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Advantages to
Technology in the

EDF 309
By: Sarah Tate
Hello everyone, this is Sarah I am from a small town just outside of Fort Worth
Texas. I love plants and flowers, I love to read, and I love to play soccer.
Additionally, I am a University Studies major with an emphasis in early
childhood education and I would say that I am not that good at using
technology so this class will hopefully help me out a lot.

However, here are my opinions on what I believe are the disadvantages and
advantages to using technology in the classroom.
Disadvantage #1
One big disadvantage from using technology
in the classroom is that it makes it very easy
for students to cheat.

-Students can easily find ways to cheat

especially when they have access to
technology. They can always find a way to get
answers and not obtain the knowledge that
they need in order to grow and learn.
Disadvantage #2
Another disadvantage to using technology in
the classroom is that it is very expensive.

-Technological devices can break very easily

and to replace them is very expensive.

-Along with technology internet access

typically needs to be provided.

-The upkeep of technology can also be very

Disadvantage #3
Lastly, another disadvantage of technology in
the classroom is that it can be unreliable.

-A lot of information found on the internet

can be false.

-Sometimes the internet is unreliable and can

take a long time to start working again.

-In addition, the site the school use can have

malfunctions causing work to be lost or
Advantage #1
Allows students to be creative, and explore
new ways to learn based on their needs.

-If a student needs information to be read

aloud there are apps that can read anything
out loud. Or even speak to text apps to help
with typing.

-Endless opportunities to use different

websites and apps to help students be
creative on their presentations or
Advantage #2
Another advantage to using technology in the
classroom is that it can allow students to be
more engaged.

-Students tend to be more engaged with

technology since it is more exciting and allows
them endless opportunities to be expressive.

-There are many ways for teachers to give

students assignments through technology
that are more fun than pencils and papers
which makes students want to do their work.
Advantage #3
Another advantage to using technology in the
classroom is that it helps prepare students
for the real world.

-Our world and the technology within the

world is constantly evolving.

-Students need to already know how to use

and advance with technology.

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