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The ability to execute a prepared plan or
 The ability to make good judgments based on
what you have learned from your experience, or
the knowledge and understanding.
 It is also the ability to answer the question
“How to..?” and endows a man to
have the means to do it.
To gain wisdom, start the day/week with an open
heart and mind to acquire new skills and knowledge.
Try to deeply assess and evaluate each of your skill or
knowledge, then translate it to an innovative practical
application either in the workplace or community or in
your family. Keep yourself educated.
With humility, open communication to colleagues
especially to those whom we know have greater
experience than us and learn from them. Learn from
the wise.
We have the wisdom to execute His will and
plan in the land. With wisdom, we make accurate
decisions for the common good and protection of
others. With wisdom, we continuously grow and
mature by acquiring new learning, skills and
knowledge. We are men and women of wisdom
imploring the aid of the Almighty God to establish
His government in the land and inspire others to
build with us as well.

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