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Chapter 2

Differential Equations of Motion for a Deformable body
Stress Equilibrium
• If deformed body has zero
acceleration, then it is
differential equation of
• Required to find
• Load stress and load
deflection relationship
• Small displacement
• No distinction between
coordinate axes in the General deformed body
deformed and undeformed
Free Body Diagram

Body forces include gravity forces, electromagnetic effects &

inertial forces
WeDifferential Equations of Motion for a
Deformable body.
Differential Equations of Motion for a Deformable body
Differential Equations of Motion for a Deformable body

Plus the body force components Bx, By Bz will give us

Differential Equilibrium
Equations of Motion forEquations
a Deformable body

Rectangular coordinate system

Multiply stresses
by area of face  σ xx  σ xy  σ xz
   Bx  0
and sum. x y z
 σ xy  σ yy  σ yz
   By  0
Multiply Body x y z
Forces by volume.  σ  σ yz  σ zz
   Bz  0
x y z
Collect terms and
Differential Cylindrical Coordinates
Equations of Motion for a Deformable body

x1  r cosθ
x2  r sinθ
x3  z
ê r  ê1 cos θ  ê 2 sin θ
ê    ê1 sin θ  ê 2 cos θ
ê z  ê 3

Cylindrical coordinate system

Differential Equations of Motion for a Deformable body
Cylindrical Coordinates
 σ rr 1  σ rθ  σ rz σ rr  σ θθ 
    Br  0
r r  z r
 σ rθ 1  σ θθ  σ θz 2 σ rθ
    Bθ  0 (2.50)
r r  z r
 σ zr 1  σ θz  σ zz σ zr
    Bz  0
r r  z r
Differential Equations of Motion for a Deformable body
Spherical Coordinates
Spherical Coordinate system (r, θ, φ)
rr 1 r 1 r 2rr       r cot 
    Br  0
r r  r sin   r
r 1  1  3 r       cot 
    B  0 (2.53)
r r  r sin   r
r 1  1  3r  2 cot 
    B  0
r r sin   r  r
Differential Equations of Motion for a Deformable body
Plane Polar Coordinates
Plane Polar coordinates (r, θ)

rr 1 r rz  rr   

    Br  0
r r  z r
r 1  2r
   B  0
r r  r
Deformation of a deformable body
Strain – displacement Relationship:
•Use small displacement theory
•Member is first unloaded (undeformed & unstressed) and
then loaded (deformed & stressed)
•Change in length of an infinitesimal line segment in the
•Finite strain –displacement relationship
•R-closed region occupied by undeformed member
•R*- closed region occupied by deformed member
Particle P is located at (x, y, z) in
undeformed body and moves to P*
Functions (x*,y*,z*) are continuous &
differentiable in the independent
variables (x, y, z)
Deformation of a deformable body

Coordinate Relationships
Deformed state

Eulerian Coordinates
x  x  x,y,z 
* *

y*  y*  x,y,z  (2.55)

z  z  x,y,z 
* *

• Values of (x, y, z) are restricted to region R and (x*,y*,z*)

are restricted to region R*
• Functional relationship between location in undeformed &
deformed (*) coordinates
Deformation of a deformable body
• Eq (2.55) define the final location of a particle P that lies
at a given point (x,y,z) in the deformed member.
• Since functions (x*,y*,z*) are continuous & differentiable
in the independent variables (x, y, z), discontinuity of
these functions means rupture of member.
• This mathematically means eq (2.55) may be solved for
single valued solution of (x,y,z)
Deformation of a deformable body

• Mathematically , it means that eq 2.55 may be solved

for single valued solutions of (x,y,z) eq 2.56
• Eq 2.56 define initial location of a particle P that lies
at point P (x*,y*,z*) in the deformed member.
• The functions (x,y,z) are continuous & differentiable in
the independent variables (x*,y*,z*) .
Lagrangian Coordinates (2.56)

 *
x  x x ,y ,z*

y  y  x ,y ,z 
* * * Eq (2.56) define the initial
location of a particle P that
z  z  x ,y ,z 
* * * lies at a point (x*,y*,z*) in the
deformed member
Strain of a line element Line Element

• The theory of stress of a continuous medium is

based on Newton’s laws
• Theory of strain is based on geometry.
• So both are independent of material behavior,
hence applicable to all materials
• Mathematically both theories are equivalent.
Strain of a line element Line Element

