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• Some of the regrets are not at all tru cause i don´t remeber very Good
the histories of things from some years ago.
So lets start with one regret
• When I was a kid I used to have a friend who mistreated me, well not
to that extent but sometimes he was very rude to me and I let him go
because I thought that if I didn't let him hit me we wouldn't be friends
but thanks to that I regret not having told him before why. I told him
after a while and he replied that he was fine but he got out of control
and started to bother or hurt me so we stopped being friends in short
I regret not having told him before.

• This is a true one

Another regret
• I regret when I went ice skating with short socks because my parents
told me to wear long socks so that the skate wouldn't hurt me but I
ignored them and went with the short ones, I was on the rink for
about 3 hours but now After I finished skating and took them off I had
an irritated cut mark or something like that and after a few days I got
two very ugly scars on both feet.

• This is a true one

And the last regret
• I regret when I lived in my other house we had a gate to put the car in
the patio of the house
• I used to swing on it when I was going to close it but my mom always
told me not to do it but one day I did it and my foot got stuck under
the gate making it twist and hurt me and since that day I am in certain
positions It hurts where it hurt me, that's why I regret it

• This is true but it does´t happen at all like that

So now i want to talk about my wishes
• I wish that when my parents punish me, no matter how many times
they repeat it or tell me not to do something, I continue doing it, then
I would say that I learn from my mistakes and stop doing what makes
me want to punish myself because I never learn.
Another wish
• My wish is to help many animals get better or move on because I like
animals. Every time I see one suffering I try to help but I can't because
I'm not qualified for that and that's why I would like to be a
veterinarian and be able to help them move forward that is my wish
And my last wish is
• To know if there are mythological creatures like the Pheonix that is
reborn from its own ashes, I would like to know because if there was
a possibility that it existed, a method of being immortal could be
created. I'm not saying it because I'm afraid of dying, but cause
persons we lovewe want to stay with them to the eternity. It's
something that interests and intrigues me.
•And that was my proyect

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