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Classifying matter

2.5 The periodic table

Learning objective:
Know that the periodic table presents the known
elements in an order.
Complete all work set and always do your best.
Follow instructions, use kind words and let each other learn.
Engage in class activities.
Work together positively to help everyone achieve their potential.
Ask for help if you need it.
VAS Values Never copy. Never cheat. Honesty in all things.
National Pride
Be proud to be Vietnamese but speak English during Cambridge
Please do these things during our online lessons
• Use a photo of yourself as your profile pic.
• Open your camera as far as possible.
• Be ready to open and close your mic.
• “Raise” your hand.
• Be active during discussions.

Please make sure that you are respectful to me and to your classmates.
Success criteria
• Take part in class discussions – this will help you know and use
key unit vocabulary.
• Make extra notes to help you remember important information
and vocabulary.
• Add diagrams / drawings to help you learn.
• Send photos of your work to Ms Alri, after the lesson.

It is truly important that all your work is together, in one book, so that you will have
access to everything you need to prepare for assessments.
Identify the chemical symbols for the first 20
elements. Identify where metals and non-metals are
located on the periodic table.

Locate different periods, groups, and blocks within

the periodic table to become familiar with the
structure and purpose of the periodic table.
Explain the function of groups and periods on the
periodic Table. Research and demonstrate
knowledge of an element (e.g. where it is sourced,
uses, reactions etc.).
Starter - revision
These are hydrogen, water and nitrogen molecules.
Fill in their table with their characteristics.
Amount of Amount of
atoms elements

Hydrogen 2 1 (hydrogen)

2 (oxygen and
Water 3 hydrogen)

Nitrogen 2 1 (nitrogen)
Organising elements
Which ways would you organise the 118
elements we know so far?

By their colour? By their state at room

temperature? Any suggestions?

By increasing mass! Starting from the

lightest, hydrogen.
The periodic table
• The periodic table is a system for arranging the known
chemical elements.
• Each chemical element has a specific feature called its
atomic number, based on the amount of tiny particles
called protons in each atom of the element.
• The periodic table arranges the elements in rows and
columns. In the rows, the elements are placed in order of
their atomic number. 
Video time

The periodic table
The periodic table
1 2 orders element by 3 4 5 6 7 8
Rows are called periods.
increasing mass from
left to right and top to
2 bottom.
3 Columns are called
4 groups.
Can you find in which period
and group B is located?
Period: 2
Group: 3
The periodic table
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Can you find in which period
2 and group Ca is located?
4 Period: 4
5 Group: 2
7 Which element is located in
the 6th period and 4th group?
Pb (lead)
Metals & non-metals
The position of an element
provides information about
its properties. 

 Metals in the periodic

table are located on the
left and are in bigger
 Non-metals are located
on the right of the
periodic table.
This is the
P periodic table


element name
atomic number


atomic weight
Chemical symbols
A universal way to refer to elements
What do you think all these words have in common?

sắt hierro iron ferro

fer 鐵 железо लोहा
It is the same word in 8 different languages!*
* From left to right, up to down: Vietnamese, Spanish, English, Italian, French, Chinese, Russian and Hindi.
Element symbols
 Although many elements like
iron, gold or copper have
been known for thousands of
years, we have always used
different words to name them.
 Scientists decided to
Fe is the symbol used
internationally refer to them for iron here, in South
by using SYMBOLS. Africa or Antartica.
Some symbols come from foreign
languages, like iron. It comes
from ferrum, which is iron in
Other symbols match the first
letter of the English name…
Basic rules to write symbols
Lithium ✍ Symbols contain either 1 or 2
…or even the first two letters! But letters. Not more.
no symbols contains more than ✍ First letter is always in CAPITAL.
2 letters. ✍ If there is a second one, it is in
Silicon is the 2nd most abundant element after oxygen on Earth’s crust. Its symbol

a) S b) Sil c) Si d) Sn

Gold is known not only for its beauty but also for its resistance to corrosion. Its
symbol is:

a) Go b) Gd c) Au d) G

Silver takes its symbol from a Latin word that is used also to name the country
Argentina. Silver´s symbol is:

a) Ar b) An c) Si d) Ag
Periodic table
Identify the chemical symbols for the first 20
elements. Identify where metals and non-metals are
located on the periodic table.

Locate different periods, groups, and blocks within

the periodic table to become familiar with the
structure and purpose of the periodic table.
Explain the function of groups and periods on the
periodic table. Research and demonstrate
knowledge of an element (e.g. where it is sourced,
uses, reactions etc.).
This is the
P periodic table


element name
atomic number


atomic weight
Research project
Please do neat
Choose one of the first 20 elements from the and complete
periodic table and do a research project, covering:
• When it was discovered?
• Who discovered it?
• The origin of its symbol.
• Is it rare or abundant?
• Where is it sourced and what is it used for?
• Does it react with other substances?
You can either prepare a presentation or a
Draw the
first 20

Draw the
first 20

Draw the
first 20

How could I have not Ok, fine, never mind.
been presented?!! Now I would like to test
what you have learnt
I’m the Russian about MY periodic table.
scientist who made
Complete exercises from
the 1st periodic pages 84 and 85 from
table! your coursebook.
When you are done,
complete the questions
from page 62 and 63 from
your workbook.

Dmitri Mendeleev
Coursebook questions – page 84-85 (year
Coursebook questions – page 84-85 (year
Coursebook answers – page 84-85

Mark and

your work.
Workbook questions – page 62-63 (year 8)

It is strongly
that you
mark and
correct this
activity at
home / in your
own time.
Workbook questions – page 62-63 (year 8)

It is strongly recommended that you complete, mark and correct

this optional activity at home / in your own time.
Workbook answers – page 62-63

Mark and correct your work.

It is strongly recommended that you complete, mark and correct

this optional activity at home / in your own time.
Bye! That’s it for
now! Remember
to send photos of
your work to Ms

Vietnam Australia
International School

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