• Under deformation P passes to P* & Q to Q*

P  x, y,z   P* x* , y* ,z* 

Q  x  dx, y  dy,z  dz   Q* x*  dx * , y*  dy* ,z*  dz * 
PQ  ds  P*Q*  ds*

Engineering Strain of PQ
ds*  ds (2.57)
εE 

Not unique
ε E  1
Total Differentials
• By eq (2.55), total differential,

x *
x *
x *
dx 
dx  dy  dz
x y z
y *
y *
y *
dy 
dx  dy  dz
x y z
z *
z *
z *
dz *  dx  dy  dz
x y z
u  x*  x  displacement in x-direction
v  y*  y  displacement in y-direction P P*

w  z*  z  displacement in z-direction (2.59)


x*  x  u ds  Displacements
 dx   dy   dz 
2 2 2 2

y*  y  v (2.59)
ds   dx   dy   dz 
* 2 * 2 * 2 * 2

z*  z  w (2.60)
Magnification Factor / Total Green Strain, M : Measure of
the strain of a line in the body with dcs (l, m, n)
σ PN  l 2 σ xx  m 2 σ yx  n 2 σ zx
2m n σ yz   2n l σ xz   2l m σ xy 

σ PS  σ 2P  σ 2PN  σ 2Px  σ 2Py  σ 2Pz  σ 2PN

Strain – Displacement Relationship
Normal Strains
Components of
Green Strain


These are the finite strain-displacement relations and are

valid for any magnitude of displacement (u,v,w) of the body
Magnification Factor
Let ds lie parallel to the x axis.
l=1 m=0 n=0

1 2
M x   Ex   Ex   xx (2.61a)
• εxx – physically is the magnification factor of the line
element at P that lies initially in the x direction.
• If engineering strain, εEx is small (<<1) , we get εxx ≈ εEx
Magnification Factor
M x   Ex  2Ex   xx
1 2 (2.61b)
M y   Ey   Ey   yy
1 2
M z   Ez   Ez  zz
(εxx , εyy , εzz ) –physically means the magnification factors
for line elements that initially lie parallel to the (x,y,z) axes.

Physical interpretation of εxy , εyz , εzx needs to determine

rotation between two line elements initially parallel to (x,y) ,
(x,z) and (y,z) axes respectively.
Final Direction of a Line Element
Final Direction of Line
Deformation causes the line element ds: (dx, dy, dz) deform
to ds*: (ds*, dy*, dz*)

* dx ds
dx dy dz l 
l m n ds ds*
ds ds ds *
* dy ds
m 
* * * ds ds*
dx dy dz
l*  * m*  * n*  * * dz *
ds ds ds n 
ds ds*
(2.64) (2.65)
Final Direction of a Line Element
By eq 2.58 and 2.59, we get
x*  x  u
x *
x *
x * y*  y  v
dx 
dx  dy  dz z*  z  w
x y z
y *
y *
y *
dy 
dx  dy  dz (2.66)
x y z
z *
z *
z *
dz *  dx  dy  dz
x y z

Final Direction of a Line Element
Final Direction of Line
Final Direction cosines of line element ds when it passes
into the line element ds* under deformation

 u  u u
1   E  l   1   l+ m  n

 x  y z
v  v  v (2.68)
1   E  m  l+  1   m  n
x  y  z
w w  w 
1   E  n  l+ m   1   n
x y  z 
Rotation between two line elements
(Shear Strain

PA  ds1   P* *
A  ds *
  * * *
PB  ds2 P B  ds
  2
PA  PB   
PA  l1 ,m1 ,n1   PA  l1* ,m1* ,n1*
 
PB  l2 ,m2 ,n2   PB  l * ,m* ,n*
 2 2 2
Rotation between two line elements
(Shear Strain)

As PA ┴ PB , 
cos  l1l2 +m1m2 +n1n2  0 (2.69)

cos *=l1*l2* +m1* m*2 +n1* n*2 (2.70)

By eq (2.68-2.70), rewrite eq (2.62), engineering shear

strain between line element PA and PB as deformed to
P*A* and P*B*,
12  1   E1 1   E2  cos * (2.71)
 2l1l2ε xx +2m1m2ε yy +2n1n2ε zx  2 l1m2  m1l2  ε zx
2  m1n2  m1n2  ε yz  2 l1n2  n1l2  ε xy
Rotation between two line elements
(Shear Strains
Physical interpretation of εxy, needs PA and PB to be
oriented , initially to x and y axes respectively.

Let PA and PB be oriented parallel to  x,y  axes

l1  1 m1  0 n1  0
l2  0 m2  1 n2  0
Eq 2.71 yields,
12   xy  2 xy (2.72)
Rotation between two line elements
(Shear Strains

 xy  2 xy
 yz  2 yz (2.73)

 xz  2 xz

Here 2εxy - engineering shear strain between two line

elements initially parallel to the x and y axes respectively.
Rotation between two line elements
Small Strains
(Shear and Rotations

 E1  1
 E2  1 (2.74)

