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Quality Management

Camryn Colter, Jeremiah Conley, Troy Dulles, Isaac Murray,

and Omar Whiting

Our organization is involved to show the importance of quality management and its

Quality management is what makes projects and processes repeatable and consistent

Consistency is one of the biggest things quality management provides and that is what
this presentation is meant to do, break down quality management and show its
importance within projects and organizations
Key Elements

Reliability - is usually defined as a state in which a project, experiment or test can consistently produce the
desired results. If the end product can not reproduce the desired projects then something went wrong in
the quality planning and control stages.

Reliability is very important to all organizations for two reasons: The first being the better/more reliable a
product is the more likely the company is to have a favourable reputation. This means that if we do not
appeal to customers satisfaction and create the unreliable product it will negatively impact the Company.

Performance - a project must be designed to meet a standard given by the stakeholder, this product must function
to those standards. By not meeting or exceeding the given standards set it results in the reciprocating the quality of
the project, and the end result underperforms.

Poor Performance from even one individual can create a admaaging ripple that can spread across your entire
business. This can result to a widespread loss of motivation, creativity and productivity but it will also decreasing
our customer satisfaction
Quality Control

Quality Control - The role of quality control in PQM is to be a system created to maintain standards during all
stages of the project. Without this key attribute the project would derail, as the desired outcome would not meet
expectations. It is important to maintain standards so the desired outcome is generated by the pm

Quality control is another factor that affects customer satisfaction, that means performance, reliability and
suitability are apart of quality control. By not monitoring the quality of the project we will end up lowering
customer satisfaction if the project does not meet expectations.
Quality Planning

Quality Planning - The role of “quality planning” in PQM is essential as it helps design a process that helps
meet established goals during the life cycle of the project. Without quality planning, the project would not
have the necessary steps taken in order to meet the customers expectations. This Is essential as without
quality, the project can not be determined as suitable for the customers., it may break down due to this, and
that eventually leads to a bad reputation for the company.
Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance - is to maintain quality over time with little change to the process in which it is enabled. This aids
in repetitive quality to make sure things are done the same to insure to process and its deliverables. Without this
quality could be fluid making for an unstable quality management process.

Suitability- Is what aids in continuous improvement of the process and its output. This manages the quality
of work making sure it can be done repetitively with minimal change to the process and its production. This
reinforces the quality management process and it is what makes it robust.

Suitability- If the project is not suitable then it doesn't meet expectations, then it negatively impacts the
organization overall. A lack of suitability can lead to a vast amount of issues for the company, such as the
waste of resources used in the development of an unsuitable project or the overall customer satisfaction is
impacted negatively.
Role of Training for
Management and
PQM Training

Risk Analyzation is a form of management in PQM in order to find out if any underflying or outside factors will risk & affect the
quality of the product, this tool allows a PM and their team to analyze any problems/risk to the project and monitor it. This would be a
success in PQM. Failure: Would demonstrate a lack of analyzation skills, trying to find a solution for a risk could possibly create
another negative outcome.

Monitoring: Project monitoring makes it possible to control the good processes of the project, according to the specific project
plan. Without the ability to monitor the project, pms (project managers) would not be able to understand and locate risks within a
project. This would allow managers to understand what needs to be watched and what processes to use in a project management.

By training our Project managers this allows them to understand the concept of quality and why project quality management is
important. Without Quality the customer would not be satisfied with our services or product and this would negatively impact the
organization in multiple ways
Case Study
In teams of 4, build the tallest tower using:
20 pieces of spaghetti

1 yard of tape

1 yard of string

1 marshmallow
Case Study

Why did children do better than most?

Business Students Kindergarteners

Fought for control Worked together

Added marshmallow at the end Created “prototypes”

Overcomplicated the game Had fun

Case Study
Quality Management

● Histograms allow for a good understanding of analytics and how program managers are
able to act via the data provided.
● Similar to a bar chart
● They show the significance of data and how frequently they appear
● This aids in the quality management process
by giving analytical data to the quality manager
which allows him/her to make better informed decisions
● Aid in understanding variation as well as time needed
for completion
Cause and Effect Diagrams

● Shows the direct correlation between actions and effects making for a better informed quality
management strategy
● Knowing the repercussions for actions, the better a project can be managed and aid in the
quality development process
● Otherwise known as a Fishbone diagram
● Categories: equipment, materials, methods,
environment, and people

●PQM integrates various techniques and tools, ensuring:

○Criteria success
○Elevated performance
○Organizational consistency

●PQM is a specialized system that improves much more

than just quality
○In order to be optimal in anything management
related, PQM must be present

●Invest in PQM practices for greater success across the


PQM promotes:

● Higher profitability
● Consistent products
● Increased efficiency
● Greater customer satisfaction

- Case Study slides 13-15

- Conclusion

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