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 Is the flow of water down its concentration gradient, across a semi-

permeable membrane.

 Is an example of diffusion, which is when molecules tend to

distribute themselves evenly in a space.

 Henri Dutrochet – French physiologist who discovered and named

the phenomenon of osmosis.

 Endo means (within) cytosis means (cell)

 Is a process in which a substance gains entry into a cell without passing through the
cell membrane.

 The term “endocytosis” was coined by Christian deDuve in 1963 to include both the
ingestion of large particles (such as bacteria) and the uptake of fluids or
macromolecules in small vesicles.

 Is a process by which certain living cells called “phagocytes” ingest or engulf

other cells or particles.

 The phagocytes maybe a free-living one-celled organism, such as amoeba,

or one of the body cells, such as white blood cell.

 Phagocytosis is a specific form of endocytosis by which cells internalize solid

matter, including microbial pathogens.

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