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AQA Smart materials

GCSE Unit 2
Design and Energy, materials, systems
Technology 8552 and devices

• Be able to recognise a range of smart materials
• Understand how the functional properties of a range
of smart materials can be changed by external stimuli
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• Smart materials react to an external stimulus by
changing their characteristics and/or properties
• What stimulus is changing
the colour of the mug?
• Why does the handle
stay black?
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

The stimulus that is changing the color of the mug could be external light or heat.
When light interacts with an object, its color is determined by the wavelengths of light
that are absorbed or reflected by the object's surface. The color we perceive is the
combination of the wavelengths of light that are reflected back to our eyes.
In the case of a colored mug, the material of the mug interacts with the incident light.
Certain wavelengths of light are absorbed by the mug, while others are reflected.
The reflected wavelengths determine the color we observe. For example, if the mug
appears red, it means that it is reflecting predominantly red wavelengths of light while
absorbing other colors.Similarly, heat can also cause a change in the color of the mug.
Some materials exhibit thermochromism, which means they change color with
temperature variations. The heat energy can cause a molecular or chemical change
in the material, leading to a shift in the absorption and reflection of light, thereby
changing the color of the mug.It's worth noting that the specific mechanism and
material properties involved in changing the color of the mug will depend on the
Design composition, and manufacturing process of the mug itself.
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• The handle of the mug may stay black while the rest of the mug changes
color due to differences in the material or surface treatment of the handle
compared to the body of the mug.
• There are a few possible reasons for this:
• Different Material: The handle of the mug may be made of a different
material than the body. For example, the body of the mug might be made of
ceramic or glass, while the handle could be made of a different material
such as plastic or a different type of ceramic. Different materials can have
different optical properties, including how they interact with light and reflect
or absorb certain wavelengths. Therefore, even when exposed to the same
stimulus, the handle may not exhibit the same color change as the rest of
the mug.
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• Surface Treatment: The handle of the mug may have a different surface
treatment or coating compared to the body. Surface treatments or coatings can
affect how light interacts with the material. It's possible that the surface treatment
on the handle is specifically designed to retain its black color regardless of the
stimulus applied to the rest of the mug. This could be due to different pigments
or dyes used in the surface treatment that are resistant to color changes under
the given stimulus.
• Temperature Distribution: If the stimulus causing the color change is heat, it's
possible that the temperature distribution on the mug is not uniform. The body of
the mug may be exposed to higher temperatures, leading to a color change,
while the handle may not reach the same temperature levels due to differences
in heat conductivity or insulation properties. This can result in the handle
remaining black while the body of the mug changes color.
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• It's important to note that the specific reason for the

handle staying black would depend on the specific
design and materials used in the mug. Without detailed
information about the mug's construction, it is difficult to
pinpoint the exact reason.
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

Smart materials
• What different stimuli can make changes occur in
smart materials?
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• Smart materials can undergo changes in response to various stimuli. Some

common stimuli that can induce changes in smart materials include:
• Temperature: Smart materials can exhibit changes in their physical or chemical
properties in response to temperature variations. For example, shape memory
alloys can undergo a reversible change in shape when heated or cooled.
• Light: Certain smart materials can respond to light by changing their color,
transparency, or fluorescence. Photochromic materials, for instance, can change
color when exposed to ultraviolet or visible light.
• Electric Field: Electric fields can trigger changes in the electrical, mechanical, or
optical properties of smart materials. Piezoelectric materials, for example, can
generate an electric charge when subjected to mechanical stress.
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• Magnetic Field: Magnetic fields can influence the properties of smart materials that
exhibit magnetostrictive or magnetoresistive behavior. These materials can
change their shape or electrical resistance in response to a magnetic field.
• pH or Chemical Environment: Smart materials may be sensitive to changes in pH
levels or specific chemicals. pH-responsive hydrogels, for instance, can swell or
shrink depending on the acidity or alkalinity of the surrounding environment.
• Pressure or Mechanical Stress: Applying pressure or mechanical stress can cause
changes in the shape, conductivity, or mechanical properties of certain smart
materials. This behavior is observed in materials like piezoresistive sensors or
shape memory polymers.
• These are just a few examples of the stimuli that can induce changes in smart
materials. Different types of smart materials have unique properties and can
respond to specific stimuli, enabling a wide range of applications in areas such as
sensors, actuators, biomedical devices, and adaptive structures.
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

Self-healing polymer
• Self-healing polymers react to stress fractures by
releasing a resin into the new crack
• Microcapsules of liquid resin are ruptured to bond the polymer
back together again
• What triggers the resin to cure?
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• The resin in self-healing polymers is triggered to cure when it is released into a

crack or fracture. Microcapsules containing liquid resin are ruptured upon the
occurrence of a crack. The rupture exposes the resin to air or another activating
agent, which initiates a chemical reaction. This reaction, typically catalyzed by heat
or a specific catalyst, causes the resin to cure and harden. As a result, the resin
forms a bond, effectively repairing and joining the fractured polymer back together.
• In summary, the resin in self-healing polymers is triggered to cure through various
mechanisms such as the presence of a catalyst, exposure to specific light
wavelengths, or exposure to certain environmental conditions. These triggers
initiate chemical reactions within the resin, leading to curing and the restoration of
the polymer's integrity.
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

