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3a Animal cells
• LO: Locate and describe the structure of an animal cell.

Starter: Animal cells Can you spell the following

words CORRECTLY in the back
Plant or animal? of your book?
Nucleas, cytopllasm,
clorroplasts, sell, vacoule.

What are the similarities

and differences between an
animal and plant cell?

Cell Similarities Differences


1.3a Animal cells
• LO: Locate and describe the structure of an animal cell.

Arm Eyepiece

Stage Objective lens

Focussing wheel

Base Mirror
Learning outcomes (activity 1)

Key Words – cytoplasm, mitochondria, cell membrane, nucleus,

Animal cells research

 Highlight animal cell parts in pink

 Highlight plant cell parts in green
 Highlight functions in blue
 Label the diagrams above

 Draw and label an animal cell

 Describe the function of each
organelle: cytoplasm, nucleus, cell
membrane and mitochondria

 Draw a cheek cell and describe how

it functions
 Create an acronym to help you to
remember the organelles found in
animal cells.

Key Words - cytoplasm, mitochondria,

cell membrane, nucleus, respiration
1.3a Animal cells
• LO: Locate and describe the structure of an animal cell.

Nucleus Cell membrane

Cytoplasm Mitochondria
Learning outcomes (activity 2)

Key Words – cytoplasm, mitochondria, cell membrane, nucleus,

Viewing animal cells - method
• LO: Locate and describe the structure of an animal cell.
Viewing animal cells

 Draw a group of cells

 Use a sharp pencil
 Don’t colour/shade in any parts of
the drawing
 Give your drawing a heading
 Draw the specimen in a rectangle
not a circle
 Label each structure

 Calculate total magnification of the

cheek cell

 find the actual size of a cell

measured under a microscope. The
cell is 1cm in diameter

Key Words - cytoplasm, mitochondria,

Cells x1000 cell membrane, nucleus, respiration
Learning outcomes (activity 3)

Key Words – cytoplasm, mitochondria, cell membrane, nucleus,

1.3a Animal cells
• LO: Locate and describe the structure of an animal cell.

Arm Eyepiece

Stage Objective lens

Focussing wheel

Base Mirror
1.3a Animal cells
• LO: Locate and describe the structure of an animal cell.

? ?

? ?
Learning outcomes
• LO: Locate and describe the structure of an animal cell.

1. Which outcome are

you most confident

2. What Band do you

believe you
confidently achieved

3. What outcome would

you like to improve
your knowledge on?

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