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Vivienne Nambule Syamuleya
Texila American University
Associate Professor
Anatomy Faculty

• At The End Of The Session, Students Should Be Able To Discuss

• The Embryology Of The Blood Vessels

• Vasculogenesis

• Angiogenesis


• Paraxial

• Intermediate

• Lateral plate

Somatic layer

Splanchnic layer
Blood vessel formation
• Growth factors by endothelial layer
• VEGF Influence Splanchnic L.P.M
• Differentiate into a different type of
mesoderm tissue
• Proliferation and differentiation and
specializing into Angioblast cells
further forming little Tubes
• CANALIZATION –Form a long tube
• Give rise – Endothelial cells
(endothelium, endocardium)
• Haemocytoblasts
Vasculogenesis VS Angiogenesis
• The earliest sign - heart tube formation
• appearance of paired endothelial strands-angioblastic cords-
cardiogenic mesoderm - third week.
• An inductive influence from the anterior endoderm stimulates early
formation of the heart tube
• These cords canalize to form thin heart tubes.
• As lateral embryonic folding occurs, the endocardial tubes approach
each other and fuse to form a heart tube.
• Fusion of the heart tubes begins at the cranial end of the
developing heart and extends caudally
Development of Arterial System from the Heart Tube

• 4-5th weeks Pharyngeal

arches develop

• Each supplied by pharyngeal

arch arteries-that arise from
the aortic sac and terminate
in the dorsal aortas.

These arteries are referred

aortic arches
Pharyngeal Arches
Pharyngeal Arch Arteries and Other Branches of the Dorsal
• The paired dorsal aortas run through the entire length of the

• Later, the caudal portions of the dorsal aortas fuse to form a single
lower thoracic/abdominal aorta.

• Of the remaining paired dorsal aortas, the right regresses and the
left becomes the primordial aorta.
Intersegmental Arteries

• Thirty or so branches of the dorsal aorta, the intersegmental arteries, pass

between and carry blood to the somites and their derivatives

• The intersegmental arteries in the neck join to form a longitudinal artery on

each side, the vertebral artery.

• Most of the original connections of the intersegmental arteries to the

dorsal aorta disappear.
Intersegmental Arteries
• In the thorax, the intersegmental arteries persist as intercostal

• Most of the intersegmental arteries in the abdomen become lumbar

arteries, but the fifth pair of lumbar intersegmental arteries remains
as the common iliac arteries.

• In the sacral region, the intersegmental arteries form the lateral sacral

• The caudal end of the dorsal aorta becomes the median sacral artery.
aortic arches
Development of the aortic arches
• Aortic aches arises from Aortic sac

• The aortic arches are embedded in

mesenchyme of the pharyngeal arches

• Terminate in the right and left dorsal


• They are a total of 6 pharyngeal aches

• Firth arch regresses


• Aorticopulmonary septum divides the

outflow channel of the heart into the
ventral aorta and the pulmonary

• Aortic sac give rise to the

brachiocephalic artery

• 1st aortic arch forms maxillary artery

• 2nd aortic arch forms hyoidal artery -
stapedial artery
• 3rd arch forms common carotid artery
• 4th aortic arch forms
Left side - arch aortic and
ductus arteriosus and
right side - subclavian artery &
brachiocephalic trunk
Firth and Sixth Arches

• The fifth aortic arch Regresses

• The sixth aortic arch forms the
pulmonary artery
Abdominal Aorta

• Dorsal Lateral arteries

• Intercostal arteries
• Lumbar arteries
Lateral Branches
Supra renal
Renal arteries
Gonadal arteries
Vitalines arteries
ciliac artery – forgut
superior mesenteric a.-
mid gut
inferior mesenteric a.-
hind gut
Umbilical Arteries

• Umbilical Arteries – disappear

• Common iliac arteries – divide into External & Internal iliac arteries

• Umbilical arteries come off the internal iliac arteries

• Left & Right umbilical arteries become Medial Umbilical Ligament (Adult

• A small part of the umbilical artery persists and help form the vesicle artery
giving supply to the bladder

