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Theories of love

Presented by : Ruman
Roll # : I.T-17001
What is love?

 Love is basic human emotion.

 Love is spiritual or mysterious emotion for science to ever understand.
 But,
 Researchers explain nature of love by presenting different theories.
1. Liking vs. loving by Zick Rubin
2. Compassionate vs. passionate love by Ellain Hatfield
3. Sternberg triangular theory of love
Liking vs. Loving by Zick Rubin

 According to Rubin, romantic love is made up of three elements

1. Attachment
2. Caring
3. Intimacy
Romantic love

1. Attachment :
is need to receive care , to be with a person or physical contact with a person
2. Caring :
is valuing other person’s happiness and need as much as your own
3. Intimacy :
is sharing feelings , thoughts and desires with other person

 Enjoy spending time with other

 Want to be around them
 Experience great amount of appreciation
Compassionate vs. Passionate love by Ellain
 Love has two basic types
1. Compassionate love
2. Passionate love
 Compassionate love :
Compassionate love is characterized by mutual respect, trust,
attachment and affection.
 Passionate love :
Passionate love is characterized by intense emotions and sexual
Sternberg Triangular theory of love

 Love has three components

1. Intimacy
2. Passion
3. commitment
Study by Ge Gao

 Using the study of sternberg triangular theory of love , Ge Gao studied the role of intimacy,
commitment and passion in 90 Chinese and 77 American couples in 2001.
 Conclusion :
1. Rating of Passsion high in American couples
2. Rating of commitment and intimacy same.

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