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1. Distinguish the three types of writing
techniques: informative, persuasive and
argumentative texts
2. Determine the writing techniques for
each type of text.
3. Employ appropriate techniques to
develop a paragraph based on purpose.

A an uses
writing to

his or in a manner that an

her is d

W riting technique is a writing style an
author uses to convey his or her
message in a manner that is effectiv e
and meaningful to the readers.
Informative Writing

explains a certain issue or topic

provides information and explanations in

straightforward manner

The writer only states facts and not

offer any sort of opinion
Ways to Present Topics in an Informative Essay

1. Description- explain a topic in detail

2. Comparison and Contrast- describe similarities or differences
between two subjects
3. Problem and Solution- present a problem and propose
possible solutions
4. Cause and Effect- explain and analyze why something
happened or why something occurred
5. Sequence- describe a series of events or a process in some
sort of order
Ways to Present Topics in an Informative Essay
1. Description
Paragraph 1- Introduction
* definition of the topic
* background of the topic
Paragraph 2 to 3 or 4- Body
* Types or kinds
* Advantages/Disadvantages
* Examples
* Whatever information the writer
wants to include
Paragraph 4- Conclusion
*restatement of the topic
*summary of ideas presented
in the body
*a statement that will encourage
the readers to learn more about
the topic
2. Comparison and contrast
Paragraph 1- Introduction(topic of comparison or
contrast and its background)
Paragraph 2 to 3 or 4- Body(the comparison
or contrast)
Paragraph 4 or 5- Conclusion(*restatement
of the topic
*summary of ideas presented
in the body
*a statement that will encourage
the readers to learn more about the
3. Problem and Solution
Paragraph 1- Introduction(topic/problem and
its background)
Paragraph 2 to 3 or 4- Body(the possible
Paragraph 4 or 5- Conclusion(*restatement
of the topic
*summary of ideas presented
in the body
*a statement that will encourage the
the readers to learn more about the
4. Cause and Effect
Paragraph 1- Introduction(topic/effect/s and
its background)
Paragraph 2 to 3 or 4- Body(the causes)

Paragraph 4 or 5- Conclusion(*restatement
of the topic
*summary of ideas presented
in the body
*a statement that will encourage the
readers to learn more about the topic)
5. Sequence
Paragraph 1- Introduction(topic and
its background)
Paragraph 2 to 3 or 4- Body(the process)

Paragraph 4 or 5- Conclusion(*restatement
of the topic
*summary of ideas presented
in the body
*a statement that will encourage the
readers to learn more about the topic)
Persuasive Writing
Starting Point:
Identify your topic and choose your side
Get the reader to agree with you
Emotionally charged and aggressive
Persuasive Writing
*Combines facts with emotions to convince
the readers that you are “right”
*Ignores counter claims
*Present only ideas that help establish a
*Only presents one side: the writer’s side
Persuasive Writing
Aristotle’s Modes of Persuasion
(Rhetorical Appeals)
What are the similarities and
differences between a Persuasive
essay and an Argumentative Essay
in terms of their writing techniques?
Main Purpose of your
To prove your point

Thru Argumentative Structures
Argumentative Structures
Performance Task #2

Using the Informative Writing Technique, the

learners are individually tasked to compose a
five-paragraph informative essay on the topic
of his or her choice.
Additional Instructions:
1. Follow this format

Ma. Victoria G. Ambas 10- Magnificence

Title of the Informative Essay

(Way of Presenting Information)
2. Color code the contents of each part of the
*One color for each part
Introduction (topic and background of the
Conclusion (- restatement of the topic
- summary of ideas presented
in the body
- a statement that will encourage
the readers to learn more about
the topic
3. For the body of the
informative essay:

* one paragraph for every

new idea
4. Font style- Arial
Font size- 12
short bond paper

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