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一: 你觉得课文一的题目是什么的?

二: 顾客现在在哪儿?

三: 她在那家服装店里想买什么?

四: 根据店员,所有的服装是刚上市的吗?

五: 刚上市的服装哪里有特色?
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mine. Usage of this presentation is highly restricted to academic purposes only.

六: 风衣的什么料子的?

七: 为什么纯毛有太麻烦运用的?

八: 因为纯毛太麻烦,所以顾客买了吗?

九 : 最后的问题,顾客一般的尺寸是

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*All images, texts, videos, and audios used and attached in this presentation are under the copyright of their respective owners, and none of these are
mine. Usage of this presentation is highly restricted to academic purposes only.
*All images, texts, videos and audios used and attached in this presentation are under the copyright of their respective owners, and none of these are
mine. Usage of this presentation is highly restricted to academic purposes only.
强调 时间 shíjiān time
emphasize 地点 dìdiǎn place

方式 fāngshì manner

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is highly restricted to academic purposes only.
词语例释 : 类似
(一) lèisì

“ 再 ... 不过了”,类似说法还有“再 ... 也没有了”。

意思是“非常 ...", " 最 ....".

比如 :
1. 颐和园再漂亮也没有了! [ 漂亮是动词或名词 ?]
2. 你能来再好不过了!

1. No one can get a grade better than Anna.
2. No one can be more generous than my boss.
3. Before, when we speak of business, no can do it better than
*All images, texts, videos and audios used and attached in this presentation are under the copyright of their respective owners, and none of these are
mine. Usage of this presentation is highly restricted to academic purposes only.
词语例释 :

“ 再 ... 不过了”,类似说法还有“再 ... 也没有了”。 意思是

“非常 ...", " 最 ....".

练习 :
1. No one can get a grade better than Anna.

2. No one can be more generous than my boss.


3. Before, when we speak of business, no can do it better

than Google.

*All images, texts, videos and audios used and attached in this presentation are under the copyright of their respective owners, and none of these are
mine. Usage of this presentation is highly restricted to academic purposes only.
词语例释 :
(二) 不对劲儿
not in good
condition; wrong

二: 到底是哪儿不对劲儿?
“ 不对劲儿’,习惯用语,意思是“不正常,有问

1. 今天小李有点儿不对劲儿,平常总是笑嘻嘻 的,
今天 一点儿笑容都没有。

2. 我一看家门开着,里面却一个人没有,就觉 得
有点儿 不对劲儿。

*All images, texts, videos and audios used and attached in this presentation are under the copyright of their respective owners, and none of these are
mine. Usage of this presentation is highly restricted to academic purposes only.
词语例释 :


" 蓝地白点”,是指在

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一: 他明天打算哪儿去?

二: 他穿了怎么样的衬衫?

三: 那,他的领带呢 ?

四: 关于他的时髦,他是不是觉得有品位吗?

五: 按照他,他好像了谁 ?
*All images, texts, videos and audios used and attached in this presentation are under the copyright of their respective owners, and none of these are
mine. Usage of this presentation is highly restricted to academic purposes only.

一: 出门以后,人们的性格怎么样?

二: 他觉得到底是哪儿不对的 ?

*All images, texts, videos and audios used and attached in this presentation are under the copyright of their respective owners, and none of these are
mine. Usage of this presentation is highly restricted to academic purposes only.
词语例释 :




*All images, texts, videos and audios used and attached in this presentation are under the copyright of their respective owners, and none of these are
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*All images, texts, videos, and audios used and attached in this presentation are under the copyright of their respective owners, and none of these are
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*All images, texts, videos, and audios used and attached in this presentation are under the copyright of their respective owners, and none of these are
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*All images, texts, videos, and audios used and attached in this presentation are under the copyright of their respective owners, and none of these are
mine. Usage of this presentation is highly restricted to academic purposes only.
*All images, texts, videos, and audios used and attached in this presentation are under the copyright of their respective owners, and none of these are
mine. Usage of this presentation is highly restricted to academic purposes only.

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