Procedure Text

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Created by : Maftuhah, S.Pd.

What is Procedure text?

1.”ls a text that is designed to describe how something is

achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.”

2.“Is a text containing a goal and steps about how to make

or to do something.”
Social Function

*To tell how something is accomplised a

sequence of actions or steps.

*Giving informations to get the best result

eficiently and to help readers how to do or

make something completely .

Language Features

 Using simple present tense

 Using imperatives sentences
 Using connecting of sequence/numbering
 Using technical terms
 Using adverb
Generic Structure

 Aim/ Goal.
 Ingredients/ materials.
 Steps/ methods (a series of instructions to

achieve the goal).

Kinds of Procedure

 Manual (how to use handphone, computer, etc).

 Food recipe (how to make fried rice, etc).

 Tutorial (how to edit a photo, how to make a craft).
 Human behavior (how to succeed, how to live happily,


How to clean old copper pots

Copper pots can be rused after cleaning up old baked-on grime. Copper is one of the five
materials which is reusable and safe to clean. In this article, you will learn how to clean it.

Firstly, if your copper pans are lined with stainless steel, use the directions for cleaning
stainless for the interior of the pans.

Secondly, clean the outside of the pan with a good grease-cutting cleanser, such as a citrus-
based product. Citrus removes tacky grease from surfaces.

After removing the tacky grease from the pans, use a paste made of dish soap mixed with
scouring powder to clean off hard deposits. Mix the paste, smear on the pan, let it dry, and
rub it with a cloth until the stains are gone.

Finally, use a copper cleaner, such as the paste type. The paste type usually leaves a
protective film on the surface after cleaning.

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