Self-healing concrete
• Designed to avoid stress cracks filling with water
• Cracks enlarge over time and water can cause the steel
reinforcements to rust and weaken the structure
• Self-healing concrete has spheres of bacteria added to the
mixture which contain their own food
• When a crack forms and water seeps in, the bacteria start to
feed, producing calcium carbonate which fills the crack
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

Thermochromic pigments
• Hot and cold temperatures trigger a change of colour
in special thermochromic dyes
• Applications include:
• Fever scan strips used on infants
• Room thermometers
• Children's cutlery and crockery
• Novelty goods and colour changing clothing

• Some pigments have a permanent change

• How might these be useful in the medical
or food industry?
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

Photochromic particles
• Ultraviolet light reacts with photosensitive silver
halide particles within the lenses
• This reaction is commonly seen in prescription sunglass
lenses that darken in bright sunlight and return to clear indoors
• The reaction can take up to two minutes to complete
• Over time the particles can lose their ability to revert to clear

UV Light levels
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

Photochromic pigments
• UV light stimulates particles in a
special pigment
• The effect only lasts as long as
strong UV light is present
• These pigments are mainly used
for novelty goods and colour
changing paints
• How might these pigments be
used in improving security?
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

Shape memory alloy (SMA)

• Nitinol is an SMA of nickel and titanium
• Nitinol needs to be ‘set’ into a shape which
requires a high temperature of around 540°C
• Once set, the alloy can be
deformed into a different shape
• Heat or electricity is used to
trigger a response in its shape
• When reheated to around 70°C it
will go back to its pre-set shape
• How might nitinol be used in
dentistry, eyewear or heart surgery?
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• Nitinol, a shape memory alloy, can be utilized in dentistry for orthodontic

applications such as dental braces and archwires. It provides a consistent,
gentle force for tooth alignment due to its ability to revert to its original shape
upon activation.
• In eyewear, Nitinol is used in flexible frames that can withstand bending and
twisting without permanent deformation. This makes the frames more durable
and resistant to breakage.
• Nitinol's superelasticity and shape memory properties make it valuable in
heart surgery. It can be employed in the fabrication of stents, which are used
to open narrowed or blocked blood vessels. Nitinol stents can be compressed
for insertion and then expand to their original shape within the blood vessel.
• Dental implants can also benefit from Nitinol's shape memory properties. It
can be used to create flexible implant components that adapt to the contours
of the jawbone, enhancing comfort and stability.
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

Quantum Tunnelling Composite

• QTC is a polymer that contains billions of metal
particles that don’t actually touch each other
• It is an unusual material being both an insulator and
a semi-conductor
• When pressure is applied the polymer becomes a conductor
allowing an electrical signal to flow
• Where might this material be useful?
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• QTC (Quantum Tunnelling Composite) is a unique material with applications in

various industries. Its property of transitioning from an insulator to a conductor
under pressure makes it valuable in several areas. Here are some potential uses
for QTC:
• Touchscreens and Buttons: QTC can be used in touch-sensitive screens,
touchpads, and buttons. When pressure is applied, such as when a user touches
the screen or presses a button, QTC becomes conductive, allowing for precise and
reliable touch input or button activation.
• Proximity and Force Sensors: QTC's sensitivity to pressure makes it suitable for
proximity and force sensing applications. It can be used in touchless switches,
pressure-sensitive mats, or force sensors that detect variations in applied
• Robotics and Human-Machine Interfaces: QTC can enhance human-robot
interaction and machine interfaces. By integrating QTC into robot grippers or
exoskeletons, for example, it can enable more sensitive and responsive
interactions with objects or human touch.
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• Wearable Technology: QTC can be utilized in wearable devices and smart textiles. It
can enable pressure-sensitive and flexible sensors in clothing, gloves, or footwear,
allowing for gesture recognition, pressure monitoring, or touch-based controls.
• Industrial Applications: QTC's unique conductivity properties find use in industrial
applications such as switches, connectors, and sensing devices. It can be employed
in harsh environments or situations where reliability and durability are crucial.
• Medical and Rehabilitation Devices: QTC can play a role in medical devices and
rehabilitation applications. It can be incorporated into prosthetics, rehabilitation
gloves, or pressure-sensing mats for posture monitoring or force analysis during

• These are just a few examples of potential applications for QTC. The material's
ability to transition from an insulator to a conductor under pressure offers
opportunities for innovative designs and solutions in various fields where precise
and reliable pressure sensing or touch interactions are required.
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

Piezoelectric material
• Piezoelectric material works in two ways:
• Subject it to movement or stress and it produces electricity
• Attach an electrical signal to it and it moves

• How might it be used to detect vibrations?

Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• Piezoelectric materials can be utilized to detect vibrations by exploiting their ability

to generate an electrical signal in response to mechanical stress or movement.
Here's how they can be used for vibration detection:
• Piezoelectric Sensors: Piezoelectric materials, such as piezoelectric crystals or
ceramics, can be employed as sensors to detect vibrations. When subjected to
mechanical vibrations or oscillations, the material experiences stress or
deformation, which generates an electric charge or voltage across its surface. This
electric signal can then be measured and analyzed to quantify the intensity,
frequency, or other characteristics of the vibrations.
• Accelerometers: Piezoelectric materials can be incorporated into accelerometer
devices. Accelerometers measure the acceleration or vibrations in various
directions. The piezoelectric material within the accelerometer is deformed or
stressed by the vibrations, generating an electric signal proportional to the applied
acceleration. This signal can be processed to provide information about the
vibration amplitude, frequency, and direction.
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• When subjected to mechanical vibrations or oscillations, the material experiences

stress or deformation, which generates an electric charge or voltage across its
surface. This electric signal can then be measured and analyzed to quantify the
intensity, frequency, or other characteristics of the vibrations.
• Accelerometers: Piezoelectric materials can be incorporated into accelerometer
devices. Accelerometers measure the acceleration or vibrations in various directions.
The piezoelectric material within the accelerometer is deformed or stressed by the
vibrations, generating an electric signal proportional to the applied acceleration. This
signal can be processed to provide information about the vibration amplitude,
frequency, and direction.
• Vibration Monitoring Systems: Piezoelectric sensors or transducers can be
integrated into vibration monitoring systems. These systems are used in various
applications, including structural health monitoring, machinery condition monitoring,
and seismic activity detection. Piezoelectric sensors placed strategically on
structures or machinery can detect vibrations caused by external forces or
mechanical defects. The generated electric signals are analyzed to assess the
health, performance, and potential issues in the monitored system.
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• Energy Harvesting: In some cases, the vibrations themselves can be a source of

energy. Piezoelectric materials can be used as energy harvesters to convert
mechanical vibrations into usable electrical energy. The vibrations deform or stress
the piezoelectric material, generating electrical charges that can be stored or used
to power low-power devices or sensors.
• Piezoelectric materials offer a reliable and sensitive means of detecting vibrations
due to their ability to directly convert mechanical energy into electrical signals. Their
applications span across industries such as aerospace, automotive, civil
engineering, consumer electronics, and many more.
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

Piezo transducer
• Using a thin layer of piezoelectric material, small
transducers vibrate when an electrical signal is sent
through the contacts
• These are used in mobile phones and other small electronic
devices and toys
• When tapped or spoken into they produce a small electrical
charge that can be amplified to create sound or trigger a
response in a circuit
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

Acid or alkali?
• PH levels can be detected using litmus paper
• It uses compounds found in different varieties of lichen
• Different colours and shades appear depending on the PH
• Common uses include: Garden soil testing / pool water
testing / skincare products – (dermatological testing)
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

Worksheet 4
• Complete Tasks 1 and 2 of the worksheet
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• Imagine you are a designer for a car manufacturer
• You have been asked to create the best driving experience
for their customers
• How could smart materials be used to help you
design the ultimate car?
• Consider all aspects of the passenger experience including
safety, entertainment, comfort, easy of use of controls,
reduced maintenance etc.
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• Smart materials have the potential to revolutionize the design of cars, leading to the
development of the ultimate car with enhanced performance, safety, and
functionality. Here are some ways in which smart materials could contribute to
designing the ultimate car:
• Shape-Memory Alloys (SMAs): SMAs, such as Nitinol, can be incorporated into
various components of the car. These alloys can provide shape memory and
superelastic properties, allowing for adaptive and responsive features.SMAs can be
used in suspension systems, allowing the car to automatically adjust its ride height
and stiffness based on road conditions for optimal handling and comfort.
• Self-Healing Materials: Self-healing polymers can help maintain the integrity of the
car's body and exterior. They can repair minor scratches or damages automatically,
reducing the need for costly repairs and preserving the car's appearance and value.
• Energy-Harvesting Materials: Smart materials capable of harvesting energy from
the car's vibrations or other sources can be integrated into the vehicle's structure.
This energy can then be used to power low-energy systems or devices within the
car, reducing the reliance on traditional power sources and improving overall energy
Smart materials
Unit 2 Energy, materials, systems and devices

• Smart Glass: Electrochromic or thermochromic glass can be employed in windows

and sunroofs. These smart glass technologies can adjust their transparency or
tinting based on external conditions, reducing glare, heat, and UV radiation inside
the car, thereby enhancing comfort and energy efficiency.
• Adaptive Surfaces: Smart materials with controllable friction or texture properties
can be used in tires or braking systems. By adjusting the surface properties, the car
can optimize traction, braking performance, and handling in different road and
weather conditions, improving safety and performance.
• Sensing and Feedback Systems: Smart materials equipped with sensors and
feedback mechanisms can monitor various aspects of the car, such as temperature,
stress, or strain. This data can be used for real-time monitoring, diagnostics, and
adaptive control systems, enhancing performance, safety, and maintenance of the

• These are just a few examples of how smart materials can contribute to the design
of the ultimate car. By leveraging the unique properties of smart materials, car
designers can enhance performance, efficiency, safety, and comfort, creating a truly
innovative and superior driving experience.

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