crime. 
 Ex. Do you know where any of that missing money is right
 Sacrifice = questions designed to determine
truthfulness of the subject. 
 Ex. Concerning the case, do you intend to lie to
any questions about that? 
  Control Question = a question which is the same in nature with that of the
relevant question but broad in scope.  Also known as Comparison Question. 
 = is used for comparative purposes with the relevant question.  
 = designed to generate reactions from truthful subject. 
 = questions that either relevant or irrelevant designed to established response from
an innocent subject. = further classified into primary based on a known lie and
secondary control question. 
 General Question Test = consists of series of relevant,
irrelevant control questions in a planned order. Developed 
by John E. Reid
. Peak of Tension Test = consists of only one relevant and
a series of irrelevant questions. = resemble, in every
general way, the card test, for it consists essentially of the
asking of a series of question  in which only one has any
bearing upon the matter under investigation. 
 = padding questions before and after the relevant
 Relevant/Irrelevant Test = consists primarily of
series of irrelevant questions and relevant question
pertaining  to the crime under investigation.
Developed by Keeler. 
  Guilt Complex Test = used primarily for overly
responsive subjects. 
 = a totally fictitious incident but a similar nature to the
matter being investigated and make him believe it is  real. 
 = The purpose is to compare the response with those
response made concerning the actual matter under 
  Silent Answer Test = Subject is instructed not to give any
verbal answer, the subject will only answer in his mind. 
 6. Comparison Question Test (CQT) = the reactions on
the control and relevant questions are compared via 
numerical scoring 
Limitation of polygraph

 It is never substitute for an investigation but an invaluanle investigative aid

 It is not only a lie detector but also a scientific diagnostics instrument. 
 It is accurate as the examiner is competent
 It records response which the subject knows to be true
 The test will not be given until enough facts of the case have been establishedd to
permit as examiner to prepare a complete set of suitable questions.
 Test will not be given until the accusation have been explained to the subject
Jurisprudence related to admissibility of
polygraph result in evidence 
 Frye vs US – the first appellate court decision upon admissibility of the
result of a deception test which was rendered in 1923 by the US federal court. In
this case the accused offered as evidence the result of a marston systolic blood
pressure test
 The court ruling – the thing from which any expert testimony us deduced must be
sufficiently established to have gained general acceptance in the particular field in
which it belongs
 State vs broner- in this case, defense counsel offered to
prove that the results of a polygraph examination
established the truthfulness of the defendants alibi to a
robbery charge, which offer the trial court  refused.
 In polygraph examination the term examination means a detection of?
 a. Forgery
 b. emotion
 c. deception
 d. fear

 He is known as the first man who used the word polygraph?
 a. hans gross
 b. angelo mosso
 c. thomas jefferson
 d. cesare lombroso 

 It is also called TRUHT VERIFIER sice statistics show that is the vast majority of
the instances the instrument verifies an innocent person truthfullness
 a. polygraph
 b. polygraphy
 c. monograph
 d. grapho 

 What is the drug administered in  narcoanalysis or narcosynthesis. It is claimed
that the drug causes depression of the inhibitory mechanism of the brain and the
subject talks freelu
 a. sodium amytal
 b. sodium pentothal 
 c. Hyoscine hydro bromide
 d. a or b

 What are the bases of the polygraph theory that who on examiner is lying he/she
will react physiologically to the question during the test
 a. fear of being untruthful
 b. fear of detection
 c. fear of the unknown
 D, fear of deception

 An australian magistrate who describe the work of investigator as search for truth
 a. dr paul kirk
 b. august vollmer
 c. dr hans gross
 d. Angelo mosso 

 He is the person who devise an instrument than can record changes of bood pressure,
pulse beat and respiration simultaneously which he call the breadboard lie detector
a. cesare lombroso
b. james mackenzie
c. john a larson
d. leonard keeler 

 The person who made the first suggestion for using the psycho galvanic reaction
for detecting deception and he stated that galvanic skin phenomenon is under the
influence of exciting mental impressions and the will has no effect upon it.
 a. veraguth
 b. sticker
 c. Vittorio bennussi
 d. Harold burt

