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Levels of

Discipline in Applied Social Sciences

Intrapersonal Communication
Internal dialogue or self-talk is referred to as intrapersonal communication.
According (o Jones (2013) intrapersonal communication is "communication
with oneself using internal vocalization or reflective thinking." It is usually
unplanned and does not have clearly defined goals.
According to Dance and Larson (1976),
intrapersonal communication has several
social functions.

> It helps us achieve or maintain social

adjustment. This happens, for example, when
a reserved teen reminds herself to mingle
during a friend's birthday party.
It helps us build and maintain a healthy self-concept.
We self-talk to process how we think other people see
us based on how they communicate with us. How
other people see us becomes part of how we see and
define ourselves.

It helps us off steam, process emotions,

think through emotions Self talk is a
mechanism for facilitating social
interactions and for enhancing well-
When the communication takes
place between people with an aim
to build, maintain or end
relationships, it is referred to as
interpersonal communication .
Unlike intrapersonal
communication this level of
communication is more goal-
oriented, may be planned or
unplanned, interactive, and fulfills
social and instrumental needs.
Group Communication
is communication among three or more people chat is usually more
formal in nature and is more oriented toward fulfilling a task or
achieving a goal than interpersonal communication. As students, you
usually participate in group communication during group activities or
It is a sender-focused communication
that usually involves one sender
transmitting information to an
audience. It is more formal,
purposeful, and goal-oriented as
compared to interpersonal and group
communication. Example of public
communication are political
campaign rallies.
Message is transmitted to a potentially large audience across great
distances with the use of a technological medium. Unlike in other
forms of communication, mass communication is usually one-way
and the feedback is usually not immediate.

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