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• Effective communication is essential for success in a variety of

areas, including relationships, business, and personal interactions. It
entails clearly and concisely communicating one's sentiments,
ideas, and ideals, as well as clarifying signals and fine-tuning
abilities. Successful people have an excellent communication style
since they deal with peers, clients, workers, and supervisors on a
regular basis. Regardless of precautions and planning, success is
unpredictable since communication never takes the shape
anticipated by the sender. Having a framework in place to govern
communication may decrease risks while increasing effectiveness.
Written Oral

Type of
What is written communication
• Written communication refers to the exchange
of information, ideas, thoughts, or messages
using written words. It is a form of
communication that uses written language as a
medium to convey thoughts and ideas from one
person to another, often over a distance or
time. Written communication can take various
forms, including:
1. Text Messages 4. Reports and Documents:
2. Emails
3. Letters
What are oral communication

• Oral communication refers to the exchange of

information, ideas, and messages through spoken words
and verbal interactions. It involves using language, tone
of voice, and nonverbal cues to convey thoughts and
meanings to others. Oral communication is a
fundamental aspect of human interaction and can take
various forms, including:
1. Face-to-Face Conversations
2. Phone Calls
3. Meetings
4. Lectures and Presentations
Advantages of written communication

Clarity and Precision: Written communication allows the sender to carefully craft their message,
ensuring clarity and precision. This helps in avoiding misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

Permanent Record: Written messages provide a documented record of the communication. This
can be valuable for future reference, accountability, and legal purposes.

Distribution: Written communication can be easily distributed to multiple recipients, regardless

of geographical barriers. It's suitable for communicating with a large audience

Thoughtful Response: Written communication gives recipients time to process the information
and formulate thoughtful responses, which can lead to well-considered discussions.

Formal Communication: Written communication is often considered more formal and

professional, making it appropriate for official business matters.
Disadvantages of Written
• Lack of Immediate Feedback: Unlike verbal communication, written communication lacks immediate feedback.
This can lead to delays in resolving issues or making decisions.
• Emotion and Tone Misinterpretation: Written communication lacks vocal tone and body
language, making it prone to misinterpretation of emotions and intentions.
• Time-Consuming: Crafting well-written messages can be time-consuming, especially for complex
topics. This might not be suitable for quick exchanges of information.
• Limited Interaction: Written communication doesn't allow for real-time interaction, discussion, or
immediate clarification of doubts. This can hinder complex problem-solving and brainstorming.
• Language Barriers: If the recipient and sender are not fluent in the same language, written
communication can result in misunderstanding due to language barriers.
• Information Overload: In today's digital age, individuals receive a large volume of written
communication daily, leading to potential information overload and missed messages.
Advantages of oral communication

Immediate Feedback: One of the most significant advantages of oral communication is the ability to
receive immediate feedback. This enables the speaker to gauge the listener's understanding and adjust
their message accordingly. Immediate feedback allows for quicker clarification and resolution of doubts.

Effective in Emotional Expression: Oral communication allows for the inclusion of vocal tone, intonation,
and body language, which convey emotions and attitudes. This makes it easier to express empathy,
enthusiasm, sarcasm, and other nuanced emotions that might be challenging to convey in written form.

Real-Time Interaction: Oral communication facilitates real-time interaction and dynamic discussions. This
is particularly beneficial for brainstorming, problem-solving, negotiations, and collaborative tasks where
immediate interaction is crucial.

Immediate Clarification: If a listener doesn't understand something, they can immediately seek
clarification, preventing potential misunderstandings from developing further.
Disadvantages of oral Communication
• Lack of Permanent Record: Unlike written communication, oral communication does not
provide a permanent record of the conversation. This can lead to misunderstandings or
disputes if there's no way to refer back to what was discussed.
• No Time for Reflection: In oral communication, responses are often expected immediately.
This can hinder individuals from thoroughly considering their thoughts before responding,
potentially leading to incomplete or incorrect information being conveyed.
• Difficulty in Complex Concepts: Complex or technical information might be challenging to
communicate effectively through oral means. Without visual aids or written documentation,
intricate details can be lost or misunderstood.
• Lack of Clarity: Oral communication is prone to misinterpretation due to factors like accents,
speech patterns, and distractions. Misunderstandings can arise when the listener does not
accurately interpret the speaker's intended message.
1. Use Short 2. Use Short
Tips to improve and Familiar Sentence and
words. Paragraphs.
3. Use Technical
4. Use Active
Words with

5. Give 6. Express
Examples and Thoughts
Charts. Logically.

7. Avoid 8. Avoid
Unnecessary Discriminatory
Words. Words
Tips to improve oral communication

Practice Active Listening: Organize Your Thoughts: Speak Clearly and Slowly:
Pay close attention to the speaker. Before speaking, take a moment to Enunciate your words clearly and
Avoid interrupting and show that organize your ideas. avoid speaking too quickly.
you are engaged through Outline key points you want to Speak at a pace that allows your
nonverbal cues like nodding and cover to ensure a coherent audience to follow along easily.
maintaining eye contact. message.
Summarize or paraphrase what the
speaker said to ensure you
understood correctly.

• Oral Communication is an informal one which is normally used in personal

conversations, group talks, etc. Written Communication is formal
communication, which is used in schools, colleges, business world, etc.
Choosing between the two communications modes is a tough task because
both are good at their places. People normally use the oral mode of
communication because it is convenient and less time-consuming. However,
people normally believe in the written text more than what they hear that is
why written communication is considered as the reliable method of
This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

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