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What is covid-19 virus ?

 The corona virus disease also known
COVID-19 . It is an infectious disease
caused by a new strain of corona virus . It
is named form the crown like spikes on
their surface .There are four main sub
grouping of corona virus known as alpha ,
beta , gamma and delta . Human corona
virus were first indentified in the in the mid
– 1960s .
The Seven corona virus that can infect
people are:-
 229E (alpha)
 NL63 ( alpha )
 OC43 (alpha )
 HKV1 ( alpha )
 MERS-COV (beta)
 SARS-COV (beta)
 SARS-COV-2 (causes corona virus disease
2019 )
About corona virus :-
 Sometimes corona virus that infect animals can evolve
and make people and become a new human corona
virus . Three recent examples of this are 2019-nCOV ,
 It is more likely to go deeper than viruses like the
common cold. Your lungs might become inflamed ,
making it tough for you to breathe . This can lead to
pneumonia .
Place of origin ?
 The first human cases of COVID-19 , the disease caused by the
novel corona virus causing COVID-19 , subsequently named
SARS-COV-2 were first reported by official in Wuhan city ,
China , in December 2019 . It is believed to have zoonotic origins
and has close genetic similarity to bat corona virus suggesting it
emerged from a bat borne virus . There is no evidence yet to link
an intermediate animal reservoir such as pangolin , to it’s
introduction to humans .The virus shows little genetic diversity ,
indicating that the spelled event introducing SARS-COV-2 to
humans is likely to have occurred in late 2019 .
Mode of transmission :-
 Data from publish epidemiology and virology studies
provide evidence that COVID-19 is primarily
transmitted from symptomatic people to others who
are in close contact through respiratory droplets by
direct contact with infected person , or by contact with
contaminated object and surface . The virus is spread
from coughing , sneezing and talking .
Symptoms :-
 Symptoms are as follows :-
 Fever .
 Dry Cough .
 Tiredness .
 Loss of taste and smell .
 Headache .
 Difficulty in breathing .
 Chest pain or pressure .
Rate of transmission :-
 Epidemiology studied estimated each infection
result in 1.6 to 3.9 new ones when no members
of the community are immune and no
prevention measures are taken .
Precaution to be taken ?
 Clean your hands often with soap at home and with
sanitizers at outside .
 Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing
or sneezing .
 Were a mask when physical distancing is not possible .
 Don’t touch your eyes , nose or mouth .
 Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a
tissue when you cough or sneeze .
 Stay at home if you feel unwell .
 If you have fever ,cough and difficulty in breathing ,
seek medical attention .
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