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Master’s Thesis Presentation to the School of Politics

and International Studies

Securitization of the COVID-19

pandemic in Indonesia during the
State of Emergency

Dewi Fortuna Sari - 2019270061

1. Introduction
01 Significance of the study
Health problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have turned into
security issues. The Covid-19 pandemic has become one of the
securitization issues for all countries in the world including Indonesia.

02 Reason for selecting the topic

The problem of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia is interesting to study,
including how the Indonesian government has made efforts, the challenges
faced in handling Covid-19.

03 Research methodology
The author mainly used the qualitative research method for understanding
Indonesian government’s effort to securitize the Covid-19 pandemic.

04 Stucture of the research

The introduction, The Indonesian Government’s efforts to securitize the
COVID-19 Pandemic, The Implication of Securitization during Covid-19
Pandemic on Indonesia’s Foreign Policy, The Obstacles of Securitization
during Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia, Conclusion

05 Research Innovation
The Covid-19 pandemic currently happening is certainly a new topic in research. by
analyzing the topic into securitization theory, of course this becomes an innovation in
research. Health problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have turned into security
2. The Indonesian Government’s Efforts to Securitize the
COVID-19 Pandemic
2.1 The Situation of Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Progress steps
Feb 28, 2020 March, 2020 March, 2020 January, 2021 March, 2021

National Disaster Indonesia announced Some policies made The daily Covid-19 • After one year, the
Management Agency that the spread of the by government at the case recorded the positive cases of
declare that special Covid-19 outbreak start Covid-19 highest record with Covid-19 is
emergency situation through an pandemic in new cases of 10,617 1,501,903
of Covid-19 epidemic announcement Indonesia positive cases within • The government
in Indonesia directly by President 24 hours. started to
Jokowi after the first implement the
two patients tested Covid-19 vaccine
positive for Covid-19. for all Indonesian
2.2 The Indonesian Government’s efforts to securitize the COVID-19
In dealing with the spread of COVID-19 in
Indonesia, there are several parties that can be
identified as securitizing actors. These parties are
representatives of the Indonesian Government ,
Actor of such as high level officials.
1. A statement fom President Jokowi
2. A statement from several ministries
3. A statement from president
Speech Act
The referent objects component in the spread of
COVID-19 is focused on Indonesian society
whether they have been infected with COVID-19
or not.
1. The extraordinary measure carried out by the
Indonesian government at the start of the COVID-19
Extraordinary occurrence in China, as the country where the virus
Measure was first discovered, was an effort to evacuate
Indonesian citizens in Wuhan.
2. large-scale social restrictions in several regions
3. giving covid-19 vaccination to all Indonesian citizens

Covid-19 is still not over and we don't know when this pandemic will be end. This research still explains
the government's efforts to securitize Covid-19 in Indonesia to date, which is a year after Covid-19 was
discovered in Indonesia. The efforts made by the government can briefly start from preventing the entry
of the Covid-19 virus from entering Indonesia, controlling the number of patients who are confirmed
positive for Covid-19 to conducting vaccinations to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Therefore, to carry
out further research, it is necessary to conduct research on the efforts made by the government until
the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. If covid-19 cannot end, then research can also be carried out on
how the government's efforts to control the Covid-19 virus will continue.

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