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An art, and certainly is a science of producing
 an image by the action
of light on light  sensitive substance (silver ha
lides) and by the 
application of several chemicals and physical 
is all about capturing light on a photographic 
emulsion or electronic sensor.
Photography  was derived from the
 Greek word  “Photos” / “Phos”
which means “light” 
“Graphos” / “Graphia”
which mean “to write, to draw or 
“To draw with light”
History of Photography
1482 The earliest known form of camera, 
Camera OBSCURA, was described by 
Leonardo da Vinci of Italy
1700 Equipment  Camera Obscura (Dark‐
Chamber)  was designed by 
Leonardo da Vinci
for accurate perspective and scale
1550 Geronimo Cardano
fitted a biconvex lens to the 
Camera Obscura
1568 Daniel Barbaro
suggested the 
use of a diaphragm to sharpen 
the image. 
1727 Johann Heinrich Schulze
a German physician was credited 
with the discovery of the light 
sensitivity of silver salt.
Karl Wilhelm Scheele
a Swedish chemist investigated 
the darkening of silver chloride by 
light  and found out that the salt 
was reduced to metallic silver.
1725‐1777  Chemicals Light sensitivity of 
silver nitrate (Albertus Magnus)  and 
silver chloride (Georges  Fabricius) 
solution had been discovered and 
Thomas Wedge wood and  Humphery Davy 
Cameraless Photography
produced photograms
a photographic image made 
without a camera by placing 
objects directly onto the surface  of a light‐
sensitive material such 
as photographic paper and then 
exposing it to light.
Joseph Nicephore Niepce 
Heliographic process  (Heliography)
was able to obtain camera images 
on papers sensitized with silver 
chloride solution.
1839 Louis Jacques Daguerre
The first practical photography 
process. Image was made 
permanent by the use of hypo.
(sodium thiosulfate)
Sir John F.W. Herschel
coins the word “photography”
When he first wrote a letter to 
Henry Fox Talbot
And also introduce it to the  public
William Henry Fox Talbot
“calotype” process  ("talbotype" process)
negatives on paper sensitized with  silver‐
iodide and silver chloride. 
These were contact on sensitized  paper. 
The modern photography 
is based on Talbot’s Negative – to ‐
Positive principle.
James Clark Maxwell
He is also known for presenting 
the first durable color photograph
George eastman, founder of the
eastman kodak company in rochester,
Introduced the flexible, roll-up film and
later a hand hell rolled-up film camera. A
camera that is easy to carry and use. 
Edwin H. Land 
introduced “POLAROID,” 
a one step photography
In just a matter of second, image are
readily formed in an instant film after
shoot has been made.
William abney- gave practical direction
for manufacturing emulsion. Invented
copper bromide-silver nitrate
intensification. He introduced
hydroquinone as a developer
Frederick scott archer- discovered the
wet collodion process. He invented a
glass negative that used collodion in a
wet state to suspend the light sensitive
Mariner 6 and mariner 7 spacecraft was
launched and was able to make the first
electronic photo of mars. Camera attached to
a leg of the apollo 11 lunar landers takes the
first picture on the moon surface.
 Digitalcamera – the first digital camera was
introduced by fuji which uses 16mb internal
memory card but the first commercially available
was manufactured by KODAK during 1992 with
1.3 mega pixel sensor. 
Is a light tight box with light gathering
device and a means of blocking
unwanted or unnecessary light from
reaching the sensitized material.
Essential parts of camera

Light tight box- a box designed to keep light

out and serve as a frame to hold other parts. It
is an enclosure devoid of light
Lens- one or more pieces of glass or plastic
with curved surfaces designed to collect or to
focus the reflected light from an object to
form an image on the film
Shutter- is a mechanical device
behind the lens that opens and
closes designed to control the
time during which the light
reaches the film 
Holder of sensitized material- located at
the opposite side of the lens designed to
hold firmly the sensitized material to
prevent the formation of the multiple or
blurred image
View finder- designed to
determine the field of view of the
camera or the extent of the
coverage of the given lens
Type of camera 
View finder type- it is considered as the
smallest and the simplest type of camera
Single lens reflex- best suited for police
Twin lens – camera with dual lens
View or press camera- considered as a
biggest and expensive type

1.Light = is an electromagnetic
energy that travels in a form of a
wave with the speed of 186, 000
miles  per second. 
 Camera = a light tight box
designed to block unwanted or
unnecessary light from reaching the 
sensitized material. 
Lens = is the light gathering
mechanism of the camera that
collects the reflected light coming
from  the object to form the image
Sensitized material = composed of a
highly sensitized chemical compound
which is capable of being  transformed
into an image through the action of light
and with some chemical processes. 
Chemical Process = is the process necessary
for reducing silver halides into a form so as a
latent  image and a positive image be made
resulting to what we call Photograph. 
The WAVE Theory (Huygens)

It is the theory that was transcribed from the 
MOTION OF THE WATER that if we observ

a piece of log floating in the ocean and with t
he force of the air would naturally will make 
the log move up and down.

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