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How Social Relationships

Affect the Thinking

2. 3.
2. 3.



How Social Relationships Affect the Thinking Process
Social relationship - is broadly defined as the connections that exist between people
who have recurring interactions that are perceived by the
participants to have personal meaning.

Social relationship affect or influence every individual thinking process. Social

relationship change the way we think and act because in this process you will be
influenced by the people around you and change the way you behave, interact, and

conversations with a family, a group of friends, strangers at the store, classmates,

Thinking Process - is how we process information; it is how we use our mind to consider
The following are the situations and illustrations of how social relationships affect one’s
thinking process:

1. The characteristics of a child's social setting affect how he or she learns to think
and behave, by means of instruction, rewards and punishment, and example.

2. Membership in these groups influences how people think of themselves and how
others think of them. These groups impose expectations and rules that make the
behavior of members more predictable and that enable each group to function
smoothly and retain its identity.

example, such as how to behave at a social gathering, or they may be written

rules that are strictly enforced.

3. Social relationships are also linked to health.

For example, meanings attached to marriage and relationships with

children may foster a greater sense of responsibility to stay healthy,
thus promoting healthier lifestyles
The following are the situations and illustrations of how social relationships affect one’s
thinking process:

4. While social relationships are the central source of emotional support for most
people, social relationships can be extremely stressful
(Walen and Lachman 2000)

For example, marriage is the most salient source of both support and stress for
many individuals (Walen and Lachman 2000), and poor marital
quality has been associated with compromised immune and
endocrine function and depression (Kiecolt-Glaser and Newton 2001).
Significant Roles of Students Within the Community

Students must realize the importance of the relationship between an individual and the
society. Every person belongs to the society, and every student is an important part of it.
Students play an important role in improving and strengthening the community.

The following lists are just some of your roles in the community:
a. take an active role in supporting your barangay’s campaigns and programs like
literacy campaigns or sports programs
b. participate in drug eradication and alcohol control in the community by not engaging
to such acts
c. willing and open-minded to aid a person in distress when calamity comes; help in
donations and other social work for the betterment of the community
d. help to raise fund for the poor and for charity works
e. taking steps to plant trees and thus promoting awareness programs on protecting
tress and the importance of planting trees for the coming generations, rather than
felling trees
f. stand as one against the negative aspects like corruption, violence, terrorism and fight
for the peace and security of the nation.
Activity 1:

Direction: List down (2) people who make a difference in your life. It could be your friends,
family, teachers, or any person. Write how they influence your way of thinking and what
life changes took place in your life.
Person How What

It changes my viewpoint in
Example: She keeps on reminding me handling poverty and family
  how hard life is. She is responsibility. It gives me a
always sacrificing her time clearer view why I should
Mother and strength just to provide have the determination to
for our needs. She keeps on finish my studies to have a
reiterating the importance of good life someday.
Activity 2:

Direction: Using the diagram below, being you at the center, map your social
relationships and give your important roles to them and their roles to you.


Neighbors YOU Friends

How would you differentiate social
relationships to social network?
Social relationship - a relationship between 2 or more people, manifesting through
actions which seek for a reaction thereby forming social
structures and eventually society.
Example: could be a marriage, friendship, workmate, parenthood and sonship etc.

Social Network – happens on social media or a website that allows you to connect
with friends and family, share photos, videos, music and other personal

Example : Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Myspace etc.


Modified TRUE or FALSE

1. Social relationship affects one’s thinking process.

2. One of your roles as a student is to take an active role in supporting your

barangay’s campaigns and programs like literacy campaigns or sports programs.

3. Students should stand as one against the negative aspects like corruption,
violence, terrorism and fight for the peace and security of the nation.

4. While social relationships are the central source of emotional support for most
people, social relationships can be extremely stressful.

5. The characteristics of a child's social setting affect how he or she learns to think
and behave, by means of instruction, rewards and punishment, and example.
Thank You for Listening!

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