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Which of the following is not a stage of


A Krebs Cycle

B Glycolysis

C Calvin Cycle

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Which of the following is a by-product of
anaerobic respiration in humans?

A Oxygen

B Carbon Dioxide

C Lactic Acid

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Which organelle is known as the powerhouse of
the cell where aerobic respiration takes place?

A Golgi Apparatus

B Nucleus

C Mitochondria

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Respiration only occurs in humans and not in other
living organisms.

A True B False

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Anaerobic respiration produces more energy than
aerobic respiration.

A True B False

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Which of the following is the correct equation for
aerobic respiration?

Glucose + Oxygen ->

A Carbon Dioxide + Water
+ Energy

Glucose -> Lactic Acid

B + Energy

Glucose + Carbon
C Dioxide -> Oxygen +
Water + Energy

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During heavy exercise, which type of respiration do
muscles rely on for energy production?

A Anaerobic Respiration

B Aerobic Respiration

C Photosynthesis

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During respiration, what gas is taken in by the body
and used in the process?

A Oxygen

B Carbon Dioxide

C Nitrogen

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What is the primary function of respiration in living

To release energy from

A food

B To absorb sunlight

C To produce proteins

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Breathing and respiration are the same

A True B False

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