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Describe Different Forms and Conventions

of Film and Moving Pictures (Acting)

Let’s Learn This

In this activity , you will learn about an element of acting

performance which is facial expression.

You will learn how to act the common basic emotions

through facial expressions.
Let’s Recall
Task 1: Q & A
Pair Up
With your seatmate/partner, answer the following questions using modals.
1. Can you dance?
2. Should you ask permission first before going out of the room?
3. What will you say to ask permission?
What are modals?
Let’s Try This

Emotions are feelings.

One way of expressing our feelings is

through facial expressions.

Facial expressions are seen through

the movement of our eyebrows, eyes, lips
and even our nostrils.
Task 2: How are You Feeling?

Pair Up
With your seatmate/partner, match the emotion with the correct emoji.
happy scared worried sad
content confused joyful hurt
angry silly embarrassed surprised
Let’s Study This


Acting performance affects the way an audience


One of the elements of acting performance is facial


Any serious actor is recommended to learn and

master these expressions through training all his/her
face muscles effectively and recording himself/herself.
Happiness (laughing, smiling)

A smile or laughter is the most recognized emotion from a distance.

When smiling or laughing, cheeks are pulled up and out. The mouth
sides are pulled backwards as well as slightly upwards. This slight
upper movement pushes the upper eyelids and produces wrinkles
around the eyes. Also, the mouth seems to get closer to the nose.

When laughing, the jaw drops and the upper teeth and gum appear.
The upper lip appears to be straight and the lower teeth are also
exposed in a big laugh.

For smiling, the lips push flat against each other. A true smile is
symmetrical. It forms evenly and disappears gradually. It rarely
takes more than a couple of seconds. Also, it does not precede or
lag the idea of a happy situation in concern.

In sadness, the eyebrows are raised from the inner sides and
brought nearer. The cheek may be pulled slightly upwards, the mouth
ends pulled downwards and the chin is raised.
If the mouth opens for crying, it looks square.


Anger may not be good for health, but it's good for movies.
An angry person has his/her eyebrows pulled downwards towards the
inner sides and drawn together. The upper and lower eyelids are raised,
the nostrils dilate, the face reddens and veins show in the head.

The lips are either tightened together and the jaw is clenched, or
the mouth becomes square to expose the clenched teeth, or is open if

The eyebrows are raised, drawn together and appear

straight. The upper and lower eyelids are raised. The mouth
is opened and pulled outwards.
The fear expression freezes the face and usually lasts some


Whenever someone is surprised, his/her eyebrows are

raised up and arched, the eyelids may be raised, the lower
jaw drops and the lips are parted.
It is a brief expression, and may be followed by a smile,
laughter, fear, sadness, etc.
Let’s Do This

Task 3: Let’s Have a Commercial Break

A. Watch a series of heartfelt commercials.

TV Commercials
"Don't judge people you don't know ( you will cry after watching )."
YouTube. August 29, 2015. Accessed May 17, 2017.
"Most Heart Touching TV Commercial." YouTube. April 07, 2014. Accessed
May 17, 2017.
"Inspirational Video - You will surely cry after watching this video."
YouTube. September 11, 2014. Accessed May 17, 2017.
"My Dad is a Liar!" YouTube. February 03, 2015. Accessed May 17, 2017.
Remember to observe the following when
viewing a movie/film/video clips:

 Do not talk to your seatmate while the

movie/film/video clips is playing.
 Sit comfortably.
 Do not make unnecessary noise and
 Understand what you are watching.
B. Answer the following discussion/ comprehension questions.

1. What did you learn from the TV commercials?

2. What is the message of the TV commercials? Do you agree or
disagree with it?
3. What did you like best/least about it? Why?
4. Who was your most/least favorite character in the TV
commercials? Why?
5. Did anything that happened in the TV commercials remind you of
something about your own life or about others’?
6. What were you thinking as you finished watching the TV
7. What would you say to a friend who asked you about them?
8. Would you recommend these to a friend? Explain your reasons.
9. What part of the TV commercials would you change? Why?
10. If you had a chance to ask a character in these commercials a
question, what would it be?
Let’s Do More

Task 4: Best Actors and Best Actresses

Group Work

As a group, accomplish the table below. Be ready for a

group reporting afterwards.
Character Emotion/Facial Expression

TV Commercial #1
Let’s Remember

Acting is the work of an actor or

actress, who is a person in theater,
television, film, or any other storytelling
medium and tells the story by portraying a
character usually by speaking or singing a
written text or play.
Let’s Test Ourselves
Task 5: Lights! Camera! Action!

Pair Up
Do the facial expression acting with your
seatmate/partner. Show the facial expressions
one at a time and let him/her guess.
Check the emotions if your seatmate/partner is
able to act the facial expression correctly and
another check if your seatmate/partner is able
to guess the emotions correctly.
Facial Expression Acting Guessing

1. Happiness
2. Sadness
3. Anger
4. Fear
5. Surprise
6. Pain
7. Excitement
8. Worry

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