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Facial Expression

In humans, facial expressions are important

components of
nonverbal communication.
1-6. Identification

7-10. Give the four major functional characteristics

of muscle tissue

14.____ 15 ._____

16 – 20. ________ is also named as the ______

because of many of the ____ are attached to the
_______. However, some ______ is attached to the
skin or connective tissue sheets. (5 points)
21 – 25 TRUE or FALSE

21. Frowning and pouting are largely performed by the levator labii

22. Orbicularis oculi is responsible for closing the eyelids.

23. Isometrically tension remains the same, but muscle length dcreases/

24. The dark meat of the chicken leg is composed of fast twitch fibers.

25. Smooth muscle is under involuntary control.

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