• External iliac arteries will come down and supply the lower limbs
Clinical correlates
• Coarctation of the aorta
• Abnormal origin of the right
subclavian artery
Clinical correlates
Sinus venosus development
• 4th week, the sinus venosus receives venous blood from the right and left
sinus horns
• Each horn receives blood from three important veins namely ;
• Vitelline or omphalomesenteric vein
• Umbilical vein
• Common cardinal vein
• At first, communication between the sinus and the atrium is wide but the
entrance of the sinus shifts to the right
• Shift is caused by left to right shunts of blood
• With obliteration of the right umbilical vein and the left vitelline vein during
the fifth week, the left sinus horn rapidly loses its importance
• When the left common cardinal vein is obliterated at 10 weeks, all that
remains of the left sinus horn is the oblique vein of the left atrium and the
coronary sinus
Development and Fate of Veins Associated with the Heart

• Three paired veins drain into the tubular heart of a 4-week

• Vitelline veins return poorly oxygenated blood from the
umbilical vesicle.
• Umbilical veins carry well-oxygenated blood from the chorion.
• Common cardinal veins return poorly oxygenated blood from
the body of the embryo.
Figure 13-2 Drawing of the embryonic cardiovascular system (approximately 26 days) showing vessels on the left side only. The umbilical vein carries well-
oxygenated blood and nutrients from the chorion sac to the embryo. The umbilical arteries carry poorly oxygenated blood and waste products from the
embryo to the chorion.
vitelline veins
• The vitelline veins follow the omphaloenteric duct (yolk stalk) into the embryo.
• After passing through the septum transversum, the vitelline veins enter the
venous end of the heart-the sinus venosus

• The left vitelline vein regresses while the right vitelline vein forms most of the
hepatic portal system as well as a portion of the inferior vena cava.

• As the liver primordium grows into the septum transversum, the hepatic cords
anastomose around preexisting endothelium-lined spaces.

• These spaces, the primordia of the hepatic sinusoids, later become linked to the
vitelline veins.
umbilical veins
• The umbilical veins run on each side of the liver and carry well-
oxygenated blood from the placenta to the sinus venosus.

• As the liver develops, the umbilical veins lose their connection with the
heart and empty into the liver.

• The right umbilical vein disappears during the seventh week, leaving the
left umbilical vein as the only vessel carrying well-oxygenated blood from
the placenta to the embryo.
umbilical veins…..
• The right umbilical vein and the cranial part of the left umbilical vein between the
liver and the sinus venosus degenerate.

• The persistent caudal part of the left umbilical vein becomes the umbilical vein,
which carries all the blood from the placenta to the embryo.

• A large venous shunt-the ductus venosus (DV)-develops within and connects the
umbilical vein with the inferior vena cava (IVC).

• The DV forms a bypass through the liver, enabling most of the blood from the
placenta to pass directly to the heart without passing through the capillary
networks of the liver.
• Left Umbilical vein – Adult Remnant LIGAMENTUM TERES

• Ductus Venosus – Adult Remnant LIGAMENTUM VENOSUM

cardinal veins
• The cardinal veins - constitute the main venous drainage system of the
• The anterior and posterior cardinal veins drain cranial and caudal parts of the
embryo, respectively, and are the earliest veins to develop. They join the
common cardinal veins, which enter the sinus venosus
• During the eighth week, the anterior cardinal veins become connected by an
anastomosis which shunts blood from the left to the right anterior cardinal
• This anastomotic shunt becomes the left brachiocephalic vein when the
caudal part of the left anterior cardinal vein degenerates.
• The superior vena cava (SVC) forms from the right anterior cardinal vein and
the right common cardinal vein.
cardinal veins………
• The posterior cardinal veins develop primarily as the vessels of the
mesonephroi (interim kidneys) and largely disappear with these
transitory kidneys.

• The only adult derivatives of the posterior cardinal veins are the root
of the azygos vein and the common iliac veins.
subcardinal and supracardinal veins

• subcardinal and supracardinal veins gradually develop and replace and

supplement the posterior cardinal veins.

• The subcardinal veins appear first .

• They are connected with each other through the subcardinal anastomosis
and with the posterior cardinal veins through the mesonephric sinusoids.

