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Defect: UNDER CUT Cause :

Improper Electrode Material
Electrode Angle 
Wrong Electrode Size
Incompatible Shielding Gas
Welding Technique 
Weaving Technique
1.Use the Right Current: If you see long, consistent undercuts, try
Defect: lowering the current. This reduces overheating to get proper fusion. 
2.Use the Correct Voltage: Find the voltage knob’s sweet spot that
UNDER CUT produces no undercuts, a smooth finish, and an even bead profile.
3.Never Weld in a Hurry: Move the stick gradually to provide ample
time for mixing and avoid early solidifying. 
4.Use Compatible Fillers: Consult a chart or an experienced welder
before choosing which filler material to use. 
5.Keep a Good Work Angle: Maintain an angle that deposits filler
evenly in the weld pool. You can judge this by observing each side of
the bead and noticing any differences. 
6.Choose the Correct Electrode Size: A reasonable electrode fills
up your groove just right and delivers energy evenly. 
7.Use Case-Appropriate Shielding: Make an informed choice
based on the intended weld and ensure that the gas mix is
appropriate for the job. 
8.Weave With a Steady Hand: When weaving, slightly delay your
stay at the edges to ensure proper fusion at these high-risk points. 
9.Maintain a Stable Arc: Your arc length is incorrect if there is
excessive spatter or resistance to your movement. Adjust it using
these indicators and maintain it throughout the weld. 
10.Prepare the Edge Well: Maintain the desired fillet grooves,
smoothen them, and clean them like a professional.

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