* 

12  1   E1 1   E2  cos *   *

Engineering Shear Strain approximately equal

to the change in angle between PA and PB
Strain Tensor:

  xx  xy  xz 
 

 xy  yy  yz 
  xz  yz  zz 

Under rotation of axes, the components of strain tensor
transform in exactly the same way as stress tensor (2.15,2.17)
Transformation of Strain
• Here, εXX is extensional strain of a line element at P that
lies in the direction of X axis. εXY and εXZ are shear
components between pair of line elements that are
parallel to the axes (X,Y) and (X,Z)
Transformation of Strain
Normal Strain Transformation
• Let ds lie parallel to X ,Y, Z axis, eq 2.61 and table

Transformation of Strain
Shear Strain Transformation
• Take line elements PA and PB parallel to X and Y axes
Principal Strains
Principal Strains
• Through any undeformed member , there exist 3 mutually
perpendicular line elements that remain perpendicular
under deformation. They are principal strains.

 xx  M  xy  xz
 xy  yy  M  yz  0
xz  yz zz  M

3 2
M  I1M  I2 M  I3  0
Strain Invariants
Principal Strains

3 2
M  I1M  I2 M  I3  0

I1   xx   yy  zz

 xx  xy xx  xz  yy  yz
I2    
 xy  yy  xz zz  yz zz
 2xy  2xz  2yz   xx  yy   xx  zz   yy zz
Strain Invariants
Principal Strains

xx  xy  xz
I 3  xy  yy  yz
xz  yz zz
2 2 2
  xx  yy zz  2 xy  yz  xz   xx  yz   yy xz   zz  xy
Principal Directions
Principal Strain Directions
l   xx  M   m xy  n xz  0
2 of first 3

l  xy  m   yy  M   n yz  0
equations are

l  xz  m yz  n  zz  M   0

2 2 2
l  m  n 1
Principal Strains
Strain Invariants
If (x,y,z) axes are principal strain axes,
then εxx = M1 , εyy = M2 , εzz = M3, other strains = 0

I 1  M1  M 2  M 3
I 2   M1 M 2  M 2 M 3  M 3 M 1
I 3  M1 M 2 M 3 (2.78)
SmallDisplacement Theory
Quadratic terms areNormal
ε xx 
ε yy 
(2.81) ε zz 
Small Displacement
Displacement Theory
Shear Strains
u 1  v u 
ε xx  ε xy  ε yx    
x 2  x y 
v 1  w u 
ε yy  ε xz  ε zx    
y 2  x z  (2.81)

w 1  w v 
ε zz  ε yz  ε zy    
z 2  y z 

M  E
Strain Compatibility Relations

• The displacement components (u, v, w) can’t be determined

by integration of eq (2.81) if six strain components are
chosen arbitrarily.
• Certain relationships among the six strain components must
exist so that eq (2.81) may be integrated to obtain three
displacements components.
Strain Compatibility Relations
Plane Strain

u  2ε xx  3u
ε xx   
x y 2
xy 2
v  ε yy  3v
ε yy    2
y x 2
x y
1  v u   2ε xy
 3u  3v
ε xy    2   2
2  x y  xy xy 2
x y
2 2
 ε xx  ε yy
2  ε xy
 2
y 2
x 2
Strain Compatibility
Compatibility Relations

For general 3 D state of stress

 ε yy
 ε xx
 ε xy

 2
x 2
y 2
 ε zz  ε xx
2 2
 ε xz2
 2
x 2
z 2
 ε zz  ε yy  ε yz
2 2 2

 2
y 2
z 2
Strain Compatibility Relations
Strain Compatibility
For general 3 D state of stress

 ε zz
 2ε xy  2ε yz
 ε zx 2
  
xy z 2
zx yz
 ε yy
 ε xz  ε xy  ε yz
2 2 2

  
xz y 2
yz xy
 ε xx  ε yz  ε xz  ε xy
2 2 2 2

  
yz x 2
xy xz
Strain Compatibility Relations
Shear Strain

2ε xy  γ xy
2ε xz  γ xz
2ε yz  γ yz
Strain-Displacement relations for cylindrical
Cylindrical Coordinates

u 1 u v v
ε rr  γ rθ  2 ε rθ   
r r  r r
u 1 v u w
ε θθ   γ rz  2 ε rz  
r r θ z r
w v 1 w
ε zz  γ zθ  2 ε zθ  
z z r 
Strain-Displacement relations for spherical
Spherical Coordinates

ε rr 
u 1 v
ε θθ  
r r θ
u v 1 w
ε    cot  
r r r sin  
Strain-Displacement relations for spherical
Spherical Coordinates

1 u v v
γ rθ  2 ε rθ   
r  r r
1 u w w
γr   2 εr    
r sin   r r
1  w  1 v
γθ   2 εθ     w cot   
r    r sin  
Strain Compatibility Relations
• If we use tensor strain components then strain
transforms just like stress.
• Principal values, principal directions and invariants are
also just like stress.
• Mohr’s circle works for strain as well!
 3 - Stress Equilibrium Equations

 6 - Strain Displacement Equations

 6 – Compatibility Equations (Derived

from Strain Displacement)

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