• The subcardinal veins form the stem of the left renal vein, the suprarenal
veins, the gonadal veins (testicular and ovarian), and a segment of the IVC
The supracardinal veins
• The supracardinal veins are the last pair of vessels to develop.
• They become disrupted in the region of the kidneys
• Cranial to this they become united by an anastomosis that is
represented in the adult by the azygos and hemiazygos veins.
• Caudal to the kidneys, the left supracardinal vein degenerates, but the
right supracardinal vein becomes the inferior part of the IVC.
Development of the Inferior Vena Cava
• The IVC forms during a series of changes in the primordial veins of the
trunk that occur as blood, returning from the caudal part of the
embryo, is shifted from the left to the right side of the body.
• The IVC is composed of four main segments:
• A hepatic segment derived from the hepatic vein (proximal part of
right vitelline vein) and hepatic sinusoids
• A prerenal segment derived from the right subcardinal vein
• A renal segment derived from the subcardinal-supracardinal
• A postrenal segment derived from the right supracardinal vein
Anomalies of Venae Cavae

• Because of the many transformations that occur during the formation

of the SVC and IVC, variations in their adult form occur, but they are
not common .
• most common anomaly of the IVC is for its abdominal course to be
interrupted; as a result, blood drains from the lower limbs, abdomen,
and pelvis to the heart through the azygos system of veins.

• Double Superior Venae Cavae

• Persistence of the left anterior cardinal vein results in a persistent left
SVC; hence, there are two superior venae cavae .
Anomalies of Venae Cavae
• The anastomosis that usually forms the left brachiocephalic vein is small or
absent. The abnormal left SVC, derived from the left anterior cardinal and
common cardinal veins, opens into the right atrium through the coronary

• Left Superior Vena Cava

• The left anterior cardinal vein and common cardinal vein may form a left SVC,
and the right anterior cardinal vein and common cardinal vein, which usually
form the SVC, degenerate. As a result, blood from the right side is carried by
the brachiocephalic vein to the unusual left SVC, which empties into the
coronary sinus
• The posterior aspect of a dissected adult heart with double superior
venae cavae. The small anomalous left superior vena cava opens into
the coronary sinus.
• Absence of the Hepatic Segment of the Inferior Vena Cava
• Occasionally the hepatic segment of the IVC fails to form. As a result,
blood from inferior parts of the body drains into the right atrium through
the azygos and hemiazygos veins. The hepatic veins open separately into
the right atrium.

• Double Inferior Venae Cavae

• In unusual cases, the IVC inferior to the renal veins is represented by two
vessels. Usually the left one is much smaller. This condition probably
results from failure of an anastomosis to develop between the veins of the
trunk. As a result, the inferior part of the left supracardinal vein persists as
a second IVC.
Fate of the Vitelline and Umbilical Arteries

• The unpaired ventral branches of the dorsal aorta supply the umbilical
vesicle (yolk sac), allantois, and chorion. The vitelline arteries pass to
the vesicle and later the primordial gut, which forms from the
incorporated part of the umbilical vesicle. Only three vitelline arteries
remain: celiac arterial trunk to foregut, superior mesenteric artery to
midgut, and inferior mesenteric artery to hindgut.
• The paired umbilical arteries pass through the connecting stalk
(primordial umbilical cord) and become continuous with vessels in the
chorion, the embryonic part of the placenta . The umbilical arteries
carry poorly oxygenated blood to the placenta .
• Proximal parts of the umbilical arteries become the internal iliac
arteries and superior vesical arteries, whereas distal parts obliterate
after birth and become the medial umbilical ligaments.
Reference Book
• Standring, Susan and Standring (2015).Gray's anatomy. 41st International edition, Elsevier Health Sciences. ISBN
• 9780702052309.
• 2. Keith L. Moore, Arthur F. Dalley, Anne M. R. Agur (2017). Moore's Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8th edition, Walter
• Kluwer. ISBN 9781496347213.
• 3. Alan J. Detton (2020). Grant’s Dissector. 17th edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 9781975134600.
• 4. Sadler T.W (2018). Langman’s Medical Embryology. 14th edition, Walter Kluwer. ISBN 9781496383907.
• 5. Adrian Kendal Dixon, David J. Bowden, Bari M. Logan and Harold Ellis (2017). Human Sectional Anatomy - Pocket
• atlas of body sections, CT and MRI images, 4th edition, CRC Press. ISBN 9781498708548.

The End
Thank you

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