 Which of the following is not included in the limitation of the polygraph
 a. it is an invaluable investigative aid, but never substitute for an investigation
 b. it is not a lie detector, it is a scientific diagnostic instrument
 c. it  is admissible as evidence in court of justice
 d. it is only as accurate as the examiner is competent

 Which of the following is a major component of the polygraph machine
 a. blood pressure cuff
 b. pen and inking system
 c. kymograph
 d. cardiosphygmograph 

 This is a galvanograph attachment section EXCEPT
 a. sets of electrodes
 b. stretched band
 c. electrodes jelly
 d. rubber tube 

 An attachment of the cardiosphymograph which place above the brachial artery
 a. arm cuff
 b. wrist cuff
 c. infant cuff
 d. Hand cuff 

 It is the scientific bases of the polygraph test which states that the polygraph
machine is an instrument capable of making records of various human functioning
simultaneously in a chart paper
 A, psychological premise
 b. physiological premise
 c. Mechanical premise
 d. psycho motor premise 

 The size of the galvanograph pen is 
 a. 5 inches
 b. 4 inches
 c. 7 inches
 d. 6 inches 

 It is one where before the actual testing is done, the examiner must first make an
informal interview of the subject which may last from 20-30 mins
 a. initial interview
 b. pre test
 c. post test
 d. actual test 

 It is designed to detect changes in respiration of the subject 
 a. cardiosphygmograph
 b. pneumograph
 c. galvanograph
 d. kymograph 

 Who determines the guilt of the subject in a polygraph test
 A, examiner
 B, judge
 C, prosecutor
 D, prober 

 When the subject is higly nervous, what should the examiner do
 a. reschedule the examination
 b. prolong the period of the pretest interview
 c. call for a doctor or request for an ambulance
 d. do not continue with the pre test and ask the subject for his available date for
reschedule d

 What should be the mark place on a chart aper at the start of the test
 a. X/60/1.5 A
 b. XX/60/1.5 A
 c. X/50/2.5 a
 d. XXX/60/2.5 A

 What should be the attitude of a polygraph examiner in confronting subject in a
polygraph test
 a. arrogant
 b. authoritative
 c. cordial but firm
 d. antagonistic

 The polygraph char rolled paper has an average length of 
 a. 100 yard
 b. 100 ft
 c. 100 meters
 d.100 kmd

 Deviation from normal tracing
 a. normal response
 b. specific response
 c. fear
 d. death 

 It is a type of question given to determine information known or the subject
posses regarding the crime or the criminal or his whereabouts
 a. evidence connecting
 b. knowledge question
 c. sacrifice question
 d. relevant 

 Are those pertaining to basic data and information regarding the background of
the subject not related to the case but ask to establish the normal response of the
 a. relevant
 b. irrelevant
 c. guilt complex
 d. I don’t know 

 Is your mother's name conchita? Is what kind of question
 a. relevant
 b. irrelevant
 c. control
 d. general question 

 Dei indicum means
 a. miracle cell no 7
 b. judgment of god
 c. miraculous decision
 d. stupid decision 

 Refers to the brief confrontation between the subject and the polygraph examiner
done every taking each chart
 a. initial interview
 b. pre-test interview
 c. chart probing
 d. post test 

 Which of these is designed to prove whether the polygraph subject possesses
information regarding the identity of the offender, location of the evidence or
other secondary element if the offender under investigation 
 a. control
 b. interrogation
 c. knowledge
 d. evidence connecting 

Kymograph moves at a uniform rate of how many inches per minute
a. 7-10 inches
b. 13-14 inches
c. 6-12 inches
d. 10-12 inches

 It is a part of pneumograph componenet which was attached to the body of the
body of the subject with the usual length of 10 inches
 a. beaded chain
 b. Finger electrode plate
 c. rubber convoluted tube
 d. blood pressure cuff

 The following are disqualified to be subject of polygraph except
 a. Minor
 b. nervous
 c. imbecile
 d. psychopath

 The best way to conduct a thorough interview is for the investigation to
 a. allow himself sufficient time for adjustment
 b. permit the interviewee to give narrative statement
 c. be guided by a pre arrange checklist 
 d. devote adequate time for an interviewee evaluation

 This machine records the tiny voice modulation of the subject which is inaudible
to the normal heare
 a. eye tracker
 b. nystagmys
 c. spectography
 d. psychological stress evaluator 


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